Public Domain
Civilisation 1914-1918Civilisation 1914-1918With the exception of, perhaps, Le Feu by Henri Barbusse, no book made such a stir in the France of 1914-1918 as Georges Duhamels[1] Civilisation. Its success was as immediate as its appeal was universal. Like Le Feu, it was awarded the Prix...
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Glenarvon, Volume 2 (of 3)Glenarvon, Volume 2 (of 3) In the morning Calantha beheld crowds of discontented catholics who thronged the outer courts waiting to see her father. Petitions for redress were thrown in at the windows; and whilst they were at breakfast, Sir Everard entering, without even...
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An inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumptionAn inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumptionThe attention of Physicians has for several years past been excited to the consideration of that inveterate enemy of the human race, the Consumption. Several works have been published, new remedies proposed, and the practice of former physicians revived...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The soul of LilithThe soul of Lilith The following story does not assume to be what is generally understood by a novel. It is simply the account of a strange and daring experiment once actually attempted, and is offered to those who are interested in the unseen...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Francia kastély: RegényFrancia kastély: RegénySzindbd, aki a rgi, brndos s regnyesked felvidki vrosba gyakran elutazgatott rgi hzakhoz, rgi bartokhoz s rgi rkhoz, az larcos-blon fekete selyem papi ltnyben jelent meg, mert ebben az ltzetben mg jobban tetszelgett magnak, mint a kzpkori zsoldos-vezr pazar bivalybreiben. Fehr keztyt...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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A classical dictionaryA classical dictionary - containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors with tables of coins, weights, and measures used among the Greeks and Romans and a chronological table In the following pages it has been the wish of...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Illustrations of the manners, customs, & condition of the North American Indians, Vol. 1 (of 2)Illustrations of the manners, customs, & condition of the North American Indians, Vol. 1 (of 2) - With letters and notes, written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existingAs the following pages have been hastily...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Rosaleen among the artistsRosaleen among the artistsNo sooner had she got inside the door than the tears began to fall; and all the way up the four flights of dark stairway they were raining down her cheeks. She had to wipe them away before she could see...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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O tutto o nulla: romanzoO tutto o nulla: romanzo Senza fiori nascosti nella sottoveste, ma con un volumetto tra mani e liberamente in mostra per ogni gena di curiosi, Aldo De Rossi era andato, verso le tre del pomeriggio, a far visita alla signora. Non istate a credere...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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25 years in the Secret Service: The recollections of a spyTwenty-five years in the Secret Service: The recollections of a spyIt has seemed good in the sight of many people that I should place on record, in some permanent and acceptable form, the story of my eventful life. And so I am about to...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Observations sur l'organisation des postes et messageries, présentées au Corps législatifObservations sur l'organisation des postes et messageries, présentées au Corps législatifVous avez prononcer sur une question dun intrt majeur, vu quil sagit dadopter un mode qui rende profitable pour le trsor national une partie importante de ladministration publique, dont la gestion exige depuis quelque...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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A modern exodus: a novelA modern exodus: a novelNot wishing my readers to be falsely impressed on perusing this novel, I wish to inform them that this is a story of the impossible, and is placed in the future for the sake of convenience. Were England other than...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Chinese pottery and porcelain vol. 2. Ming and Ch'ing PorcelainChinese pottery and porcelain; vol. 2. Ming and Ch'ing PorcelainTranscriber's Notes: 1. Items marked wth an asterisk (*): Pieces mentioned here from the British Museum collection. 2. The items marked with two asterisks (**) are stated to have been copied from old specimens in...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Stewart Kidd modern plays, edited by Frank ShayHearts to mend: A fantasy in one actTO MEET the immensely increased demands of the play-reading public and those interested in the modern drama, Stewart & Kidd Company are issuing under the general editorship of Frank Shay a series of plays from the pens...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Betrothed for a day: Or, Queenie Trevalyn's love testBetrothed for a day: Or, Queenie Trevalyn's love testAUTHOR OF The Lovely Maid of Darby Town, What is Life Without Love? Sweet Dolly Gray, Sweetheart Will You be True? The Price of Pretty Odettes Kiss, Sweet Kitty Clover, Ought We to Invite Her? Parted...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Proceedings of the Academy of Political ScienceThe economic position of womenOf all the problems that have come in the train of the industrial revolution none are more perplexing than those that concern women. It is a wearisome commonplace that the factory has taken over much of the industrial work of...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The fortunes of FifiThe fortunes of FifiAlthough it was not yet six oclock, the November night had descended upon Parisespecially in those meaner quarters on the left bank of the Seine, where, in 1804, lights were still scarce. However, three yellow flickering lamps hung upon a rope...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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List of post offices in Canada, with the names of the postmasters ... 1856List of post offices in Canada, with the names of the postmasters ... 1856 - With a supplementary list to 1st March, 1857, inclusiveProduced by: WebRover, Adrian Mastronardi, The Philatelic Digital Library Project and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The danger and immodesty of the present too general custom of unnecessarily employing men-midwivesThe danger and immodesty of the present too general custom of unnecessarily employing men-midwives - Being the letters which lately appeared under the signature of a man-midwife. With an introduction, a treatise on the milk, and an appendix.To the PUBLIC. I have very long...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Your pay envelopeYour pay envelopeThe soap-box orator wants you to believe that all the wise men in this world are Socialists, and that those who do not accept the teachings of Karl Marx are either ignoramuses or wicked men. You tell me that your common sense...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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