Public Domain
El Doctor Centeno (Tomo II)El Doctor Centeno (Tomo II)Acurdate, lectorcillo, de cuando t y yo y otras personas de cuenta vivamos en casa de doa Virginia, y considera cmo el rodar de los tiempos, dando la vuelta de veinte aos, ha cambiado cosas y personas. La casa ya...
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El Doctor Centeno (Tomo I)El Doctor Centeno (Tomo I)Con paso decidido acomete el hroe la empinada cuesta del Observatorio. Es, para decirlo pronto, un hroe chiquito, paliducho, mal dotado de carnes y peor de vestido con que cubrirlas; tan insignificante, que ningn transeunte, de stos que llaman personas,...
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Diane de Lancy Les pretendus de la meunièreDiane de Lancy; Les pretendus de la meunièrePar une soire pluvieuse et froide du mois de novembre 1792, une barque tait amarre dans une petite baie des ctes du Finistre, quarante pas environ dune hutte de pcheur, dont la mer, lorsquelle tait grosse, venait...
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$76.93 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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El Doctor Centeno (novela completa)El Doctor Centeno (novela completa)Con paso decidido acomete el hroe la empinada cuesta del Observatorio. Es, para decirlo pronto, un hroe chiquito, paliducho, mal dotado de carnes y peor de vestido con que cubrirlas; tan insignificante, que ningn transeunte, de stos que llaman personas,...
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$76.93 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Fable of the Bees Or, Private Vices, Public BenefitsThe Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public BenefitsConsidering the manifold clamours, that have been raised from several quarters, against the Fable of the Bees, even after I had published the vindication of it, many of my readers will wonder to see me...
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A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James MadisonA Colored Man's Reminiscences of James MadisonAmong the laborers at the Department of the Interior is an intelligent colored man, Paul Jennings, who was born a slave on President Madison's estate, in Montpelier, Va., in 1799. His reputed father was Benj. Jennings, an English...
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Haleakala GuideHawaii National Park: A Guide for the Haleakala Section, Island of Maui, HawaiiMost of us yearn to travel, and the preliminary to travel is to choose a place that others, people or books, say is interesting, then find out more about it. This guide...
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Taistelu ja voitto: Kuvaelmia Rooman keisariajaltaTaistelu ja voitto: Kuvaelmia Rooman keisariajalta1. Maran Atha. 2. Kristityt ja kristittyjen Jumala. 3. Apollonius. 4. Krsimyksen alku. 5. Sirkuksessa ja kuolleiden kaupungissa. 6. Ystvi hdss. 7. Pako. 8. Aenariaan. 9. Napoli. 10. Harhatiell. 11. Lasku ja nousu. 12. Maailman pkaupungissa. 13. Petollisuus ja...
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TargallyakTargallyaklt egyszer a krimiai flszigeten egy jmbor fiatal orosz ppa, a kit Athanznak hvtak, azokban az idkben, a mikor mg a Krimet tatrfejedelmek kormnyoztk. Ezek gyakori hadjrataikban a szomszd kozkokkal hol ellensgek, hol szvetsges trsak voltak. Mikor ellensgek voltak, akkor rabsgra hajtottak a kozk...
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A History of the Trial of Castner Hanway and Others, for Treason, at Philadelphia in November, 1851A History of the Trial of Castner Hanway and Others, for Treason, at Philadelphia in November, 1851 - With an Introduction upon the History of the Slave QuestionThe following pages contain a short history of the late Christiana Treason Trials. During their progress a...
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"Good-Morning, Rosamond!""Good-Morning, Rosamond!"Young Rosamond Mearely might beas indeed she wasthe richest and fairest woman in Roseborough, and the widow of a gentleman whose name the hamlet and countryside mentioned still with the bated breath of pride; but she would no more have dared to appear...
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Peeps at Many Lands: SiamPeeps at Many Lands: SiamYou have doubtless already learned in your history of England that at one time this island home of ours was peopled by wild, uncivilized tribes, who were driven away into the hills of the north and the west by invaders...
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The Indians of the Pike's Peak RegionThe Indians of the Pike's Peak Region - Including an Account of the Battle of Sand Creek, and of Occurrences in El Paso County, Colorado, during the War with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, in 1864 and 1868 For the most part this book is...
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Handbooks of practical gardening, 19The Book of Town & Window GardeningAcknowledgment is due to the Editors of The Garden, The Lady, and the Pall Mall Gazette for their courtesy in permitting the reproduction in this book of certain chapters which appeared as articles in their respective journals. Courage...
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$126.92 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Book of the NativeThe Book of the NativeMany of the poems in this collection have already appeared in the pages of English, American, or Canadian periodicals. For kind courtesies in regard to the reprinting of such poems my grateful acknowledgments are due to the editors of Harpers...
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My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 1. September 29, 1900My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 1. September 29, 1900. - From Farm to Fortune; or Only a Farmer's DaughterIssued Weekly. By Subscription $2.50 per year. Entered as Second Class Matter at the N. Y. Post Office, by Street & Smith,...
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Chu Ke Pai An Jing Qi初刻拍案驚奇 : ? ? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 57248 Author: Ling, Mengchu Release Date: Jun 2, 2018 Format: eBook Language: Chinese
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China RevolutionizedChina RevolutionizedThe Honorable Yuan Shih Kai, confirmed as president of China by the National Assembly, January, 1913. A middle province type (Honan). He is wearing the uniform of the General-in-Chief of the northern army. A forceful progressive leader of the New China. A republic...
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$126.92 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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National Park Service popular study series. History no. 12Rifles and Riflemen at the Battle of Kings MountainKings Mountain, the fierce attack of American frontiersmen on October 7, 1780, against Cornwallis scouting force under Ferguson, was an unexpected onslaught carried out in the foothills of South Carolina. This sudden uprising of the stalwart...
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$76.93 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Een nest menschenEen nest menschenDe bedoeling van deze woorden vooraf aan dit sterk-persoonlijk sprekende deel van Aug. P. van Groeningens werk, vroeg werk van hem, deze schetsen, maar rijp en wat meer is, buiten dezen vergankelijken tijd, onvergankelijk; is belangrijk te maken de wetenschap wie de...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.93 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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