Public Domain
Avis pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'Annonciade celeste, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Avis pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'Annonciade celeste, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604 - R'imprimés en ladite Ville, & accomodés à la pratique de l'observance des Constitutions; pour l'instruction des exercices spirituels, à l'usage des Monasteres du même Ordre.1. Que...
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Orlando innamoratoOrlando innamoratoSignori e cavallier che ve adunati Per odir cose dilettose e nove, Stati attenti e queti, ed ascoltati La bella istoria che 'l mio canto muove; E vedereti i gesti smisurati, L'alta fatica e le mirabil prove Che fece il franco Orlando per...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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French Ways and Their MeaningFrench Ways and Their MeaningThis book is essentially a desultory book, the result of intermittent observation, and often, no doubt, of rash assumption. Having been written in Paris, at odd moments, during the last two years of the war, it could hardly be more...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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New York: Its Upper Ten and Lower MillionNew York: Its Upper Ten and Lower MillionChristmas Eve, 1823, was a memorable night in the history of a certain wealthy family in New York. The night was dark and stormy, but the tempest which swept over the bay, and whitened the city's roofs...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Chatto & Windus's List of Books, July 1878Chatto & Windus's List of Books, July 1878I say we have despised literature; what do we, as a nation, care about books? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as compared with what we spend on our...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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The Legislative Manual, of the State of ColoradoThe Legislative Manual, of the State of Colorado - Comprising the History of Colorado, Annals of the Legislature, Manual of Customs, Precedents and Forms, Rules of Parliamentary Parliamentary Practice, and the Constitutions of the United States and the History of Colorado, Annals of the...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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The Cliff-Dwellers: A NovelThe Cliff-Dwellers: A NovelBetween the former site of old Fort Dearborn and the present site of our newest Board of Trade there lies a restricted yet tumultuous territory through which, during the course of the last fifty years, the rushing streams of commerce have...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Cañas y barro: NovelaCañas y barro: NovelaEl barquero, un hombrecillo enjuto, con una oreja amputada, iba de puerta en puerta recibiendo encargos para Valencia, y al llegar los espacios abiertos en la nica calle del pueblo, soplaba de nuevo en la bocina para avisar su presencia las...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Lettere di Lodovico AriostoLettere di Lodovico Ariosto - Con prefazione storico-critica, documenti e note Nel presentare una terza ristampa delle Lettere di Lodovico Ariosto, mi grato di averle potuto ordinare cronologicamente (cosa che non ebbi opportunit di fare nell'antecedente di Bologna, 1886), con introdurvi le nove lettere...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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The Catholic World, Vol. 25, April 1877 to September 1877The Catholic World, Vol. 25, April 1877 to September 1877When the Almighty introduced the children of Israel into the Promised Land he enjoined the utter extirpation of the heathen races, and the destruction of all belonging to them. But the tribes grew weary of...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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A SheafA SheafPeace! The thought of it has become almost strange. Yet we must face that thought, or we shall be as unprepared for it as we were for war. Practical men are fighting this war, practical men will make the peace that comes some...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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James Russell Lowell, A Biography vol 2/2James Russell Lowell, A Biography; vol 2/2When the Atlantic Monthly was founded, its conductors did not conceal their intention to make it a political magazine. It bore as its sub-head a title it has never relinquished, A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. The...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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James Russell Lowell, A Biography vol. 1/2James Russell Lowell, A Biography; vol. 1/2The existence of the two volumes of Letters of James Russell Lowell, edited by Charles Eliot Norton, has determined the character of this biography. If they had not been published, I might have made a Life and Letters...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Le jardin des supplicesLe jardin des supplicesQuelques amis se trouvaient, un soir, runis chez un de nos plus clbres crivains. Ayant copieusement dn, ils disputaient sur le meurtre, propos de je ne sais plus quoi, propos de rien, sans doute. Il n'y avait l que des hommes;...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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A Sheaf of BluebellsA Sheaf of BluebellsAmong the many petitions presented that year by migrs desirous of returning to France under the conditional amnesty granted to them by the newly-crowned Emperor, was one signed by Mme. la Marquise de Mortain and by her son Laurent, then aged...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Theism and HumanismTheism and Humanism - Being the Gifford Lectures Delivered at the University of Glasgow, 1914This volume contains the substance of the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of Glasgow in January and February 1914. I say the substance of the lectures, lest any of...
- $8.57 SGD
$203.37 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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De HoovenierDe HoovenierIk zal mijn ander werk opgeeven. Ik zal mijn zwaarden en lansen in het stof werpen. Zend mij niet naar verre hooven; vraag mij niet op nieuwe verooveringen uit te gaan. Maar maak mij hoovenier in uwen bloemhof. Verlof om uw kleine vuisten...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, Part 2 (of 2)Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, Part 2 (of 2) 1 TarmaInca roadJuaga valleyQuichua IndiansTradeJuaja riverSnow mountainsStone bridge and stone coalTemperature of springsLlamasLieutenant of policeQuicksilver mines of HuancavelicaWool growingMolina Posta, or country tavernSilver mines of Castro-VirreynaPopulation of HuancavelicaIts mineral productionsSand-stone pyramidsChicha and chupeA...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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Lapin muisteluksiaLapin muisteluksiaSeuraavien kirjoitusten ainekset on koottu kolmikesisell vaelluksella Lnsi- ja Etel-Lapissa sek lntisess Perpohjassa. Kesll 1920 kiertelin Kalevalaseuran matkarahoilla Ounasjoen mailla Kittilss, Sodankyln Unaria sek Inarin ja Enontekin rajoja myten. Seuraavana kesn sain saman seuran avustamana kyd Tornion ja Muonion laakson useimmat kylt, jopa...
- $8.57 SGD
$77.03 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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White Tail the Deer's AdventuresWhite Tail the Deer's AdventuresAll little boys and girls who love animals should become acquainted with Bumper the white rabbit, with Bobby Gray Squirrel, with Buster the bear, and with White Tail the deer, for they are all a jolly lot, brave and fearless...
- $8.57 SGD
$123.25 SGD- $8.57 SGD
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