Public Domain
The Power of a LieThe Power of a LieTHIS is a great book. I can have no hesitation whatever in saying that. Rarely in reading a modern novel have I felt so strong a sense of reality and so deep an impression of motive. It would be difficult...
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Fernley lecture, 34thThe Hymn-Book of the Modern Church: Brief studies of hymns and hymn-writersThe source and inspiration of Christian song is the word of Christ. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. The common phrases of common life cannot satisfy the...
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The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 2 [of 2]The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 2 [of 2] - being a series of letters to several friends on religious subjectsI have sent you a little more scribble to read, which will amuse you for an hour. Will you be...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Last RebelThe Last RebelTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. East or...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 1 [of 2]The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 1 [of 2] - being a series of letters to several friends on religious subjectsMany thanks for the loan of the invaluable books, containing the last fragments of the late venerable and spiritual Jenkins,...
- $8.53 SGD
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LiricaLirica La sua poesia, Signorina, ci che (io non prendo dai critici la pretesa di imporre gli argomenti e il modo di trattarli), ma poesia ; quale dee quasi fatalmente prorompere da un temperamento di femmina lirico (caso rarissimo). E per la immediatezza della...
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Mediaeval London, Volume 2: EcclesiasticalMediæval London, Volume 2: EcclesiasticalFor the student, as well as for those desultory readers who are drawn by the rare fascination of London to peruse its pages, this book will have a value and a charm which are unsurpassed by any of its predecessors.Pall...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Phœnix of Sodom; or, the Vere Street CoterieThe Phœnix of Sodom; or, the Vere Street Coterie - Being an Exhibition of the Gambols Practised by the Ancient Lechers of Sodom and Gomorrah, Embellished and Improved with the Modern Refinements in Sodomitical Practices, by the Members of the Vere Street Coterie, of...
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The Ornithologist and Oölogist. Vol. VIII No. 3, March 1883The Ornithologist and Oölogist. Vol. VIII No. 3, March 1883 - Birds: Their Nests and EggsThe voices of our New England Buzzards are again ringing through their old haunts, and it may now be seasonable to review my local notes on their breeding habits...
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New Hampshire, A Poem with Notes and Grace NotesNew Hampshire, A Poem; with Notes and Grace Notes Title: New Hampshire, A Poem; with Notes and Grace Notes Author: Robert Frost Release Date: January 4, 2019 [EBook #58611] Language: English Credits: Produced by Al Haines, Mark Akrigg, Stephen Hutcheson & the online Distributed...
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 16Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, North CarolinaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by...
- $8.53 SGD
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Buried Treasure of Casco Bay: A Guide for the Modern HunterBuried Treasure of Casco Bay: A Guide for the Modern HunterThis little endeavor of mine that follows, is a small effort in a literary way, to acquaint the reader with modern methods and information on the art of treasure hunting and various facts and...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Ludwig TieckLudwig Tieck - Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des Dichters nach dessen mündlichen und schriftlichen MitteilungenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1855 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche...
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$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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An Essay on Laughter: Its Forms, Its Causes, Its Development and Its ValueAn Essay on Laughter: Its Forms, Its Causes, Its Development and Its ValueThe present work is, I believe, the first attempt to treat on a considerable scale the whole subject of Laughter, under its various aspects, and in its connections with our serious activities...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Assistant and GuideThe Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Assistant and Guide. - Containing a Brief History of the Trade. History of India-rubber and Gutta-percha, and Their Application to the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes. Full Instructions in the Art, With Diagrams and Scales, Etc., Etc. Vulcanization and...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Olivia LettersThe Olivia Letters - Being Some History of Washington City for Forty Years as Told by the Letters of a Newspaper CorrespondentThe time has come when our wealthy citizens need not to go abroad to see the finest specimen of architecture of the kind...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Christ the True MelchisedecChrist the True Melchisedec - Being the substance of a sermon, preached on Sunday evening, July 24th, 1813, at the Obelisk ChapelThe sacred pages are an exhibition of the loving heart of a covenant God, Father, Son, and Spirit; from whence flow all the...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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A Treatise on Fractures, Luxations, and Other Affections of the BonesA Treatise on Fractures, Luxations, and Other Affections of the BonesBY THE TRANSLATOR. The business of a translator, though very limited as to its range, may be extensive and important in its consequences, and, though humble in its end, is oftentimes extremely difficult in...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Hiking WestwardHiking Westward - Being the Story of Two Boys Whose Ambition Led Them to Face Privations and Hardships in Their Quest of a Home in the Great WestHIKING WESTWARD is really a chapter taken out of the lives of two wide-awake American boys who...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Sacrifice of Life Slain by the Twenty-nine Instruments of DeathThe Sacrifice of Life Slain by the Twenty-nine Instruments of Death - Being the Substance of a Sermon Preached on Sunday Morning, Nov. 28, 1813 at the Obelisk ChapelThe grand design of God the Father and the eternal Spirit, from all eternity, was to...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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