Public Domain
Lair of the DragonbirdLair of the DragonbirdIt had taken him five years, but it was worth it. The insurance money from the crashed Space Needle had just barely covered the down payment on the new ship, and it had taken five years to pay for the rest...
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$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Las Fuerzas ExtrañasLas Fuerzas ExtrañasEn la versin de texto sin formato, el texto en cursiva se indica con _guiones bajos_. El signo ^ representa un superndice; as e^ representa la letra _e_ minscula escrita como superndice inmediatamente despus del carcter precedente. Del mismo modo _{4} representa...
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The Everlasting ManThe Everlasting ManThere are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there. The other is to walk round the whole world till we come back to the same place; and I tried to trace such a journey in a...
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$27.73 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Äidit: Romaani kansannaisistaÄidit: Romaani kansannaisistaMari seisoi tuvan lieden luona ja valmisti illallista tyst palaaville. Hn oli viisikymmenvuotias, mutta nytti paljon vanhemmalta, sill vartalonsa oli hiukan kumarassa, ja raskaan raatamisen jljet nkyivt ksien kyhmyisiss sormissa ja kasvojen rypyiss. Liedess oli kolmijalalla pata. Hn kohenteli tulta sen alla...
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Henry More Smith: The Mysterious StrangerHenry More Smith: The Mysterious StrangerSometime in the month of July, 1812, nearly a hundred years ago now, a well dressed, smooth spoken man, less than thirty years of age, made his appearance at Windsor, Nova Scotia. He was looking for employment, but gave...
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Libros de caballeríasLibros de caballerías - Selecciónp. 5Va impreso en letra cursiva, igual a la de esta advertencia, todo lo que el editor ha tenido que aadir, por razones de claridad, a los pasajes de los libros de caballeras, y en los usuales caracteres de imprenta...
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L'Histoire merveilleuse de Robert le DiableL'Histoire merveilleuse de Robert le Diable - remise en lumière pour édifier les petits et distraire les autresRobert le Diable, personnage lgendaire, eut une longue popularit dans les campagnes franaises. Mais la littrature, envahissant tout, a peu peu dtruit nos lgendes, soit que par...
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"A Most Unholy Trade," Being Letters on the Drama by Henry James"A Most Unholy Trade," Being Letters on the Drama by Henry JamesThe four letters here printed for the first time are part of Henry Jamess informal correspondence with William Heinemann, the publisher. They are selected for their unity of subject, in that they concern...
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$27.73 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Lord Lister No. 0001: De Groote OnbekendeLord Lister No. 0001: De Groote OnbekendeDe vensters van het gebouw, dat zich aan het Strand in Londen bevond, zagen uit op dezen breeden verkeersweg en Mr. Brown kon door de neergelaten jaloezien het drukke gewoel der reuzenstad zien. Zoo, zoo, sprak Mr. Brown,...
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Nog eens: de millioenen uit DeliNog eens: de millioenen uit DeliLevendig kan ik mij voorstellen, dat na het lezen mijner brochure De Millioenen uit Deli deze vraag rees op de lippen van ieder, die, nooit in Deli geweest zijnde, dit gewest waarschijnlijk alleen kende uit de koloniale verslagen of...
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Il castello di Trezzo: Novella storicaIl castello di Trezzo: Novella storica Nellet di mezzo, et darmi e di fanatismo, in cui rade volte i principi savevano di mira il pubblico bene, lItalia non offriva quellaspetto florido e ridente che attualmente presenta. Non vedevansi allora comode ed ampie strade, non...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 21, Vol. I, May 24, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 21, Vol. I, May 24, 1884Coasting along the arid Syrian shore, there is little to attract the attention of the traveller from Port Said to Jaffa, till the last-named town is in sight....
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Paul Verlaine: Hänen elämänsä ja runoutensaPaul Verlaine: Hänen elämänsä ja runoutensaMuutamia viikkoja Sinun kuolemasi jlkeen kysyi sisaresi minulta, haluaisinko jonkun Sinun kirjasi muistoksi Sinusta: pyysin silloin, ett saisin pit omanani Verlaine'in runot, "Choix de posies", jonka elesssi olit minulle lainannut ja jota Sin paljon rakastit. Joka kerta, kun nen...
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$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Fables of Flowers for the Female Sex. With Zephyrus and Flora, a VisionFables of Flowers for the Female Sex. With Zephyrus and Flora, a VisionWhen I survey the divine simplicity and blooming attractions, that are displayed amongst the variegated tribes of the vegetable creation, I cease to wonder, that Queens forego, for a while, the compliments...
- $8.66 SGD
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The Thing in the TruckThe Thing in the TruckJoe Loftus and I were driving the big semi-trailer back from Montauk that night after delivering a load of fishing gear to one of the big resorts out there and wondering if we'd be able to pick up a truckload...
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6 Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881Six Years with the Texas Rangers, 1875 to 1881To write a true and complete history of the Texas Rangers as a state organization would require much time and an able historian. I am not a historian and could not undertake such an exhaustive treatise,...
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The Adventures of a MarmotteThe Adventures of a Marmotte - Sold for the Distressed IrishIn presenting this little Work to the Public, I can solicit for it no better protection than the generosity of an English heart; and I must beg my little readers will make allowances for...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Putnam's Automobile Handbook: The Care and Management of the Modern Motor-CarPutnam's Automobile Handbook: The Care and Management of the Modern Motor-CarMuch of the material, here assembled for the first time, has been printed in the automobile section of New York City newspapers. It has stood the scrutiny of the wisest men in the automobile...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Förgeteg János mint közerő és más elbeszélésekFörgeteg János mint közerő és más elbeszélésekHalbr Frgeteg Jnos reggel aludt a domaszki kapitnysg terletn. Mert tudnival, hogy Jnosnak ott van a tanyja. A tanyban van egy gy, letertve szpen subval, a fejtl van egy fanyereg, amelyet bebortott szrrel. Ez gy egszen j prnafle...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Time SnatcherThe Time SnatcherTime Patrolman Brek Halliday nodded in agreement. It was a tense situation. Time travel, he knew, was possible only so long as the traveller into the past did nothing that would change history significantly; the time-stream itself would straighten out little changes...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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