Public Domain
The Great Revival of the 18th Century: with a supplemental chapter on the revival in AmericaThe Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century: with a supplemental chapter on the revival in AmericaThe author of the following pages begs that they may be read kindlyand, he will venture to say, not critically. Originally published as a series of papers in the...
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Og—Son of FireOg—Son of FireThe earth rocked. The sky was of purple blackness. The nauseating stench of burning sulphur filled the air. Thunder rumbled, and growled constantly under the earth crust to be answered by shattering crashes that seemed to come from the heavens, and with...
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$27.58 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Kleopatra: NovelliKleopatra: NovelliSaksalainen runoilija ja novellisti Paul Johann Heyse syntyi Beriiniss 15 p. maalisk. 1830. Isns oli tunnettu filologi, klassillisten kielten professori Berlinin yliopistossa, ja itins muuan kauneudestaan ja lahjakkaisuudestaan kuulu juutalaisnainen. Isltn on siis Paul Heyse todennkisesti perinyt kaikelle tuotannolleen ominaisen klassillisen kauneustajunnan ja...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Une bibliothèqueUne bibliothèque - L'art d'acheter les livres, de les classer, de les conserver et de s'en servirCe n'est pas aux bibliographes de profession et aux savants que cet ouvrage s'adresse; c'est tous ceux qui ont le got des livres et veulent se rendre compte...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Notes on Training for Rifle Fire in Trench WarfareNotes on Training for Rifle Fire in Trench Warfare1. Training in the use of the rifle includes that of the bayonet. Fire action is alone treated in this paper, instruction in the use of the bayonet having already been discussed elsewhere. 2. The rifleman...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Chap-books and folk-lore tracts ... First series. Vol. 3 (of 5)Mother Bunch's Closet Newly Broke Open, and the History of Mother Bunch of the WestThis chap-book is not a story. It is a collection of charms and dreams supposed to have been communicated by a personage bearing the name of Mother Bunch, a name...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The American Bee Journal. Vol. XVII, No. 12, Mar. 23, 1881The American Bee Journal. Vol. XVII, No. 12, Mar. 23, 1881 Remit by money-order, registered letter, express or bank draft on Chicago or New York, payable to our order. Such only are at our risk. Checks on local banks cost us 25 cents for...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Valley of the MastersThe Valley of the MastersHenry stopped and squatted in the underbrush, well hidden from the path but close enough to see the coming group. Within a minute they became visible. There were twenty-five to thirty boys, girls and youths walking slowly in ragged groups,...
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The Flying Tuskers of K'niik-K'naakThe Flying Tuskers of K'niik-K'naakI have trod many tangled jungles, explored the floors of innumerable oceans and braved death in so many forms that a man less magnificent than myself would have died of fright. But if there is one event that stands out...
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Tolliver's OrbitTolliver's Orbit"I didn't ask you to cut out your own graft, did I?" he demanded. "Just don't try to sucker me in on the deal. I know you're operating something sneaky all through the colony, but it's not for me." The big moon-face of...
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Spawning GroundSpawning GroundThe Starship Pandora creaked and groaned as her landing pads settled unevenly in the mucky surface of the ugly world outside. She seemed to be restless to end her fool's errand here, two hundred light years from the waiting hordes on Earth. Straining...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Out of MindOut of Mind"Vacation trip to Nirva?!?" snapped Secad ScreedGalactic Sector Administrator J. Gomer Screed, a serious-minded man who rarely lost his temper. That was a pity; it was a lousy temper. "A mindless excursion, and completely outside my Sector at that! Woman, are both...
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LoreleiLoreleiSeven days stranded on Europa. Seven days without hope. The courage that had sustained me, like the numbness after a fatal blow, was beginning to slip away. All that seventh day my nerves balanced on a thin jagged edge. And that night the anamorph...
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Kruununtorppari: Kuvaus kiveliöstäKruununtorppari: Kuvaus kiveliöstäHyvt tuttavat ovat vanha nimismies ja Romakkaniemen Jooseppi. Kunnon mieheksi on nimismies Joosepin tuntenut ja senvuoksi pitkin hnt hyvn vieraana. Ja kannattaakin pit. Ei ole ollut Joosepin tapana tyhjn kirkolle saapua yksinisen jrvens rannalta. Aina on tuomista ollut. Milloin metslintua laukku pullollaan,...
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$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Girls from Fieu DayolThe Girls from Fieu DayolUp until the moment when he first looked into Hippolyte Adolphe Taine's History of English Literature, Herbert Quidley's penchant for old books had netted him nothing in the way of romance and intrigue. Not that he was a stranger to...
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Aslak Hetta: Kertova lappalaisrunoelmaAslak Hetta: Kertova lappalaisrunoelma Aslak Hetta, pivnpuolen poika, kasvoi Saamemaassa, sadun maassa, miss pilviin pyrkii passevaarat, miss joet huuhtoo kultasantaa, miss kultaa kiilt sydmmiss. Bigga, hento iti tunturilla siitti lumimyrskyss' yll pojan kahlatessaan Urtivaarall' yksin, mist Alattion lhteet kumpuu juosten kohti jist valtamerta. Siksk...
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Prinssi KeijujalkaPrinssi KeijujalkaOlipa kerran, keijukaisten pivin, kaukaisessa lnnen maassa kuningaskunta, jonka nimi oli Tlppvalta. Se oli aika kummallinen maa monessa suhteessa. Ihmiset, jotka asuivat siell, luulivat ensiksikin, ett Tlppvalta on koko maailma; he luulivat, ettei Tlppvallan ulkopuolella ole maailmaa ollenkaan. Ja he luulivat, ett Tlppvallan...
- $8.62 SGD
$27.58 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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A Montessori MotherA Montessori MotherOn my return recently from a somewhat prolonged stay in Rome, I observed that my family and circle of friends were in a very different state of mind from that usually found by the home-coming traveler. I was not depressed by the...
- $8.62 SGD
$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Anatomist Dissected: or the man-midwife finely brought to bedThe Anatomist Dissected: or the man-midwife finely brought to bed. - Being an examination of the conduct of Mr. St. Andre. Touching the late pretended rabbit-bearer; as it appears from his own narrative. After that long and particular Detail of my self, and of...
- $8.62 SGD
$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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- $8.62 SGD
$17.24 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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