Public Domain
German Influence on British CavalryGerman Influence on British CavalryThis essay is meant to be read in connection with the facts and arguments adduced in my book of last year, "War and the Arme Blanche," with its Introduction by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts. From the nature of the case I...
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Turner's Golden VisionsTurner's Golden VisionsIn writing on Turner one must necessarily make levies on the works of other authors. I give hearty acknowledgment to Mr. A. J. Finberg's Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest (printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office), which he himself has...
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Rab Ráby: RegényRab Ráby: RegényHogy voltakpen mirt vlasztotta szerz ezt a czmet regnyhez, annak az okt nem az magyarzza meg, hogy ez a ketts nv Rab Rby olyan szpen rmel egymsra, hanem kiderti azon knyszert krlmny, hogy a regny fhst, az aktk bizonysga szerint valsggal Rbynak...
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Pierrot, Dog of BelgiumPierrot, Dog of BelgiumAcross her level, lush meadows the harsh-shod hosts of war have marched. Beside her peaceful waters the sons of God have spilled each others blood. Beneath her noble trees have raged the fires of human hate. Her king and his brave...
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Ajas: SzomorujátékAjas: SzomorujátékAchilles halla utn fegyvereit a hadi tancs, leginkbb Agamemnon s Menelaos befolysa alatt, Odysseusnak itlte. Ajas Telamon fia, szintn ignyt tartott e fegyverekre, mint Achilles utn a hadsereg legjobb hse, ki egy zben az egsz sereget megmentette btorsga ltal. Elkeseredve az itlet miatt...
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Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 4/8)Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 4/8)Ce quartier est born l'orient par les rues Barre-du-Bec, de Sainte-Avoie et du Temple exclusivement; au septentrion, par le faubourg Saint-Martin jusqu'aux barrires inclusivement; l'occident, par la rue Saint-Martin et par...
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Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 3/8)Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 3/8)Ce quartier est born l'orient par les rues Poissonnire et du Faubourg-Poissonnire exclusivement jusqu'aux barrires; au septentrion, par l'extrmit des faubourgs inclusivement; l'occident, par les rues de l'Arcade et du Rocher,...
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Addresses: by John A. Martin. Delivered in KansasAddresses: by John A. Martin. Delivered in Kansas.Those most familiar with the Governors office during recent years know what a busy place it is. During the session of the Legislature it is not often that the Governor has a rest of ten minutes, by...
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Vanhasta kylästä ynnä muita kertomuksiaVanhasta kylästä ynnä muita kertomuksia Lister, 20 p:n Lokakuuta. Talo, miss min asun, on vanha talo ja sen omistaa Aanen Hananger. Mutta Aanen Hananger on useimmiten neljnneksen matkan pss tyss toisen luona, ja niin asun min tll jotensakin yksinni ja syn pivn ateriat vastapt...
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$77.28 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Meren takaa IMeren takaa ISaarekkeena Saarenmaalla, kesantolakeuksien keskell, on pieni, vanha talo, mehilispesineen, hedelmpuineen, huojuvine haapoineen, jotka varistavat valkoisia haituvia. Kokonaisen pitkn, keskuuman pivn iltapuolen olen istunut kirsikkapuitten alla, mehilisten suristessa, ja kuunnellut elmns iltapuoleen joutuneen miehen kertomuksia kansansa raskailta ajoilta. Nuori polvi tuntee ne ainoastaan...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.28 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Book of Elves and Fairies for Story-Telling and Reading Aloud and for the Children's Own ReadingThe Book of Elves and Fairies for Story-Telling and Reading Aloud and for the Children's Own ReadingLet a child open the covers of this book, and straightway he is in that land of all delightsFairy Realm. Here Fairy Godmothers reward good children, and punish...
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$123.65 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Maud, and Other PoemsMaud, and Other Poems You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of...
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NovellákNovellákE derk patriciusok, kik kzl egynmelynek jvedelme nyolcz, kilencz millira ment fl, gyakran voltak azon kellemetlen helyzetben, hogy Rmt kerlnik kellett; az unalom, a srtett hiusg, a np s a praetorianok lzongsai, legtbbszr a csszri gyan knyszertk ket elhagyni a vilgvros kapuit s mezei...
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The New Century Standard Letter-WriterThe New Century Standard Letter-Writer - Business, Family and Social Correspondence, Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms, Legal Forms, Etc.THE NEW CENTURY STANDARD LETTER-WRITER Business, Family and Social Correspondence Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms Legal Forms, Etc. How to Address the President, Members of the Cabinet and other High...
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$77.28 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 2, February, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 2, February, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
- $8.60 SGD
$77.28 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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River and Canal Engineering, the characteristics of open flowing streams, and the principles and methods to be followed in dealing with themRiver and Canal Engineering, the characteristics of open flowing streams, and the principles and methods to be followed in dealing with them.Chap. IV. explains the laws of silting and scouring action, a subject of great importance and one to which 2 the attention ordinarily...
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$77.28 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (Vol. IV, No. II, April 1849)The Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (Vol. IV, No. II, April 1849)When we consider that the obligations of benevolence, which are founded on the precepts and examples of the Author of Christianity, are not cancelled by the follies or crimes of our...
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Pictures and Problems from London Police CourtsPictures and Problems from London Police CourtsIt would ill become me to allow a new edition of this book to go forth without expressing my grateful thanks to the public for the kind manner in which the book has been received. Public and Press...
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$123.65 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Fénelon: The MysticFénelon: The MysticThere have been many lives of Fnelon. Four were brought out in the eighteenth century, and two quite extensive ones were issued as recently as 1901. In a few cases they have been written in a spirit of cold, supercilious disparagement and...
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The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1914)The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1914)[We reprint Edward Marshalls illuminating article from the New York Times of February 22nd on the most recent serious menace within our prisons, and outside of them. There has come throughout the country, apparently a relatively sudden...
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