Public Domain
Evenor et Leucippe: Les amours de l'Âge d'Or Légende antidéluvienneEvenor et Leucippe: Les amours de l'Âge d'Or; Légende antidéluvienneAu sein du puissant univers, la rencontre des nues comtaires engendra un corps brlant qui roula aussitt dans les abmes du ciel, obissant aux lois qu'il y rencontra, lois ternelles, dont les accidents les plus...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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La dama erranteLa dama errante - La raza, Tomo INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Viisauden sanoja: Mieleen pantavia kertoelmiaViisauden sanoja: Mieleen pantavia kertoelmiaMit on ylpeys? Hyvt tyt ja srkyneet avaimet. Huikentelevainen. Nytelm viidess nytksess. Paholaisen pidot. " Itsevanhurskaat vieraat. " Maallisesti viisas. Tulen lvitse meneminen. Velttouden pahat seuraukset. Kpenhaminan piiritys. Uni Jumalan lahjana. Ravintolan isnnn rukous. Kuoleman rangaistus. Rowland Hill ja neiti...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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L'anatra: Allevamento per la produzione della carneL'anatra: Allevamento per la produzione della carne Un sagace avicultore italiano scriveva recentemente che se l'allevamento razionale dei polli pu dare in Italia guadagni elevatissimi, quello dei palmipedi e delle anatre specialmente produrrebbe degli utili anche superiori; e facendo la supposizione che tre milioni...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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100 Years in Yosemite: The Story of a Great Park and Its FriendsOne Hundred Years in Yosemite: The Story of a Great Park and Its FriendsIt is the purpose of One Hundred Years in Yosemite to preserve and disseminate the true story of the discovery and preservation of Americas first public reservation to be set aside...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Trees You Want to KnowTrees You Want to KnowEvery American wants to have at least a speaking acquaintance with the trees that make up our great national heritage, the unequalled forests of North America. The camper, the tramper, the woodsman, the gardener, the motorist, and the inquisitive school...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Leatherworker in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Leatherworker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - Being an Account of the Nature of Leather, & of the Crafts Commonly Engaged in the Making & Using of It.Once upon a time there lived in France a poet-bureaucrat by the name of Charles Perrault, who wrote...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Connecticut Boys in the Western Reserve: A Tale of the Moravian MassacreConnecticut Boys in the Western Reserve: A Tale of the Moravian MassacreA dismally wet and cold September day had come early to a close and thick darkness had settled down an hour since, when the horse attached to a heavy, canvas-covered, two-wheeled emigrant wagon...
- $8.60 SGD
$27.54 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Prinssi ja kaunis näyttelijätär: SalapoliisikertomusPrinssi ja kaunis näyttelijätär: SalapoliisikertomusOli aamupiv. Molemmat etevt salapoliisit, jotka istuivat Kragin virkahuoneessa, olivat pttneet "raataa koko kesn." Oli hiljaista, ei mitn tekemist, tapahtui vain taskuvarkauksia ja tuollaista joutavaa. Ei yhtn arvoitusta, ei salaisuutta, ei rikosta ei edes nimetnt kirjett. Harald Brede sytytti sikarin...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Derniers souvenirs d'un musicienDerniers souvenirs d'un musicienDans un joli petit village situ sur la frontire de l'Autriche, quinze lieues de Vienne, vivait, il y a plus de cent ans, un pauvre charron nomm Mathias Haydn. Ce brave homme n'tait pas riche; mais ses dsirs taient si borns,...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Roaming Through the West IndiesRoaming Through the West IndiesSome years ago I made a tramping trip around the world for my own pleasure. Friends coaxed me to set it down on paper and new friends were kind enough to read it. Since then they have demanded moreat least...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Bessy Rane: A NovelBessy Rane: A NovelIt was an intensely dark night. What with the mist that hung around from below, and the unusual gloom above, Dr. Rane began to think he might have done well to bring a lantern with him, to guide his steps up...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The SlanderersThe SlanderersThe Hun was ever a Hun, though he stormed through the Vale of Tempe or gazed upon Lombardic lakes, splendid under a cloudless sky. Worthy follower of some commercial Attila was Zeus Gildersedge, a being granite to all nobler truths, impervious, irresponsive, unimpressionable,...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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A Short List of the Publications of E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd. June 1901A Short List of the Publications of E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd. June 1901 JUNE, 1901 A SHORT LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd., 125, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. ASSOC. MEM. INST. C.E., MEM. SOC. ENGINEERS, OF THE FRANKLIN...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Girls of 1864Girls of '64Corinne twisted and turned before the mirror over the console table, flicked a speck of powder from her sacque and stood back to regard herself appreciatively. She felt her toilette to be extremely distinguished when war deprivations were taken into account. What...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Architecture of Provence and the RivieraThe Architecture of Provence and the RivieraHAVING been called on, a few years ago, to make frequent journeys between this country and the Riviera, the author was greatly impressed with the extraordinary variety and abundance of the ancient architectural monuments of Provence. This country...
- $8.60 SGD
$28.40 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 10, June, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 10, June, 1835LITERARY NOTICES THE INFIDEL, or the Fall of Mexico: by the author of Calavar AN ADDRESS, delivered at his inauguration as President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia, Feb. 21, 1835: by Henry Vethake A HISTORY...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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To London TownTo London TownI designed this story, and, indeed, began to write it, between the publication of Tales of Mean Streets and that of A Child of the Jago, to be read together with those books: not that I pretend to figure in all threemuch...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Burton Holmes Lectures, Volume 1 (of 10)The Burton Holmes Lectures, Volume 1 (of 10) - In Ten Volumes Mr. Holmes has been asked to supply data for a biographical sketch. He replies that his biography will be found in his lectures, each lecture being a chapter from his life of...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Fools of Fortune or, Gambling and GamblersFools of Fortune; or, Gambling and GamblersI am intensely interested in Mr. John Philip Quinns book on Gambling. I met Mr. Quinn several years ago in St. Louis. I became convinced that this book is the fruit of an earnest purpose to set before...
- $8.60 SGD
$17.21 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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