Public Domain
Handbooks of practical gardening, XVIIIThe book of topiaryIt is extremely fortunate that the Editor made no limitations, beyond that of space, when giving me the invitation to contribute a historical account of the Art of Topiary, as a sort of preface to the practical advice given in later...
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Le songe d'une femme: roman familierLe songe d'une femme: roman familier Pourquoi ne veux-tu pas me croire? Est-ce donc si rare? Oui, j'ai t heureuse. Ce que tu appelles un songe, je l'ai vcu, ou je l'ai dormi, et je ne suis pas rveille. Voici le matin; il y...
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The History of Persecution, from the Patriarchal Age, to the Reign of George IIThe History of Persecution, from the Patriarchal Age, to the Reign of George IIReligion is a matter of the highest importance to every man, and therefore there can be nothing which deserves a more impartial inquiry, or which should be examined into with a...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: An Educational Problem for ProtestantsLiving Fountains or Broken Cisterns: An Educational Problem for ProtestantsThere are few books which treat of the history of education, and fewer which attempt to show the part that the educational work has ever borne in the upbuilding of nations. That religion is inseparably...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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L'Art du brodeurL'Art du brodeurCe seroit une partie dhistoire longue & curieuse, que celle des progrs & des variations du Luxe chez les diffrentes Nations; il suffit, je pense, pour lobjet prsent, de rechercher lorigine de la Broderie: les Livres Saints & lHistoire me la prsentent...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Szomoru napok: RegénySzomoru napok: RegényKi knyszerti r, hogy jnek jszakjn vijjongva a holdvilg-sttte ablaknak repljn s szrnyaival verdesse annak tblit, s ha htszer elhajtjk, htszer visszarepljn ismt, s jjellt nagy szemeit kimeresztve, flbe sikoltsa a flig aluvnak, hogy kszljn az rkkval lomra? Mi kinozza a lnczra...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Little blue book, no. 208Debate on birth control. Margaret Sanger and Winter RussellMr. Russell: Ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad to have the opportunity of speaking to you this afternoon, and I may say at the outset that it is obvious that my adversary and I agree...
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Les partis politiques en ProvinceLes partis politiques en ProvinceExpirant sous les dbris de la socit antique, le dix-huitime sicle lgua son successeur l'imprieux devoir de trouver aux nations dlaisses une nouvelle moralit. La rvolution de 89 brillera dans l'avenir, comme une vaste pope de l'esprit humain. Ce fut...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Americans All, Immigrants AllAmericans All, Immigrants AllTwenty-six dramatic radio broadcasts, spotlighting the contributions of various cultural groups to the economic, social, and political development of the United States, presented by the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Education, and the Columbia Broadcasting System with the...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Fors Clavigera (Volume 3 of 8)Fors Clavigera (Volume 3 of 8) - Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great BritainThe Third Fors, having been much adverse to me, and more to many who wish me well, during the whole of last year, has turned my good and helpful...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Der Klausenhof: RomanDer Klausenhof: RomanDie Baukommission war wieder einmal den Berg heraufgekommen. stlich vom Klausenhof, keine fnfzig Meter davon, gerade an der Stelle, wo der Wald mit tiefdunklen Tannen und hellgrnen Lrchen einsetzte, machte sie halt und begann den Boden zu prfen und zu messen. Unten...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Letters from England, Volume 3 (of 3)Letters from England, Volume 3 (of 3)The first person who translated the Bible into English was Wickliffe, the father in heresy of John Hus, Jerome of Prague, and the Bohemian rebels, and thus the author of all the troubles in Germany. His bones were,...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Lantern MarshLantern MarshMauney Bard did not enjoy mending fences. They were quite essential in the general economy of farming. Without them the cows would wander where they had no business, trampling precious crops or perhaps getting mired in these infernal boglands. In principle, therefore, his...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Etsijän tarinaEtsijän tarina Hn eksyi, lankesi, nousi taas ja ristipoluilla kulki umpeen, ja lpi runkojen ruskeain kuun sarvet loisti kuin tert lumpeen. Hn hiipi lymyten kyyryissn ja pedon jlki vainui, hn oli nnty noroihin, kun korven kohtuun hn painui, hn katsoi taakseen ja seisahtui ja...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Courts, Criminals and the CamorraCourts, Criminals and the CamorraThere was a great to-do some years ago in the city of New York over an ill-omened young person, Duffy by name, who, falling into the bad graces of the police, was most incontinently dragged to head-quarters and mugged without...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Au pays de SylvieAu pays de SylvieCe pauvre abb! Bien qu'il y ft prpar depuis fort longtemps, cette ncessit, o il se trouva soudain, de partir, le surprit cruellement. Quoi! quitter ce gracieux pays de Chantilly, ne plus entrer familirement au Chteau, ne plus trouver son couvert...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4 - The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy Title: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4 Subtitle: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy Author: H. P. Blavatsky Release Date: March 15, 2020 [EBook #61626] Language: English...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Fiction Writers on Fiction WritingFiction Writers on Fiction Writing - Advice, opinions and a statement of their own working methods by more than one hundred authorsSince this book is not only written for the most part by others than myself and since, for a second reason, its coming...
- $8.68 SGD
$27.78 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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The Fall of Ulysses: An Elephant StoryThe Fall of Ulysses: An Elephant StoryI cannot deny that I was entirely to blame for the calamity that overtook Ulysses; and if I call attention to the high social and literary standing of the gentleman whom I employed as an accomplice in the...
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$17.36 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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Elämänpuu: Uskontotieteellisiä tutkielmiaElämänpuu: Uskontotieteellisiä tutkielmiaOlen thn asti julkaisemissani uskontotieteellisiss tutkimuksissa liikkunut etupss aloilla, jotka koskevat suomalais-ugrilaisia kansoja. V. 1917 tekemni matka pohjois-Siperiaan ulotutti tymaani turkinsukuistenkin kansojen keskuuteen, joiden henkist kulttuuria ers piakkoin ilmestyv esitykseni kuvailee. Mutta tll "itisill mailla" aukeni eteeni paljoa suurempikin maailma, joka ei...
- $8.68 SGD
$27.78 SGD- $8.68 SGD
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