Public Domain
Pleiades Club Year Book 1910Pleiades Club Year Book 1910But apply these and other bromidic definitions to the art and literature of to-daymeasure them up against the Sunday newspaper, or Peter Pan at the theatre, or picture exhibitions of the Independent Artists and the followers of Matisseand assuredly there...
- $8.61 SGD
$204.20 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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NapoleonNapoleon1769 vuoden kevt oli levotonta aikaa Korsikan kalliosaaren vestlle. Eihn tosin oltu totuttukaan rauhaisiin piviin: 40 vuotta olivat korsikalaiset, joiden puukko ammoisista ajoista helposti irtaantui tupestaan, vapauden hurmauksessa ja hehkuvalla isnmaanrakkaudella taistelleet vihattua genualaista ylivaltaa vastaan, jonka alla olivat vuosisatoja huokailleet. Vihollinen oli jo...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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KalevalaKalevalaLikasom frtjensten att undan frgngelsen hafva rddat Finlands historiska minnen nstan uteslutande tillhr Porthan, likas hafva nationens mythiska qvarlefvor hufvudsakligast genom D:r Lnnrots verksamhet blifvit framkallade i ljuset. Alldeles obanad var vl icke heller den vg, han betrdde; men, hvad man fre honom gjort,...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Halloween, a Romaunt with Lays Meditative and DevotionalHalloween, a Romaunt; with Lays Meditative and DevotionalWhen the Christian Ballads first appeared, I appended to the book several little poems of a different character, with the announcement that they were selected from a forthcoming volume. Although I afterwards determined not to publish that...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Vocational seriesThe Young Man and JournalismOne of the most important decisions a young man is called upon to make relates to the determination of his life-work. It is fraught with serious consequence for him. It involves the possibilities of success and failure. The social order...
- $8.61 SGD
$204.20 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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New York Nocturnes, and Other PoemsNew York Nocturnes, and Other PoemsSet up by J. S. Cushing & Co., and printed by Berwick & Smith, at the Norwood Press, for the publishers, Lamson, Wolffe & Co., in the year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-eight. * * * ......Buy Now (To Read...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Két mosolyKét mosolyEgy nt fogunk itt ltni a szinpadon, abbl a mhelybl, mely a tizenkilencedik szzad msodik felnek irnyt adta meg egy bizonyos szemlleti mdban, amit npszeren ngylletnek, a n tagadsnak szoktuk nevezni. s engem, amikor felhasznlom az alkalmat, hogy Strindberg egyik leghatsosabb s legmlyebb...
- $8.61 SGD
$127.61 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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John Baring's HouseJohn Baring's HouseSitting on the doorstep, Elizabeth Scott leaned her head against the stone wall of the old house. The June twilight was closing in and a hard days work was done. Three meals had been prepared and half of the large garden had...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Making the NineMaking the NineThe cordial welcome given to Following The Ball by boy readers and parentssevere critics both, though from very different standpointshas led to the writing of this second story, in which baseball has a sufficiently important part to suggest the title. The authors...
- $8.61 SGD
$204.20 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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A Candid History of the JesuitsA Candid History of the JesuitsIt is the historic custom of the Church of Rome to enlist in its service monastic or quasi-monastic bodies in addition to the ordinary clergy. In its hour of greatest need, at the very outbreak of the Reformation, the...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Träldomen i Norden: Ett blad ur den Svenska artbetsklassens älsta historiaTräldomen i Norden: Ett blad ur den Svenska artbetsklassens älsta historiaInnan Sverge blef ett rike under en konung, bildade hvarje landskap ett litet rike fr sig. Vstergtland var ett land fr sig och stergtland ett land fr sig. P samma stt voro Sverges friga...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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17 Years in Paris: A Chaplain's StorySeventeen Years in Paris: A Chaplain's StoryIn sending forth this brief account of my long chaplaincy in Paris, I desire to say that I do so at the request of many friends, who were kind enough to express their interest. It is not intended...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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St. Andrews Ghost StoriesSt. Andrews Ghost Stories - Fourth EditionMany years ago, about the time of the Tay Bridge gale, I was staying at Edinburgh with a friend of mine, an actor manager. I had just come down from the paint-room of the theatre, and was emerging...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Ruby: A Story of the Australian BushRuby: A Story of the Australian BushCHRISTMAS DAY in the Australian bush! Not the sort of Christmas Day we dwellers in bonnie Scotland or merry England are accustomed to. The sun is blazing down in remorseless strength upon the parched ground, where the few...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Historical record of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons;—LancersHistorical record of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons;—Lancers - Containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1759 and of its subsequent services to 1841.The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour, by...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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The Mail CarrierThe Mail CarrierDan Evans, who was trudging along the dusty road, with his eyes fastened thoughtfully on the ground, and his mind so wholly given up to meditation that he did not know what was going on around him, stopped suddenly when these words...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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A Sketch of the Life of Elizabeth T. Stone and of Her PersecutionsA Sketch of the Life of Elizabeth T. Stone and of Her Persecutions - With an Appendix of Her Treatment and Sufferings While in the Charlestown McLean Assylum, Where She Was Confined Under the Pretence of InsanityFeeling that the public is very much deceived...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, Volume 5Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, Volume 5D. (reading to audience). The bearer, my servant Ricardo, having hurt his challenger in a duel, I beg for him a few daysprotection in your court, till some consequent rancour be appeased. Let my long silence and absence...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Hämähäkkilaakso ja muita kertomuksiaHämähäkkilaakso ja muita kertomuksiaPuolenpivn tienoissa joutui kolme takaa-ajajaa kuljettuaan virran uomassa ern mutkan ympri kki nkemn hyvin leven ja avaran laakson. Hankala, kiemurteleva, vierukivinen vesivako, jota pitkin he niin kauvan olivat tavotelleet karkureita ksiins, leveni tss laajaksi rinteeksi. Sama sisllinen tunne sai heidt nyt...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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A Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin FranklinA Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin FranklinThe writings of no man among the Christian Brotherhood have been so universally popular as those of Benjamin Franklin, save the extended writings of Alexander Campbell. Franklins volumes of Sermons, Debates and...
- $8.61 SGD
$77.34 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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