Public Domain
"Monsieur Henri": A Footnote to French History"Monsieur Henri": A Foot-Note to French HistoryO little concerning the French provincial struggle of the eighteenth century has found an echo in our language, that the British Museum and the Bodleian Library have not three original references between them to add to the local...
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Seikkailu rosenkreuziläisten luonaSeikkailu rosenkreuziläisten luonaTm novelli, joka ilmestyi Bostonissa vuonna 1839, oli ensimminen yritykseni romaanikirjoittamisen alalla. Menestys oli suuri sek Amerikassa ett Englannissa, joten kirja vhss ajassa ilmestyi monena painoksena. Sen ptarkoituksena oli alkujaan levitt erit aatteita, joita t:ri Carl du Prel "Maallinen luostari"-nimisell kirjallaan oli...
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Philipp Reis: Inventor of the TelephonePhilipp Reis: Inventor of the Telephone - A Biographical SketchThe title of this little work sufficiently indicates its nature and scope. The labour of preparing it has not been slight, and has involved the expenditure of much time in prosecuting inquiries both in this...
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The Joy of Life [La joie de vivre]The Joy of Life [La joie de vivre]'La Joie de Vivre,' here translated as 'The Joy of Life,' was written by M. Zola in 1883, partly at his country house at Mdan, and partly at Bnodet, a little seaside place in Brittany. The scene...
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$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Miss Parloa's Young HousekeeperMiss Parloa's Young Housekeeper - Designed Especially to Aid Beginners; Economical Receipts for Those Who Are Cooking for Two or ThreeWHEREVER I have gone in the last fifteen years in following my calling as a teacher of cooking, earnest appeals have been made to...
- $8.59 SGD
$127.43 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Round Table, March 3, 1896Harper's Round Table, March 3, 1896Can you not see the boy of 1775 nowhis sturdy legs encased in stout black stockings, german-silver buckles to his knee-breeches, his hair plaited and tied with a smart black ribbon, and all this magnificence topped by three real...
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$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Naughty Man; or, Sir Thomas BrownThe Naughty Man; or, Sir Thomas Brown - Love, Courtship and Marriage in High Life. A Poetical Satire1.F.3. LIMITED RIGHT OF REPLACEMENT OR REFUND - If you discover a defect in this electronic work within 90 days of receiving it, you can receive a...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 2, February 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 2, February 1847It is inconvenient to have to bear with personal deficienciestroublesome and disheartening not to possess all the senses and the faculties which are demanded to enable man to compete with his fellows upon equal terms; and it...
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A Life of Walt WhitmanA Life of Walt WhitmanWHITMANS AMERICA The men of old declared that the lands of adventure lay in the West, for they were bold to follow the course of the sun; and to this day the bold do not look back to seek romance...
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Spain in 1830, vol. 2Spain in 1830, vol. 2Different Modes of Travelling to Seville; Journey to Aranjuez; the Gardens of Aranjuez; Ocana; a Spanish Supper; Polinario, the ci-devant Robber; History of his Change of Life; La Mancha, and Journey to Manzanarez; Madridlejos and its Population; Husbandry of La...
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- $8.59 SGD
$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Pyhiinvaeltaja: Kuvitelmia KarjalastaPyhiinvaeltaja: Kuvitelmia KarjalastaI. Lht luonnon ja alkuperisyyden maahan. II. Ontrei ja hnen hurskaat opetuksensa. III. Kaksi pyhiinvaeltaja-naista. IV. Outoja tapahtumia tshainajassa. V. Salaperinen vieras. VI. Jatkoa tapahtumiin tshainajassa. VII. Salaperinen vieras ja pyhiinvaeltaja-naiset. VIII. Pakoretkelle lht. IX. Ontrein tarina. X. Tulo Paadenen kyln. Runoilija-opettajan...
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$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Tanár úr kérem: Képek a középiskolábólTanár úr kérem: Képek a középiskolábólAz udvaron keresztl belopztam fltz utn jrhat az id, most a folyosk kihalltak s konganak, csak nha, mikor egy becsukott ajt eltt elmegyek, csap ki felm a zmmgs s egyszerre mlyen s igen komolyan elszorul a szvem. A msodik...
- $8.59 SGD
$127.43 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1847Yes, sir, and the baggage and horses are ready, was the reply of a stalwart youth, whose dress betokened a condition removed from that of an ordinary menial, and partaking rather of that of a familiar, though...
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Literary Landmarks of VeniceLiterary Landmarks of VeniceIn a chapter upon Literary Residences, among The Curiosities of Literature, Isaac DIsraeli said: No foreigners, men of letters, lovers of the arts, or even princes, would pass through Antwerp without visiting the House of Rubens, to witness the animated residence...
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After Icebergs with a PainterAfter Icebergs with a Painter - A Summer Voyage to Labrador and Around Newfoundland.The title-page alone would serve for a preface to the present volume. It is the record of a voyage, during the summer of 1859, in company with a distinguished landscape painter,...
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$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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GerminalGerminal'GERMINAL' was published in 1885, after occupying Zola during the previous year. In accordance with his usual custombut to a greater extent than with any other of his books except La Dbclehe accumulated material beforehand. For six months he travelled about the coal-mining district...
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In a Quiet VillageIn a Quiet VillageOld Danl was a character indeed, and for many years a mystery as well. He was a man of one object in life, and what that object was no one knew for thirty-five years. He was by trade a tailor, and...
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How the Garden GrewHow the Garden GrewI have not had charge of my garden very long; and I am not sure that I should have undertaken such a charge had there been anyone else to do it. But there was no one else, and it so obviously...
- $8.59 SGD
$127.43 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Délvirágok OceániaDélvirágok; OceániaMikor mg II. Constans uralkodott Sicilin, Krisztus utn hatszzhatvanhrom vvel, az egsz hromszg npe valami keverke volt keresztynnek s pognynak. A rgi pogny hitregk megmaradtak emlkben, s ha a vad Lstrygonok utda imdsgait mondta vdszentjhez, htt egy omladoz pogny templomnak vetve, eszbe jutottak...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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