Public Domain
World of MockeryWorld of MockeryJohn Hall wiped away blood that trickled from his mouth. Painstakingly he disengaged himself from the hopeless wreckage of the control room. He staggered free, his lungs pumping with terrific effort to draw enough oxygen from the thin, bitterly cold air of...
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The Cable GameThe Cable Game - The Adventures of an American Press-Boat in Turkish Waters During the Russian RevolutionIt has seemed worth while to set down the account of the experiences reported in the following pages, not because they represent any important achievement, nor yet because...
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$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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How Salvator Won, and Other RecitationsHow Salvator Won, and Other RecitationsI AM constantly urged by readers and impersonators to furnish them with verses for recitation. In response to this ever-increasing demand I have selected, for this volume, the poems which seem suitable for such a purpose. In making my...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Mythology of Greece and Rome, With Special Reference to Its Use in ArtThe Mythology of Greece and Rome, With Special Reference to Its Use in Art Myths may be described as poetic narratives of the birth, life, and actions of the old heathen gods and heroes or demigods. Both myth and legend[1] are distinguished from the...
- $8.66 SGD
$27.72 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Educational Writings of Richard MulcasterThe Educational Writings of Richard MulcasterSome apology is needed for the presentation of an Elizabethan writer to English readers in any form but that of the original text. The justification of the present volume must lie in the fact that in the three centuries...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Pirate SubmarineThe Pirate SubmarineThus spoke Tom Trevorrick, senior partner of the firm of Trevorrick, Pengelly & Co., shipbreakers, of Polkyll, near Falmouth. He was a tall, powerfully-built man, standing six feet two and a half inches in his socks, red-haired, florid featured, with a high...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Paholaisen silmäPaholaisen silmäTapahtuipa kerran ja samoin on tapahtunut usein ett kolme pohjoismaista taiteilijaa li tuumansa tukkoon Parisissa ja elosteli kolme piv yhteen menoon. Raudanlujalla johdonmukaisuudella he kaatoivat sisns suuret mrt hyv ja huonoa vkiviinaa. He hiritsivt aamukahviloita, tappelivat pika-ajurien kanssa ja tuottivat vaivaa poliisikonstaapeleille Sacr-Coeurista...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Pieni palvelustyttöPieni palvelustyttöHn istui Bone Alleyn varrella ern talon oven kynnyksell. Hnen ympristns oli sellainen, jommoista nill seuduilla Lontoossa kyhien kortteleissa nkee joka piv; eik hn itse myskn herttnyt mitn huomiota tss ympristss. Kymmenest hnen ohitsensa kulkevasta henkilst olisi yhdeksn mennyt menojaan suomatta hnelle silmystkn....
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Angels in ArtAngels in ArtNGELS and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, and all the glorious hosts of heaven were a fruitful source of inspiration to the oldest painters and sculptors whose works are known to us, while the artists of our more practical, less dreamful age are,...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Space-WolfSpace-WolfSolo Morgan laid his small portable spectroscope on the rock and sat down beside it to rest. He was panting, breathless from the climb up to these precipitous heights, even though the gravity here on Titan was less than that of Earth. It was...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The World-Struggle for OilThe World-Struggle for Oil SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICAL THEORY Harry Elmer Barnes THE OLD AND THE NEW GERMANY John Firman Coar THE BASIS OF SOCIAL THEORY Albert G.A. Balz ESSAYS IN ECONOMIC THEORY Simon Nelson Patten THE TREND OF ECONOMICS Various Writers THE FABRIC OF...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A kőszivű ember fiai (2. rész): RegényA kőszivű ember fiai (2. rész): RegényHogy egy kicsiny, elszigetelt orszgnak rokontalan nemzete valaha sajt haderejvel, kilencz oldalrl rrohan tmads ellen vdelmezte volna magt, diadallal, dicssggel! Hogy ne birt volna vele egy ris! hogy r kellett volna ereszteni Eurpa msik koloszszt is, s mg...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A kőszivű ember fiai (1. rész): RegényA kőszivű ember fiai (1. rész): RegényA nagytisztelet r pen kzepn volt a toasztnak A pezsgs pohr nektrhabja vgig csurgott kvr ujjain A megkezdett phrsis kifogott a td hatskpessgn s a nyakizmok minden tehetsgt megprblta A nemes buzgalom egszen arczba kergette a vrt A...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Land und Leute. 13Der SchwarzwaldDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1911 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird....
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Dragon-Queen of JupiterThe Dragon-Queen of JupiterTex stirred uneasily where he lay on the parapet, staring into the heavy, Jupiterian fog. The greasy moisture ran down the fort wall, lay rank on his lips. With a sigh for the hot, dry air of Texas, and a curse...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Lectures on the Principles of Political ObligationLectures on the Principles of Political Obligation - Reprinted from Green's Philosophical Works, vol. II., with Preface by Bernard BosanquetThe present volume consists of the late Professor Green's lectures on the 'Principles of Political Obligation,' together with a chapter on the different senses of...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Chinook, the Cinnamon CubChinook, the Cinnamon CubIn following the adventures of Chinook, the cinnamon bear and his sister Snookie (western prototypes of the jolly black bears of New England), and of the Rangers Boy, the child will learn of tree mice and burrow mice, and of the...
- $8.66 SGD
$27.72 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Una historia de dos ciudadesUna historia de dos ciudadesNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico. Conceb las...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Behind the veil at the Russian courtBehind the veil at the Russian courtThey were clever, amusing, and, it must be owned, rather ill-natured letters. People wondered at the extraordinary amount of truth which they contained, at the secrets they revealed. The real name of their author to this day has...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Ricordi d'infanzia e di scuolaRicordi d'infanzia e di scuola - seguìti da Bambole e marionette, Gente minima, Piccoli studenti, Adolescenti, Due di spade e due di cuori La traccia pi remota ch'io trovi in me della mia coscienza quella d'un giorno che stavo giocando sopra un mucchio di...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.33 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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