Public Domain
Romancero selecto del CidRomancero selecto del CidLa historia literaria nos seala, como objeto de incomparable nombrada, los hroes que ocupan el primer lugar en las grandes y poco numerosas epopeyas, hijas legtimas del genio de un pueblo. Al retratar el poeta venusino, y por cierto con colores...
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$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 735, January 26, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 735, January 26, 1878Somewhat more than forty years ago, Mr Baillie Fraser published a lively and instructive volume under the title A Winters Journey (Tatr) from Constantinople to Teheran. Political complications had arisen between Russia...
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$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Through Unknown TibetThrough Unknown Tibet In publishing the following account of a journey across Tibet and China, it has been my object to describe in a simple manner all that I did and saw from beginning to end, in the hope that some future traveller may...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Fresh Every HourFresh Every Hour - Detailing the Adventures, Comic and Pathetic of One Jimmy Martin, Purveyor of Publicity, a Young Gentleman Possessing Sublime Nerve, Whimsical Imagination, Colossal Impudence, and, Withal, the Heart of a Child. JIMMY MARTINS heart persisted in acting like the well-known eyes...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Saint of the Dragon's Dale: A Fantastical TaleThe Saint of the Dragon's Dale: A Fantastical TalePATTER, patter,the rain had beaten all day on the brown roofs of Eisenach. The wind swept in raw gusts across the rippling ocean of pines and beeches which crowded upon the little town from many a...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Doctor IzardDoctor IzardIT was after midnight. Quiet had settled over the hospital, and in Ward 13 there was no sound and scarcely a movement. The nurse, a strong and beautiful figure, had fallen into a reverie, and the two patients, which were all the ward...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Black BearThe Black BearMy story of Ben starts on the 22d of June, 1890. Bens own story had begun some four or five months earlier, in the den where his mother, who was a Black Bear, had spent the winter; but although I came to...
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$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Two Men: A Romance of SussexTwo Men: A Romance of Sussex BY THE SAME AUTHOR Bob, Son of Battle Danny The Gentleman Redcoat Captain The Taming of John Blunt The Royal Road The Brown Mare Boy Woodburn I Mr. Trupp II Edward Caspar III Anne Caspar IV Old Man...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 2 (of 2)Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 2 (of 2)The owner of a great tannery had once an improvement in making leather proposed to him by a foreman, but the merchant could not comprehend it even with the most earnest verbal explanation. As a last resort he...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Chartreuse of ParmaThe Chartreuse of Parma - Translated from the French of Stendhal (Henri Beyle)This novel was written in the year 1830, in a place some three hundred leagues from Paris. Many years before that, when our armies were pouring across Europe, I chanced to be...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Zigzag Journeys in the White City. With Visits to the Neighboring MetropolisZigzag Journeys in the White City. With Visits to the Neighboring Metropolis HE last Zigzag volume sought to explain the American consular service, and to relate wonder-tales told in consular offices. This volume seeks to illustrate the White City, and to show what might...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Die Technik der Lastenförderung einst und jetztDie Technik der Lastenförderung einst und jetzt - Eine Studie über die Entwicklung der Hebemaschinen und ihren Einfluß auf Wirtschaftsleben und KulturgeschichteDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1907 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Fremdsprachliche Orts- und...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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A Brief Sketch of the Long and Varied Career of Marshall MacDermott, Esq., J.P. of Adelaide, South AustraliaA Brief Sketch of the Long and Varied Career of Marshall MacDermott, Esq., J.P. of Adelaide, South AustraliaThe following pages were written very recently, under a degree of pressure from some members of my family; and as I possessed no memoranda whatever to aid...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Principles of Psychology, Volume 2 (of 2)The Principles of Psychology, Volume 2 (of 2)Its distinction from perception, 1. Its cognitive functionacquaintance with qualities, 3. No pure sensations after the first days of life, 7. The 'relativity of knowledge,' 9. The law of contrast, 13. The psychological and the physiological theories...
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$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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VankeuteniVankeuteniSilvio Pellico syntyi Saluzzo'ssa Piemont'issa vuonna 1789. Hnen isns oli virkamies sota-asiain osastossa Milano'ssa ja jlestpin Turin'issa. Jonkun aikaa Franskassa vietettyn hn yhtyi isns Milano'ssa ja mrttiin Franskan kielen professoriksi sotilas-orpojen seminariin samassa kaupungissa. Sydmen pohjasta harrastaen kirjallisuutta ja vapautta hn rakensi tuttavuutta Ugo...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Legend of the Lincoln ImpThe Legend of the Lincoln Imp The devil was in a good humour one day, And let out his sprightly young demons to play. One dived in the sea, and was not at all wet, One jumped in a furnace: no scorch did he...
- $8.53 SGD
$126.52 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Power-HouseThe Power-House COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO REPRODUCE THIS BOOK OR PARTS THEREOF IN ANY FORM PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. A recent tale of mine has, I am told, found favour in the dug-outs and billets...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Spons' Household ManualSpons' Household Manual - A treasury of domestic receipts and a guide for home managementTime was when the foremost aim and ambition of the English housewife was to gain a full knowledge of her own duties and of the duties of her servants. In...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Lucian's Dialogues prepared for schoolsLucian's Dialogues prepared for schools[Transcriber's note: This book consists of the main text and a supplement ('Notes') which not only contains explanations on the background of some stories, but also explains less frequent words (mostly in Greek). These refer to pages (and lines) of...
- $8.53 SGD
$76.68 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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