Public Domain
The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 04 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 04 (of 12)Published in one volume 12mo in 1810 (xvii. + 205 pp.) with the following title-page: A new and improved Grammar of the English Tongue: for the use of Schools In which the Genius of our...
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The Bush Fire, and Other VersesThe Bush Fire, and Other Verses Title: The Bush Fire, and Other Verses Author: Ida Lee Release Date: April 5, 2020 [EBook #61762] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, MFR and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from...
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KarkuriKarkuriHiljaa lainehti meri ja viskeli iknkuin leikkien lasinkirkkaita, tummansinisi laineitansa Tubuain koralliriuttoja vasten. Tubuai on Tyyneenmeren muutaman pienen saariryhmn trkein saari. Lauhkea ilmanhenki humisi saarten palmuissa, ja korkeimpia huippuja myten metsnpeittoisten vuorten yli kaartui puhdas, pivnpaahteinen taivas. Kun varjot pitenivt kuuman auringon laskeutuessa taivaanrantaa...
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Charles DickensCharles DickensCONSIDERED merely as literary fashions, romanticism and realism are both tricks, and tricks alone. The only advantage lies with romanticism, which is a little less artificial and technical than realism. For the great majority of people here and now do naturally write romanticism,...
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Cave-Dwellers of SaturnCave-Dwellers of SaturnAcross Earth's radiant civilization lay the death-shot shadows of the hideous globe-headed dwarfs from Mars. One lone Earth-ship dared the treachery blockade, risking the planetoid peril to find Earth's life element on mysterious Saturn of the ten terrible rings. It was a...
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Irish ImpressionsIrish ImpressionsWhen I had for the first time crossed St Georges Channel, and for the first time stepped out of a Dublin hotel on to St Stephens Green, the first of all my impressions was that of a particular statue, or rather portion of...
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Tündérkert: Szépasszonyok hosszú farsangjaTündérkert: Szépasszonyok hosszú farsangja De mi az rdgt tudnak gy csudlni ezeken az ablakokon, mondta magban. A Szent Mihly temploma krl vastagon llt a np, bundsak, meg darcosak vegyesen. Hidegnek kellett odakinn lenni, mer nagyon dugtk zsebre az klket, s asszonyok nagyon hztk nyakba...
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Sphere of the Never-DeadSphere of the Never-DeadThe warm, night air whipped Bob Winslow's face as he crossed the open space before Kerla Research, Inc., to the car where Jim Kenley, his roommate and lifelong friend was waiting. A storm was roaring in from the west, revealing the...
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O. Henryana: Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short StoriesO. Henryana: Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short Stories For permission to republish much of the material contained in this volume, the publishers are indebted to Cosmopolitan, Everybodys Magazine, Town Topics, and the Youths Companion. Hard ye may be in the tumult, Red...
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The MasterfolkThe Masterfolk - Wherein is Attempted the Unravelling of the Strange Affair of my Lord Wyntwarde of Cavil and Miss Betty ModeyneAmidst the untidy litter of torn paper that strewed the bare plank floor there stood a large double writing-table, spread with proofs and...
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Die Gotischen Zimmer: RomanDie Gotischen Zimmer: RomanNein, antwortete der Maler Selln, ich bin seit fnfzehn Jahren nicht hier gewesen, seit ich damals im Roten Zimmer sa und mit Arvid Falk, Olle Montanus und den andern philosophierte. Kannst du als Architekt einen Ri von unserm alten Zimmer geben?...
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Exiles of the Three Red MoonsExiles of the Three Red MoonsFaint and distant, the sun fell swiftly behind the close horizon and three warm moons of Pluto climbed from the jagged rocks. Their pale, green light spread upon the rearing crags of dusty silica in a scintillating blanket of...
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The Book of the SwordThe Book of the SwordThe history of the Sword is the history of humanity. The White Arm means something more than the oldest, the most universal, the most varied of weapons, the only one which has lived through all time. He, she, or itfor...
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Round the Galley FireRound the Galley FireThese stories and sketches originally appeared in The Daily Telegraph. No further preface to them is needed than this statement; for the title under which they are collected will fitly express their character, if the reader can imagine himself one of...
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Mansikoita ja Mustikoita IIIMansikoita ja Mustikoita IIILaulu auringolle (Arvidsonin ruotsinnos Ossianista.). Kultain ja miekkain (Petfi.) Lorelei (Heine.) Kun. Taavetin 1 psalmi 12 " 19 " 23 " 42 " 139 " Suomalainen maamme Ruotsalaiselle Runoniekan sydn Sotamiesten laulu Varotus Varotus tytille Kaste ja kyynel Laulu Anakreonin tapaan...
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Karjalan kankahilta IKarjalan kankahilta I - KertoelmiaHn oli aikoinaan ollut pllysmiehen eli "valttarina" erss It-Karjalan isommassa tehtaassa, vaan syist, joita en tarkemmin tied enk tahdokaan tiet oli hn joutunut pois tuosta "herrasvirasta" sek eleli nyt pienoisella maatilalla, mink oli saanut ostaneeksi muutamasta erittin syrjisest sopukasta parin...
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Un Jeune Officier PauvreUn Jeune Officier Pauvre - fragments de journal intime rassemblés par son fils, Samuel Viaud.On sait que, dfinitivement rentr dans sa vieille maison de Rochefort, Pierre Loti s'est plu reprendre par le commencement le journal intime d'o son uvre est sortie tout entire. Glanant...
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Pahkakuppi ynnä muita kertomuksiaPahkakuppi ynnä muita kertomuksiaKahdesta kohti oli se jo ennen vahvoilla rautasinkilill yhteen liitetty, niinkuin tukkiruuhen pohja, ja oli silt ollut pitv ja sile ja tyttnyt tarkoituksensa, mutta lapset, jotka aina tekevt kaikenlaista pahaa, halkasivat sen taas uudesta kohdasta. He olivat jneet omin pins tupaan...
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L'École des indifférentsL'École des indifférentsNous sommes tous deux de grande taille, tous deux blonds. Nous irions du mme pas, dans nos promenades, sil ntait flneur et badaud. Mais Etienne voit tout, except ce qui est devant lui; je lui ferai commander des illres. Quand un chat...
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The Tantalus DeathThe Tantalus Death"Give us water, or we perish!" But the Conclave of Nations denied the Red Planet's frantic plea. So began the Reign of Terror ... a Martian judgement that plunged the Earth into hideous chaos. The Master Conclave of the Sectional Governors of...
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