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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of William J. LockeIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of William J. Locke You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of John McElroyIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of John McElroy You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within...
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Relation des choses de Yucatan de Diego de LandaRelation des choses de Yucatan de Diego de Landa - Texte espagnol et traduction française en regard, comprenant les signes du calendrier et de l'alphabet hiéroglyphique de la langue maya; accompagné de documents divers historiques et chronologiques, avec une grammaire et un vocabulaire abrégés...
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Portraits of the NinetiesPortraits of the NinetiesThe late Mr. Justin McCarthys vivid Portraits of the Sixties, the late Mr. George Russells admirable volume dealing with the men and women of the Seventies, and Mr. Horace Hutchinsons more recent Portraits of the Eighties form together an invaluable biographical...
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Der Sohn einer MagdDer Sohn einer MagdAutor. Das steht auf dem Titel: Die Entwicklung einer Seele, 1849-67. Ich gebe zu, da mte noch stehen: Im mittleren Schweden und unter den im Buche angegebenen Voraussetzungen: die Erblichkeit von Mutter, Vater und Amme; die Verhltnisse whrend der Schwangerschaft; die...
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Captain Lucy and Lieutenant BobCaptain Lucy and Lieutenant BobSome of the girls who read this first story of Lucy Gordon's army life have spent their lives on army posts as well as she, and perhaps have even lived on Governor's Island. A good many others, though, have only...
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Project Hi-PsiProject Hi-PsiHe ignored the door that offered "Information", passed up office after office until he came to the glass paneled door which informed him that behind it functioned the Director of FBI operations in the Los Angeles area. Lucifer Brill rubbed the knuckles of...
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Berels Berta: Eine Bauerngeschichte aus dem LuxemburgischenBerels Berta: Eine Bauerngeschichte aus dem LuxemburgischenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1915 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und inkonsistente Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Passagen in luxemburgischer Sprache wurden dem Original entsprechend bernommen....
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Secret History; or, the Horrors of St. DomingoSecret History; or, the Horrors of St. Domingo - In a Series of Letters, Written by a Lady at Cape Francois, to Colonel Burr, Late Vice-President of the United States, Principally During the Command of General RochambeuI am fearful of having been led into...
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The Glory That Was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture and civilisationThe Glory That Was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture and civilisation REECE and Greek mean different things to different people. To the man in the street, if he exists, they stand for something proverbially remote and obscure, as dead as Queen Anne, as...
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The World's Best HistoriesNorwayIN preparing this volume it has been my aim to omit as few important events as possible without making the book a mere enumeration of names and dates. Above all, I have tried to be accurate. Among the works which I have used as...
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Wine-Dark Seas and Tropic Skies: Reminiscences and a Romance of the South SeasWine-Dark Seas and Tropic Skies: Reminiscences and a Romance of the South SeasMy characters are all taken from life, both the settlers and the natives. I have striven to give an account of native life, modes and codes, and to describe the general characteristics...
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All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3Fred Bingham was now rather an important person in his way. He had a large number of works in hand; he was contractor for miles of sewers in and around London. He was building a noblemans...
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A Glance at the Past and Present of the Negro: An AddressA Glance at the Past and Present of the Negro: An AddressTwo events in the history of our country take a foremost place among the great deeds of the world. The signing of the Declaration of Independence is one, and the promulgation of the...
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Children of the ArcticChildren of the ArcticIf any one had invited AH-NI-GHI-TO to go back to the Snowland the day after her return to her Grossmammas house, she would not have listened a moment; for there was so much to tell, and do, and see, and learn...
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The Englishwoman in EgyptThe Englishwoman in Egypt - Letters from Cairo, Written During a Residence There in 1842, 3, & 4The desire of shortening the period of my separation from a beloved brother, was the first and strongest motive that induced me to think of accompanying him...
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Le littoral de la France, vol. 1: Côtes Normandes de Dunkerque au Mont Saint-MichelLe littoral de la France, vol. 1: Côtes Normandes de Dunkerque au Mont Saint-MichelNul pays, en Europe, n'est, au mme degr que la France, favoris par sa situation maritime. De la frontire belge la frontire espagnole; des Pyrnes-Orientales la frontire italienne, deux merveilleuses lignes...
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A Guide for the Dissection of the Dogfish (Squalus Acanthias)A Guide for the Dissection of the Dogfish (Squalus Acanthias)The small sharks which abound along the coasts of the United States are commonly called dogfish by fishermen and others. The dogfish of inland waters belongs to an entirely different group. Two species of sharks...
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Harper's Young People, August 22, 1882Harper's Young People, August 22, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyEgypt is the most interesting of countries, because it is probably the oldest. We borrow from it nearly all our arts and sciences, and have only improved upon what the Egyptians taught us. Our alphabet...
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Biltmore House and GardensBiltmore House and Gardens - Biltmore Estate, Biltmore-Asheville North CarolinaApproached from the Biltmore Lodge Gate of Biltmore Estate, along a three-mile drive of paved roads which wind their way through plantations of flowering shrubs and forests of pine, hemlock and hardwood, Biltmore House, for...
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