Public Domain
Israelin tyttäretIsraelin tyttäretPiha oli varsin hauska mttisine nurmikkoineen ja tuuheine vaahteroineen, jotka komeilivat kirjavassa syyspuvussaan, toiset lehdet vihrein, toiset jo punakellervin. Melkein olisi luullut maalla olevansa; ja missp sit juuri muualla olikaan, talo kun sijaitsi aivan pikkukaupungin laidassa. Kuitenkin nytti kadunpuolinen puurakennus yht pulskalta kuin...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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American Masters of SculptureAmerican Masters of Sculpture - Being Brief Appreciations of Some American Sculptors and of Some Phases of Sculpture in AmericaTHE year 1876, the date of the Centennial Exhibition, is a landmark in the progress of American sculpture as it is in that of American...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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History of the U.S.S. Leviathan, cruiser and transport forces, United States Atlantic fleetHistory of the U.S.S. Leviathan, cruiser and transport forces, United States Atlantic fleet - Compiled from the ship's log and data gathered by the history committee on board the shipThe record of the U.S.S. Leviathan, queen of the troop transport fleet which made possible...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Observations on antimonyObservations on antimony - Read before the Medical Society of London, and published at their requestRemedies have often acquired reputation without sufficient evidence of their innocence and efficacy. Some have been introduced by an injudicious application of the theory of the schools, others by...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Künstler-Monographien: XXIXTizianDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gesetzt. Passagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. veranstaltet, von...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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CubaCubaDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1899 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Inkonsistente und heute ungebruchliche Schreibweisen, insbesondere in Ortsnamen, sowie fremdsprachliche Zitate, bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Das Original wurde in Franturschrift gesetzt; Passagen in...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The History of LaplandThe History of Lapland - Wherein Are Shewed the Original, Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, &c. of That PeopleThe Reader may please to take notice, that the diligent and learned Author of this History, (to the writing of which he was commanded, and therein assisted...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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American Masters of PaintingAmerican Masters of Painting - Being Brief Appreciations of Some American PaintersBEING BRIEF APPRECIATIONS OF SOME AMERICAN PAINTERS ILLUSTRATED WITH EXAMPLES OF THEIR WORK BY CHARLES H. CAFFIN Garden City New York DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1913 {iv} Copyright, 1901, 1902, by THE SUN...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Old GoatThe Old GoatDr. Angstrom was known to his students and many of his colleagues on the faculty as "The Old Goat." Very appropriate, that name. He had the disposition of a goat with dyspepsia, he had the cold blue eyes of a goat, he...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Petrified Forest National Monument (1953)Petrified Forest National Monument (1953)Petrified Forest National Monument, containing 85,304 acres of federally owned land, has the greatest and most colorful concentration of petrified wood known in the world. In the monument are six separate forests where giant logs of agatized wood lie prostrate,...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Life Stories for Young PeopleEmin PashaEmin Pasha, sometimes called the father of the Equatorial Provinces, is a notable figure in the records of African exploration. He was preminently a scientist and was devotedly fond of zology and botany. Amid all his cares of office, his sufferings from the...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Montezuma Castle National Monument, Arizona (1959)Montezuma Castle National Monument, Arizona (1959)Montezuma Castle National Monument, in the Verde Valley of central Arizona, protects one of the best preserved and most interesting cliff dwellings in the United States. Within the monument, occupying part of a limestone cliff which borders Beaver Creek...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Life Stories for Young PeopleThe Frithiof SagaIceland is the home of the Saga, a form of literature which includes the telling of the story of a heros life and adventures in a fixed, regular form, and which is usually intended for recitation, though the Saga is never set...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Chiricahua National Monument (1958)Chiricahua National Monument (1958)The National Park System, of which this area is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic, scientific, and historic heritage of the United States for the benefit and enjoyment of its people. Unbelievably tall and slender pinnacles, startling likenesses of...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Mar sanguigno (Offerta al nostro buon vecchio Dio)Mar sanguigno (Offerta al nostro buon vecchio Dio) Sono intorno a me otto uomini vecchissimi che il mare da lungo tempo ripudi. Da tuguri pieni di bimbi e d'immagini sacre, da giacigli posti tra reti rotte e detriti di barca, questi che non pi...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Dramas de Guillermo Shakspeare [vol. 4]Dramas de Guillermo Shakspeare [vol. 4]Fuera! vuestras casas, holgazanes, marchad vuestras casas! Acaso es hoy da de fiesta? Qu! Sois trabajadores, y no sabis que en da de trabajo no debis andar sin la divisa de vuestra profesin?Habla! Cul es tu oficio? Ciudadano 2.En...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Original Plays, Second SeriesOriginal Plays, Second SeriesScene: A tropical landscape. In the distance, a calm sea. A natural fountaina mere thread of waterfalls over a rock into a natural basin. An old sun-dial formed of the upper part of a broken pillar, round the shaft of which...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Life and Adventure in the South PacificLife and Adventure in the South Pacific The present volume lays no claim to literary merit. Two young men, led to engage in the whale-fisheries, and spending five years in the employment, have compiled from their log-books and their recollection a plain, unvarnished narrative...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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De lynch-wetDe lynch-wetHet was omtrent drie ure in den namiddag. Een eenzame ruiter, in Mexicaansche kleeding, reed in snellen galop langs den oever eener rivier zonder naam, die zich in de Rio Gila uitstort, en wier grillige kronkelingen hem noodzaakten om tallooze omwegen te maken....
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Practitioner. May, 1869The Practitioner. May, 1869. - A Monthly Journal of TherapeuticsI have long formed the opinion that the prevailing method of determining the value of any particular medicine or mode of treatment is essentially faulty. Practitioners, after watching a few cases, form a favourable opinion...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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