Public Domain
Les amours du chevalier de Faublas, tome 3/5Les amours du chevalier de Faublas, tome 3/5L'auguste crmonie s'achevoit. Dans un discours qui m'avoit paru long, l'loquent ministre venoit de nous recommander des vertus que je ne croyois pas difficiles. Sophie me nommoit son poux; ma bouche rptoit Sophie un serment qu'avouoit mon...
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The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, Volume 2 (of 2)The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, Volume 2 (of 2) The text may show quotations within quotations, all set off by similar quote marks. The inner quotations have been changed to alternate quote marks for improved readability. This book was written in a...
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Szép Mikhál: RegénySzép Mikhál: RegényNagytisztelet s tuds Frlich Dvid uram hirt messze fld ismer azon idkben, tudniillik ezerhatszz tven tjn, a mikor Magyarorszgon egsz rsekjvrig s Egerig a trk szultn, innen Nagyvradig s a Szepessgig a rmai csszr, Vradtl a szkely fldig pedig Rkczy Gyrgy erdlyi...
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Jean-Christophe, Volume 4Jean-Christophe, Volume 4 - Le Buisson Ardent, La Nouvelle JournéeChristophe tait tranquille; la paix tait en lui. Il prouvait, quelque fiert de l'avoir conquise. Et secrtement, il en tait contrit. Il s'tonnait du silence. Ses passions taient endormies; il croyait, de bonne foi, qu'elles...
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Kneetime animal storiesLightfoot, the Leaping Goat: His Many AdventuresFor Lightfoot and Blackie were two goats, and they lived with several others on the rocky[8] hillside at the edge of a big city. Lightfoot and Blackie, with four other goats, were owned by the widow, Mrs. Malony....
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Política americanaPolítica americanaNo faltar quien me pregunte si soy prncipe lejislador para disertar sobre poltica. Responder que no y aadir que cabalmente porque no soy ni lo uno ni lo otro me he decidido escribir sobre la materia. Si yo fuera prncipe lejislador no me...
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$27.72 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Journal of Jacob FowlerThe Journal of Jacob Fowler - Narrating an Adventure from Arkansas Through the IndianJacob Fowler is an unknown author whose work has never before been heralded beyond the private circles of his friends, relatives, and descendants. The editor of his Journal has therefore a...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A Religious Tract, Recommending a Christian's Duty, Most Respectfully, to the Parishioners of Orton on the Hill & Twycross, in the County of LeicesterA Religious Tract, Recommending a Christian's Duty, Most Respectfully, to the Parishioners of Orton on the Hill & Twycross, in the County of Leicester.May you practise this friendly admonition contained herein, being assured I wish no harm or evil to any part of the...
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Acts of 30° & 43° Geo. III. relating to a district in the Parish of Saint Luke, Chelsea, called Hans TownActs of 30° & 43° Geo. III. relating to a district in the Parish of Saint Luke, Chelsea, called Hans TownTranscribed from the 1807 George Eyre and Andrew Stranan edition by David Price, email Many thanks to Kensington and Chelsea local studies for...
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Rakkaus on nopeampi Piiroisen pässiäkinRakkaus on nopeampi Piiroisen pässiäkin - Kertomus Korpivaaran Tutjanpohjaan tulleesta miljoonaperinnöstäJyrki Mutasen talo on siell Hukansalon perukoilla, niin ett sinne tulee Korpivaaran Tutjunpohjastakin kymmenisen virstaa. Poliisikonstaapeli Tuomas Kontkanen oli harmistunut, kun tytyi nimismiehen kskyst lhte jumppaisemaan semmoista matkaa ja aivan tyhj emtnt hamuilemaan, niinkuin...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A Sermon Preached at Kensington Church, on June the 29th, 1794A Sermon Preached at Kensington Church, on June the 29th, 1794 - After the Victory Gained at Sea, June the 1stIn a chapter previous to that from whence my text is taken, our blessed Saviour, had been preaching his most excellent sermon on the...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Oeuvres complètes, tome 5Oeuvres complètes, tome 5Vous avez t en France? me dit le plus poliment du monde, et avec un air de triomphe, la personne avec laquelle je disputois Il est bien surprenant, dis-je en moi-mme, que la navigation de vingt-un milles, car il n'y a...
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A Week in Wall StreetA Week in Wall Street - By One Who KnowsThe following pages were written during leisure hours of the last six or eight weeks, of which the times have thrown rather too many upon the writers hands; and the statement of this fact, I...
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The Sea and Its Living WondersThe Sea and Its Living Wonders - A Popular Account of the Marvels of the Deep and of the Progress of Martime Discovery from the Earliest Ages to the Present TimeFor years my daily walks have been upon the beach, and I have learnt...
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The Photographer's Evidence Or, Clever but CrookedThe Photographer's Evidence; Or, Clever but CrookedNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced no other...
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The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 3)The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 3)The conventions of 1824 and 1825 marked the formal and final withdrawal of Russia as claimant to the sovereignty of the Oregon country, or of any part of it. The convention of the former...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Notes Upon IndigoNotes Upon Indigo A publication devoted to the interests of the woollen manufacture, while giving due prominence to its first raw material, wool, cannot neglect the secondary materials which enter into finished fabrics. The attractiveness and utility of the largest class of these fabrics...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Les louanges de la FolieLes louanges de la Folie - Traicté fort plaisant en forme de paradoxe, traduict d'Italien en François par feu messire Jehan du Thier'il est ainsi que plusieurs ayent acquis grande louange & estime entre les hommes, pour avoir escript mille facecies & choses vaines,...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Leben und Meinungen des Herrn Andreas von Balthesser, eines Dandy und DilettantenLeben und Meinungen des Herrn Andreas von Balthesser, eines Dandy und DilettantenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1907 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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An Account of the Ladies of LlangollenAn Account of the Ladies of LlangollenLady Eleanor Butler and Miss Ponsonby were Irish ladies of rank and beauty, who loved each other with an affection so true that they could never bear the idea of the separation which the marriage of either would...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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