Public Domain
PeterPeterThe two who mattered were lounging on the cushioned seat in the low window, of which the lower panes had been pushed quite up in order to admit the utmost possible influx of air. Little came in, for the afternoon was sultry and windless,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 14Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 14CE jour-l le facteur Boniface, en sortant de la maison de poste, constata que sa tourne serait moins longue que de coutume, et il en ressentit une joie vive. Il tait charg de la campagne autour...
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On Molecular and Microscopic Science, Volume 2 (of 2)On Molecular and Microscopic Science, Volume 2 (of 2)Although animal life is only known to us as a manifestation of divine power not to be explained, yet the various phases of life, growth, and structure in animals, from the microscopic Monad to Man, are...
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$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Le tragedie, gl'inni sacri e le odi di Alessandro ManzoniLe tragedie, gl'inni sacri e le odi di Alessandro ManzoniGiova fissare alcune date. Il Carme in morte dellImbonati, la prima delle sue opere che il Manzoni reputasse degna della stampa, fu pubblicato a Parigi nel 1806. LUrania, a Milano nel 1809. Poi, dopo un...
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$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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English writers of today, no. 4Hall Caine, the Man and the NovelistIn preparing this monograph on Mr Hall Caine, I have devoted much more attention to his earlier life than to those years during which he has been before the public as a novelist. The reasons for this are...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Terse Information about Queensland, the Queen State of the Australian CommonwealthQueensland, the Rich but Sparsely Peopled Country, a Paradise for Willing WorkersAny steady energetic individual from the above classes should have no difficulty in earning a good livelihood and in making a comfortable home in Queensland 37s. to 39s. per week with board and...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Painting by Immersion and by Compressed Air: A Practical HandbookPainting by Immersion and by Compressed Air: A Practical Handbook BRUSHING DIPPING SPRAYING FLOWING TUMBLING DRYING We specialise in all Paints, Enamels, Japans, Lacquers, Varnishes and other materials for the protection and decoration of Industrial Products of all kinds. Our clients comprise of the...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Guida pei monti della Brianza e per le terre circonvicineGuida pei monti della Brianza e per le terre circonvicine Quando io stava raccogliendo i materiali delle Vicende della Brianza, che ora comparvero interamente in luce, nulla risparmiai perch potessi avere quella maggiore esattezza, che fosse possibile in un lavoro per anco intentato, dove...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Limitations: A NovelLimitations: A NovelIs it, he asked, "because of the little tiny spark of the Divine which men have within them that we care for them, or because they are human not divine, limited not immeasurable, faulty not perfect? Tom Carlingford was sitting at his...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Buster the Big Brown BearBuster the Big Brown BearAll little boys and girls who love animals should become acquainted with Bumper the white rabbit, with Bobby Gray Squirrel, with Buster the bear, and with White Tail the deer, for they are all a jolly lot, brave and fearless...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Walking essaysWalking essays2. I must also thank a fellow-walker, who, on Maundy Thursday of 1910, as we climbed the road out of Marlborough into Savernake Forest, suggested to me the magnificent quotation from Cicero which heads the essay on Walking and Music. The heavenly bodies...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Hekuban tyttäret: RomaaniHekuban tyttäret: RomaaniRouva Bertholdi istui suorana vuoteessaan. Hn kuunteli. Ei kuulunut mitn. Kuinka toista olikaan ollut ennen! Silloin pojat jo aamulla olivat tyttneet talon touhullaan, niin runsaalla raikkaalla elmll. Nyt oli hiljaista. He olivat poissa. Ett Heinz meni, oli pivn selv, hnen olisi muutenkin...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Doctor Rabbit and Ki-Yi CoyoteDoctor Rabbit and Ki-Yi CoyoteDoctor Rabbit lived in the very biggest tree in the Big Green Woods. He looked after all the other rabbits when they were ill and he doctored quite a number of the other little creatures of the Big Woods too,...
- $8.52 SGD
$196.05 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The early life of Abraham Lincoln:The early life of Abraham Lincoln: - containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln's early friendsIt has been only within the last ten years that the descent of Abraham Lincoln from the Lincolns of Hingham, Massachusetts, has been established with any degree...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Comedy & Tragedy of the Second EmpireThe Comedy & Tragedy of the Second Empire - Paris Society in the Sixties; Including Letters of Napoleon III., M. Pietri, and Comte de la Chapelle, and Portraits of the PeriodIt is due to the readers of The Empress Eugnie: 1870-1910, that they should...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Hagarin poikaHagarin poikaOli kylm joulukuun aamu. Ilma oli sakea ja hmr muutamalla Lontoon poliisiasemalla. Lamppujen valot nyttivt himmeilt ja torkkuvilta, samoin kuin ihmisetkin tn varhaisena hetken. Ers nainen lapsi syliss oli puolittain pakotettu ja vedetty istumaan syytettyjen penkille. Hn oli nuori; irtipsseitten, sotkeutuneitten hiusten takaa...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Dyre Rein: Kertomus isoisän isän talostaDyre Rein: Kertomus isoisän isän talostaMahtava joki, joka muina vuodenaikoina kohisi vuolaana virtana metsseudun lpi, vlkkyen kuin viel kyttmtn sahanter sankassa tukkimetsss, virtasi nyt pitkllisen keskuivan jlkeen painuneena korkeiden hiekkariuttojen vliin. Kuuset ja mnnyt tihkuivat pihkaa tukahduttavassa kuumuudessa, eik lehtipuissa vrhtnyt ainoakaan lehti. Plyinen...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Confidential Chats with GirlsConfidential Chats with GirlsKnowledge of unessentials and nursery physiology, along with a smattering of academic teachings, have held her apart from a true appreciation of her real value to herself and humanity. Physical exercise and moral admonition have been given her, but not advice...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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El Folk-lore Filipino (Tomo I)El Folk-lore Filipino (Tomo I)A la escasez de conocimientos con que constaban los antguos, la supla su atrevimiento, el cual estaba en proporcin con su grande ignorancia. As es que si los antiguos no dejaron de dar soluciones ningn problema cientfico, esas pretendidas soluciones,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Annali d'Italia, vol. 7Annali d'Italia, vol. 7 - dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750 L'anno fu questo del giubileo romano, aperto con gran solennit da papa Clemente X, non avendo mancato il santo padre di contribuir molte limosine in alimento de' poveri pellegrini, di lavar loro...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.58 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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