Public Domain
Voyages au front, de Dunkerque à BelfortVoyages au front, de Dunkerque à BelfortLe 30 juillet dernier, allant en automobile de Poitiers vers le Nord, nous avions djeun au bord de la route, sous des pommiers la lisire dun champ. Dautres champs stendaient droite et gauche, jusqu lore dun bois do...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Left to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and GeraldLeft to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and GeraldA preface to a little book of this sort is an anomaly. Consequently it should be understood the sooner that these fore-words are not intended for any boys or girls that take up Left to...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The Legend of Sister BeatrixThe Legend of Sister BeatrixNot far from the highest peak in the Jura, but descending a little down its slope facing west, one could still see, going on for half a century ago, a mass of ruins that had belonged to the church and...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Seventeen Years Among the Sea Dyaks of BorneoSeventeen Years Among the Sea Dyaks of Borneo - A Record of Intimate Association with the Natives of the Bornean JunglesWith the establishment of Rajah Brookes government in Sarawak, the different races of its native population gradually became known to English people, and at...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The Gyroscopic Compass: A Non-Mathematical TreatmentThe Gyroscopic Compass: A Non-Mathematical TreatmentAt this date it is, or should be, unnecessary to open an account of the gyroscopic compass with a discussion of the defects of the ordinary magnetic compass. These defects are too well known to require mention. Recent advances...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Mark Tidd's CitadelMark Tidd's CitadelAll four of us, Mark, Plunk Smalley, Binney Jenks, and Tallow Martin, which is me, stood and looked at the big, ramshackle summer hotel and then looked at one anotherand three of us grinned. Grinned, did I say? Maybe it started out...
- $8.58 SGD
$123.38 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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RegenerationRegenerationAlthough a few cases of regeneration were spoken of by Aristotle and by Pliny, the subject first attracted general attention through the remarkable observations and experiments of the Abb Trembley. His interest was drawn to certain fresh-water polyps, hydras, that were new to him,...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Mark Tidd in the BackwoodsMark Tidd in the BackwoodsIt all started just before school was out. One afternoon when I got home mother showed me a letter from Uncle Hieronymous, who lives in the woods back of Baldwin, on the Middle Branch of the Pre Marquette River. I...
- $8.58 SGD
$123.38 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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A Son of Mars, volume 2A Son of Mars, volume 2Poor old Larkins and his wife were completely broken by Mimies terrible mishap. They could not find it in their hearts to speak harshly of their unhappy child; but they were loudly indignant against the man who had tempted...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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A Son of Mars, volume 1A Son of Mars, volume 1To the right, under the arch leading to the casemate barracks at Triggertown, dwelt Jonadab Larkins, a deserving public servant who had enjoyed the proud position of barrack sergeant for some years. He was like the old lady who...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Scott Burton on the RangeScott Burton on the RangeScott Burton leaned eagerly forward and searched the scenery which rolled steadily past the Pullman window. The other occupants of the car, worn out with the long journey and surfeited with scenery, centered their attention on their books or tried...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Declaration du Roy, qui ordonne l'execution de l'Edit de Revocation de celuy de NantesDeclaration du Roy, qui ordonne l'execution de l'Edit de Revocation de celuy de NantesQui ordonne lexecution de lEdit de Revocation de celuy de Nantes. Pourvoit linstruction de ceux qui sont rentrez dans le sein de lEglise Catholique, & de leurs enfans, & les maintient...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Principle in Art, EtcPrinciple in Art, Etc.With one exception, namely the last Paper in the Collection, which appeared in the Fortnightly Review, all these Essays were printed in the St. Jamess Gazette during the editorship of Mr. Greenwood. The Essay on Architectural Styles contains a summary of...
- $8.58 SGD
$203.58 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Ornithological Biography, Volume 2 (of 5)Ornithological Biography, Volume 2 (of 5) - An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America When, for the first time, I left my father, and all the dear friends of my youth, to cross the great ocean that...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Seeing the West: Suggestions for the Westbound TravellerSeeing the West: Suggestions for the Westbound TravellerTo Mr. Robert Sterling Yard, Executive Secretary of the National Parks Association, especial thanks are extended for his interest and assistance and the permission to quote freely from his most valuable book, The Book of National Parks....
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 50The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 50 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Beautiful LakelandBeautiful LakelandIT may be fearlessly asserted that those portions of the counties of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire known as the Lake District, contain more natural beauty, more literary associations and more diversity of charm than any other similar area of the whole of the...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Ein EhzuchtbüchleinEin Ehzuchtbüchlein In diesem Bchlein ist der Text zu 12 bis 18 Zeilen je Seite in das Fenster einer Illustration gestellt. Die Textdatei zu diesem Buch ist mit zwei oder mehr Leerzeilen in die entsprechenden Abschnitte eingeteilt. Man kann Ehe bersetzen. Mariage heit's im...
- $8.58 SGD
$127.22 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Bayonet Training Manual Used by the British ForcesBayonet Training Manual Used by the British ForcesTraining in the use of the bayonet is receiving much attention from all the combatant nations in Europe. The aim of the instruction is twofold: 1. To develop great alertness of mind, readiness of muscle, and habit...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812During recent years the history of most of Napoleons great campaigns has been given to the world, with the notable exception of that of the catastrophic Russian expedition of 1812. Apart from compilations, I have met only one original work...
- $8.58 SGD
$77.11 SGD- $8.58 SGD
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