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Schen: Studien aus einer chinesischen WeltstadtSchen: Studien aus einer chinesischen WeltstadtDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1913 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; ungewhnliche und altertmliche Ausdrcke bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht, sofern die Verstndlichkeit des Textes dadurch...
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History of Greece, Volume 01 (of 12)History of Greece, Volume 01 (of 12)The first idea of this History was conceived many years ago, at a time when ancient Hellas was known to the English public chiefly through the pages of Mitford; and my purpose in writing it was to rectify...
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Tower of Ivory: A NovelTower of Ivory: A NovelJohn Ordham had been in Munich several months before he met Margarethe Styr. Like all the young men, native and foreign, he chose to fancy himself in love with her, and although both too dignified and too shy to applaud...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 1 (of 2)Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 1 (of 2)Gourd, Cauldron and Pipkin. The very small degree of antiquity to which machine tools can lay claim appears forcibly in the sparse records of the state of the mechanic arts a century ago. A few tools of a...
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Ruth's Marriage in Mars: A Scientific NovelRuth's Marriage in Mars: A Scientific NovelI am a Catholic-Psychic, and believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints (this is a fact to me for I have often seen my saints and heard them), the forgiveness of all sins, the resurrection...
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Catcher CraigCatcher CraigIt was a window to gladden any boys heart. Behind the big plate-glass pane were baseball bats of all sorts and prices, masks and protectors, gloves and mitts, balls peeking temptingly forth from their tin-foil wrappers, golf clubs and bags, running shoes and...
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The Automatic Toy WorksThe Automatic Toy Works - Manufacturers of the Best Novelties in Mechanical and Other ToysWe present this revised and enlarged edition of our Illustrated Catalogue to the Trade, confidently believing that it will be of service in the selection of Mechanical Toys and Novelties...
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Susan ProudleighSusan ProudleighThis story was first published serially in the Jamaica Daily Gleaner, under the title of Susan: Mr. Proudleighs Daughter, having been presented by the Jamaica Tobacco Co. to the reading public of the Island of Jamaica. I know I ave enemies, said Susan...
- $8.63 SGD
$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1866List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1866Transcribers Note: A large number of obvious printers errors have been corrected, mostly around punctuation and accents, but more or less no attempt has been made to standardise the varying spelling...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Helleenit ja barbaarit: Romaani persialaissotien ajoiltaHelleenit ja barbaarit: Romaani persialaissotien ajoiltaI. Eufranor ja hnen vaimonsa. II. Poika. III. Jumalat. IV. Pan-jumalan lehdossa. V. Hermofantos. VI. Olympia. VII. Juhlakentll. VIII. Afroditen esipiha. IX. Kilpajuoksu. X. Barbaarit. XI. Artemiin lehdossa. XII. Uusikuu. XIII. Vaellus. XIV. Ateena. XV. Marathon. XVI. Hades. XVII....
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Keely and His Discoveries: Aerial NavigationKeely and His Discoveries: Aerial NavigationEx Vivo Omnia. We stand before the dawning of a new day in science and humanity,a new discovery, surpassing any that has been hitherto made; which promises to afford us a key to some of the most recondite secrets...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Historical Growth of the English Parish ChurchThe Historical Growth of the English Parish ChurchThis small book is intended to be a companion and complement to the writers book in the same series on The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church. In that book the growth of the ground plan...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Handbuch der chemischen TechnologieHandbuch der chemischen Technologie - Achte Auflagezum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen an Universitten, technischen Hoch- und Mittelschulen, sowie zum Selbstunterrichte fr Chemiker, Techniker, Apotheker, Verwaltungsbeamte und Gerichtsrzte. Von Rudolf Wagner, Doktor der Staatswissenschaften und der Philosophie, knigl. bayer. Hofrath, ordentl. ffentl. Professor der chem. Technologie...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Ennen AatamiaEnnen Aatamia "Nm ovat meidn esivanhempamme ja heidn historiansa on meidn historiatamme. Muistakaa, ett yht varmasti kuin me kerran olemme lipuneet alas puista ja alkaneet kulkea pystysuorassa, aivan yht varmasti me paljon aikaisemmin olemme rymineet yls merest ja kokeneet ensimmiset kohtalomme maalla." Kuvia! Kuvia!...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 3 (of 3)General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, Vol. 3 (of 3)Be it remembered, that on the seventeenth day of April, A. D. 1822, in the forty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Richardson & Lord, of the said District, have...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Fables de La FontaineFables de La FontaineSIL y a quelque chose dingnieux dans la rpublique des lettres, on peut dire que cest la manire dont sope a dbit sa morale. Il seroit vritablement souhaiter que dautres mains que les miennes y eussent ajout les ornements de la...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 4 (of 5)The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 4 (of 5) - Poems of mystery and of myth and romance Title: The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 4 (of 5) Subtitle: Poems of mystery and of myth and romance Author: Madison Julius Cawein Release Date: January...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Sea Scouts Abroad: Further Adventures of the "Olivette"Sea Scouts Abroad: Further Adventures of the "Olivette""To-morrow the tide serves," declared Patrol Leader Peter Stratton, stepping back a few paces in order to admire the joint handiwork of the 1st Milford Sea Scouts. "We'll launch her while the compo's wet. That's the right...
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$77.54 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The city of the discreetThe city of the discreetIN San Sebastin, a beautiful watering place on the northern coast of Guipzcoa, Spain, Don Po Baroja y Nessi was born on the 28th day of December, 1872. There, wandering among the foothills of the Pyrenees, listening to the talk...
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