Public Domain
The Three Billy Goats GruffThis classic story is a favorite with toddlers, who will cheer on the three clever billy goats who outsmart a mean troll. With plenty of repetition, this adventure is perfect for reading aloud and for joining in, and a satisfying ending provides a reassuring...
- $19.45 SGD
$43.97 SGD- $19.45 SGD
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Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Piggy stole the cookies from the cookie jar!Who Me?Yes, you!Couldn't be!Then Who?Was it Piggy, Kitty, Bunny, Dog, or Mouse? They each have a motiveA of them love cookies--but no one wants to take the blame for...
- $15.55 SGD
$27.48 SGD- $15.55 SGD
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GroundedGroundedLieutenant Colonel Martin sat back in his hard desk chair and looked out through the tinted window to where the slim, dartlike jets waited, poised on the sun-washed runways. A red and blue jet swooped down out of the brilliant, cloudless sky and shot...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The angry houseThe angry houseIt thought, I am content. I am content because there are so many things I can do to make them happy. I can cook their meals, make the beds, scrub my floors, wash my windows. I can bathe them, keep them warm,...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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AwakeningAwakeningStartled, Alice realized that she was behind schedule in her household duties. Quickly she switched the news off the Tevee. Master Kelsey hated newscasts. They made him uneasy, particularly with all this talk about a possible air-raid. The cumulative loneliness, the hours of lonely...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Os jardins ou a arte de aformosear as paisagens: PoemaOs jardins ou a arte de aformosear as paisagens: PoemaVarias pessoas de grande merecimento escrevro em prosa cerca dos Jardins. O Author deste Poema colheo dellas alguns preceitos, e at descripes. Em bastantes passagens teve a dita de encontrar-se com to bons Escritores, porque...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Bell's miniature series of paintersSir Lawrence Alma Tadema Laurens Alma Tadema was born on January 8th, 1836, at Dronryp, a little town in the very heart of the Frisian province of Holland. Hence by birth Tadema is Dutch, though by residence and naturalization he is now an Englishman....
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Tibetan GrammarTibetan GrammarThe present new edition of Mr. Jschkes Tibetan Grammar scarcely needs a word of apology. As the first edition which was lithographed at Kyela in 1865 in a limited number of copies has long been out of print, Dr. Rost urged the author...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The Grafton seriesWinning his gameJimmy Logan stood his skis in the corner behind the door and, tramping heavily to get the clinging snow from his shoes, climbed the first flight in Trow Hall slowly and then dragged wearied feet down the corridor to Number 19. Once...
- $8.58 SGD
$27.48 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Die Ausgrabungen im Bêl-Tempel zu NippurDie Ausgrabungen der Universität von Pennsylvania im Bêl-Tempel zu NippurDas Land, in das ich Sie bitten mchte, mich heute abend kurz zu begleiten, ist Ihnen allen von Jugend auf aus dem Alten Testamente wohl bekannt. Es ist die kleine Alluvialebene sdlich von Baghdd, von...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The white cipherThe white cipherSwirled in the maze of a slow awakening, dropped through an abyss from zenith to nadir, the prisoner came out of his dreams and stared through the bars of his door to the pearl gray of the coming dawn. C-45better known in...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Sketchbook of the Philadelphia and Boston Face Brick CompanySketchbook of the Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Co.FROM time immemorial the domestic hearth has been the theme of optimists and poets, who have lavished on it the most endearing words, and have associated it with their most delightful thoughts. The fireplace has always...
- $8.58 SGD
$28.34 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The cost of wings, and other storiesThe cost of wings, and other storiesSHELDRICK, returning, refreshed and exhilarated, from a spin with a friend who had brought down a racing car of forty horse-power and an enthusiasm to match, found his wife sitting in the same chair, in the same attitude,...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Spiritual vampirism: The history of Etherial Softdown, and her friends of the "New Light"Spiritual vampirism: The history of Etherial Softdown, and her friends of the "New Light"On page 392 of the concluding sketch of a late series, the Tales of the Southern Border, occurs the following passage: THE ESCRITOIRE. The author, being a resident of New York...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Little Jack Rabbit BooksLittle Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked WolfLittle rabbit, said Professor Jim Crow as he opened his little Wisdom Book, let me read you something, for this is the season of good cheer and happy hearts and Xmas stockings and cranberry tarts. And then that...
- $8.58 SGD
$27.48 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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A boke made by John Fryth, prysoner in the Tower of LondonA boke made by John Fryth, prysoner in the Tower of London - answerynge unto M. Mores letter, which he wrote agaynst the fyrste lytle treatyse that John Fryth made, concernynge the sacramente of the body and bloude of Christ|Master. More.| In my moste...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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A bird of passageA bird of passageFew travellers penetrate to the Andamans, unless it be an enthusiastic astronomer to witness a rare comet, or an enterprising professor, who happens to be fired with a desire to study the language and the skulls of the aborigines. These islands...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Sketches from the history of medicine, ancient and modernSketches from the history of medicine, ancient and modern - An oration delivered before the Hunterian SocietyThe few minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcriber's note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Matti Pohto: Vanhojen suomalaisten kirjain pelastajaMatti Pohto: Vanhojen suomalaisten kirjain pelastajaSeuraaville sivuille on koottu silyneet vhiset tiedot elmntyst, joka tuloksissaan ja suorittajansa henkiln nhden meidn ja luultavasti muidenkin kansain sivistyshistoriassa on ainutlaatuinen. Se suurty, mink Matti Pohto suomalaisten kirjain ystvn ja kerjn vaatimattomassa elmssn suoritti, hertti kyll jo tekijns...
- $8.58 SGD
$17.18 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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