Public Domain
Modern literature: a novel, Volume 1 (of 3)Modern literature: a novel, Volume 1 (of 3)COURTEOUS READER, The production that I now submit to you, proposes to represent the manners of the times, in various situations, but especially in literary departments. These are subjects with which I have been, and am, peculiarly...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The traitor's wayThe traitor's wayI suppose there is no man who would care to have sunlight in all his life; but I hardly think there is one who could have sunk to the deep as I did, and yet have been coward enough to live, as...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Iroquois or, the bright side of Indian characterThe Iroquois; or, the bright side of Indian characterA book about Indians,who cares any thing about them? This will probably be the exclamation of many who glance at my title-page, for to those who know nothing concerning them, a whole book about Indians will...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Education and livingEducation and livingThese papers, reprinted with slight additions from the pages of the New Republic, through the courtesy of the editors, do not pretend to be anything more than glimpses and paraphrases of new tendencies in the American school and college. The public school...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Szent Péter esernyőjeSzent Péter esernyőjeMikor tant hal is meg, szomjasan maradnak a srsk. Ht mg mikor az zvegy megy utna? Nem maradt annak a vilgon semmije, csak egy kecskje, egy hizlals alatt lev libja s egy kt ves lenygyereke. A libnak mg legfeljebb egy htig kellett...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The history of Bannock County, IdahoThe history of Bannock County, IdahoAlthough Bannock county is not yet twenty-five years old, it has seemed desirable to collect her history, before the adventures and legends of early days have been lost in the more prosaic and pressing interests of today. Probably no...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Auxiliary cook bookThe Auxiliary cook bookAs the tender bud requires the sunshine, air, and water for its development, so the child, to unfold all its powers and inborn faculties, requires the sunshine of kindness and sympathy, an atmosphere of love and a rich spiritual and physical...
- $8.65 SGD
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Mother Bunny and her flowersMother Bunny and her flowersSo those cute little Bunnies ran out with rake, and hoe, and wheelbarrow, and they all worked in Mother Buns garden, helping her prepare the soil for her garden. She was very happy and shook the packages of seeds in...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever wereThe true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever were. - A work full of curiosity and learning. Translated and commented by Theophilus de Garencieres,...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Nearest the PoleNearest the Pole - a narrative of the polar expedition of the Peary Arctic Club in the S.S. Roosevelt, 1905-1906The Address of President Roosevelt on his presentation of the Hubbard Medal of the National Geographic Society to Commander Robert E. Peary, at the annual...
- $8.65 SGD
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A brazileira de Prazins: scenas do MinhoA brazileira de Prazins: scenas do Minho. Entre as diversas molestias significativas da minha velhice, o amor aos livros antigosa mais dispendiosaleva-me o dinheiro que me sobra da botica, onde os outros achaques me obrigam a fazer grandes orgias de pilulas e tizanas. E,...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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One of threeOne of threeThe bit of whitish substance fluoresced, which of course was quite natural. It also vibrated very faintly, which was unnatural. At least, this property had not been known previouslywhich is really saying little since the material had been compounded from artificial radioisotopes...
- $8.65 SGD
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The land of mistThe land of mistTHE great Professor Challenger has beenvery improperly and imperfectlyused in fiction. A daring author placed him in impossible and romantic situations in order to see how he would react to them. He reacted to the extent of a libel action, an...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Really so storiesReally so storiesSomebody had expected to have a wonderful time telling him stories; but it turned out that the boy named Billy did not care for made up stories. He would listen, if they were sufficiently exciting, but even stories of wolves and bears...
- $8.65 SGD
$27.69 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Professoreita ja ylioppilaita: Kertomus Turusta 1660 vaiheiltaProfessoreita ja ylioppilaita: Kertomus Turusta 1660 vaiheiltaVarhain kevll vuonna 1663 kveli ern iltana kolme nuorta ylioppilasta pitk Hmeenkatua Turussa. He kulkivat luostariin pin, siihen kaupungin osaan, joka oli saanut nimens muinoin siell lytyneest dominikaniluostarista. Tultuansa lhelle kadun loppua poikkesivat he kapealle syrjkadulle, joka johti...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Modern költők: Külföldi antológia a költők arcképeivelModern költők: Külföldi antológia a költők arcképeivelEz a knyv az j lrt szlaltatja meg. Flve rom le: majd az egsz vilg lrjt. Hogy mi az j lra, azt inkbb rezzk, mint tudjuk. Vannak itt kltk, akik mr ktszz v ta halottak s hinyoznak innen...
- $8.65 SGD
$27.69 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Sparrow the tramp: A fable for childrenSparrow the tramp: A fable for childrenProduced by: D A Alexander, Dorothy Scrafford Whaley (who received the book on her sixth birthday, October 16th, 1912, and bequeathed the book to her granddaughter, the PM and PP for the book), and the Online Distributed Proofreading...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Journey to Lhasa and Central TibetJourney to Lhasa and Central TibetSarat Chandra Das was born in the town of Chittagong, in Eastern Bengal, in 1849, in a Hindu family of the vaidya, or medical caste. He received his education in the Presidency College at Calcutta, where he became favourably...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1878]The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1878] - being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the most improved methods of managementJUST a few words at starting on the history of the bee in ancient and modern literature. Our work...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Cat o' mountainCat o' mountainInto his new-laid rock the giant crashed his huge hammer, smashing asunder his handiwork, gouging out chasms, splitting it into fissure and cavern and abyss, slashing its eastern edge into a frowning precipice. When he had gone, up into some of his...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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