Public Domain
Pikku Lallin tähtimaailmaPikku Lallin tähtimaailmaKymmenvuotias Lalli ja hnen kaksi vuotta nuorempi Maija-siskonsa olivat hiipineet lastenkamarista pimen ruokasalin ja eteisen kautta saliin. Maija piti kiinni veljens takinhihasta, ja hnen pikku ktsens vapisi, kun he tulivat suureen, pimen huoneeseen, miss vallitsi tydellinen hiljaisuus. Kaihtimet eivt olleet alasvedetyt, ja...
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$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Iphigeneia i AulisIphigeneia i AulisGUBBEN. Jag har brdt. Ty mig smnls r lderdomen, Och i gonen skarp r blicken. 5 AGAMEMNON. Ej minsta kny af fglar hrs, Ej heller ur sjn, och vindarne tyst 10 Hr fver Euripos sig laggt. GUBBEN. Hvi skyndar du dig ur...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Songs of the Common Day, and, Ave!: An Ode for the Shelley CentenarySongs of the Common Day, and, Ave!: An Ode for the Shelley CentenaryAN ODE FOR THE SHELLEY CENTENARY BY CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS TORONTO WILLIAM BRIGGS Montreal: C. W. COATES. Halifax: S. F. HUESTIS 1893 {v}{iv} TO BLISS CARMAN FRIEND, KINSMAN, AND FELLOW CRAFTSMAN...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Mary Louise at DorfieldMary Louise at DorfieldDorfield was trying to settle down into its prewar quiet, but no matter how conservative and sleepy a town has been, when once it is shaken up with war activities it finds it difficult to go to sleep again. It may...
- $8.59 SGD
$123.55 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Vicki Barr flight stewardess series [12]The Clue of the Gold CoinSWIRLS OF HEAVY SNOWFLAKES, DRIVEN BY A BRISK wind that whistled across the vast expanse of concrete runways that is New York Citys Idlewild Airport, dashed against the big picture window in the Personnel Lounge and spiraled back into...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Miss CrespignyMiss CrespignyThese love stories were written for and printed in Petersons Ladies Magazine. Owing to the fact that this magazine was not copyrighted, a number of them have been issued in book-form without my consent, and representing the sketches to be my latest work....
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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British Museum (Natural History) General GuideBritish Museum (Natural History) General GuideThis Guide is intended for the use of those visitors who wish merely to get a general idea of the arrangements and contents of the Natural History Museum. Special Guides have been published for the use of visitors who...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Icknield WayThe Icknield WayWhen I sat down at the Dolau Cothi Arms this evening I remembered my dedication to you. You said I could dedicate this book to you if I would make a real dedication, not one of my shadowy salutes befitting shadows rather...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Battle of TalaveraThe Battle of TalaveraJoseph (el Rey botilla) was in the field, and of course nominally commanding in chief; but he very prudently placed himself opposite to the Spanish lines, where there was little to do; and, accordingly, we do not hear of him again,...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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A Chronicle of JailsA Chronicle of JailsJail Journals are always a fascinating study. The self-recorded thoughts and impressions of man forcibly isolated from his fellows in the solitude of the jail have a certain interest which is hard to explain. This is the case even when the...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G.C.BThe Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G.C.B.The Life of Sir Harry Smith here offered to the public consists of an Autobiography covering the period 1787 to 1846 (illustrated by notes and appendices), and some supplementary chapters contributed...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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De Dochter van de Zeekapitein: Een Histories VerhaalDe Dochter van de Zeekapitein: Een Histories VerhaalIn dit boekje heb ik tot zulk n bedrag op de Bank van de Fantasie getrokken, dat t misschien niet onnodig is om mijn lezers te vertellen, wat er waarheid, en wat verdicht in is, te meer,...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Golgatalta Roomaan: Historiallinen romaaniGolgatalta Roomaan: Historiallinen romaaniI. Jhyviset. II. Agrippinan suunnitelmat. III. Salajuoni. IV. Uusi caesar. V. Julia ja Antonius. VI. Silanuksen sisar. VII. Sabina Poppea. VIII. Kunnia vaiko rakkaus. IX. Kaksi krsiv. X. Vapaa. XI. Akte. XII. Tuomio ja sen toimeenpano. XIII. Vierailu. XIV. Julia. XV....
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Astronomy for Young AustraliansAstronomy for Young AustraliansA cheap edition of the Astronomy for Young Australians having been desired, to meet the requirements of the Public Schools of the colonies, Mr. Bonwick respectfully submits the present issue to the favourable attention of Teachers. St. Kilda, November 1, 1866....
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 46, January 1907)The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 46, January 1907)When we consider that the obligations of benevolence, which are founded on the precepts and example of the Author of Christianity, are not canceled by the follies or crimes of our fellow-creatures,...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Meta Toluene Sulphonic Acid and Related CompoundsMeta Toluene Sulphonic Acid and Related CompoundsThe action of sulphuric acid on toluene was first investigated by Jaworsky, (Ztschr. Chem. 1,272), who described one toluene sulphonic acid as the resulting compound. In 1869 Engelhardt and Latschinoff (Ibid. 617), heated toluene with sulphuric acid and...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Owl TaxiThe Owl Taxi I The Transfer II Greg's First Fare III Greg's Second Fare IV In the House on Ninth Street V The Taxi Yard VI Greg's Rival VII The Undertaker VIII The Hold-up IX The Flivver as a Post-Office X Amy's Story XI...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3)A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 3 (of 3)Having come to Borcel End to perform a certain duty, Maurice Clissold gave himself up heart and soul to the task in hand. Pleasant as it might have been to him to spend the greater part...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)A Strange World: A Novel. Volume 1 (of 3)A fair slope of land in buttercup-time, just when May, the capricious, melts into tender Junea slope of fertile pasture within two miles of the city of Eborsham, whose cathedral towers rise tall in the blue...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Sokrateen puolustuspuheSokrateen puolustuspuheSallima oli mrnnyt Sokrateen elmn Athenassa aikana, jolloinka sofistit esiintoivat ajatuksensa: ihminen on totuuden mitta, sovittaen sen mys uskontoon ja siveellisyyteen ja tullen siten yhteiskunnan olemassaololle vaarallisiksi henkiliksi. Heit vastaan alkoi siksi ankara reaktsiooni. Tahdottiin pelastaa uskonnon auktoriteetti, pelastaa vanha, vakaa moraali, tukahuttaa...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.22 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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