Public Domain
Vienna 1683Vienna 1683 - The History and Consequences of the Defeat of the Turks before Vienna, September 12, 1683, by John Sobieski, King of Poland, and Charles Leopold, Duke of LorraineThe historical scholar will find nothing new in the following pages; but I have thought...
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$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Catholic World, Vol. 20, October 1874‐March 1875The Catholic World, Vol. 20, October 1874‐March 1875The plain philosophical and scientific proofs by which we have established the actio in distans, although sufficient, in our judgment, to convince every unbiassed reader of the truth of the view we have maintained, may nevertheless prove...
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$127.88 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Poisonous Snakes of Texas and First Aid Treatment of Their BitesPoisonous Snakes of Texas and First Aid Treatment of Their Bites - Bulletin No. 31This Bulletin has been prepared in response to many requests from hunters, ranchers, telephone construction personnel, Boy Scouts and others who spend much time outdoors, for a concise and illustrated...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesThe Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesCopyright, 1902, by Brentano's Published August, 1902 Second Edition, April, 1904 Third Edition, February, 1908 Fourth Edition, November, 1908 Fifth Edition, August, 1911 Sixth Edition, February, 1913 Seventh Edition, February, 1916 The University Press, Cambridge, Mass., U....
- $8.62 SGD
$211.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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A Class-Book of Biblical History and GeographyA Class-Book of Biblical History and Geography - with numerous maps This work is a Class-Book of the Old and the New Testaments treated as consecutive history. It includes the Jewish history of the centuries between the close of the Old Testament and the...
- $8.62 SGD
$348.15 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Business Administration: Theory, Practice and Application. [Vol. 1] Business EconomicsBusiness Administration: Theory, Practice and Application. [Vol. 1] Business EconomicsThis work is especially designed to meet the practical every-day needs of the active business man, and contains the fundamental and basic principles upon which a successful business is founded, conducted and maintained. To those...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Black BarqueThe Black Barque - A Tales of the Pirate Slave-Ship Gentle Hand on Her Last African CruiseWhen I struck the beach in Havre, the war with England had turned adrift upon that ports dock heads a strange assortment of men. Many had served in...
- $8.62 SGD
$127.88 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Memories of Old MontanaMemories of Old Montana I. Earliest Memories (1869 to 1878) II. Black Hills of South Dakota (1878 to 1885) III. I Start to Punch Cows IV. With the RL Outfit V. With the TL Outfit in the Bear Paws VI. Line Riding With the...
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$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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IdolsIdols Two men once issued from the darkness and broke into a house. They came for robbery, but, finding an old man asleep in a chair, they murdered him. Then terrified at their deed, they fled, almost empty-handed, and so vanished into the night....
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$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Demagogue and Lady PhayreThe Demagogue and Lady Phayre I F you are coming my way, Goddard, we may as well walk back together, said the Member, putting on his fur-lined coat. Mr. Aloysius Gleam, member for Sunington, was a spare, precisely dressed little man on the hither...
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$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The White DoveThe White Dove Sylvester Lanyon looked at her half in amusement, half in wistfulness. There was no doubt whatever of her sincerity. Therein lay the pathetic. To reply that the shadow of death and suffering clouded life's glory was too obvious a rejoinder. So...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Yankee and the Teuton in WisconsinThe Yankee and the Teuton in WisconsinWisconsin in its racial character is popularly known to the country at large as a Teutonic state. That means the state has a German element, original and derivative, which numerically overshadows the American, English, Irish, Scandinavian, and other...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Ein Sommer im OrientEin Sommer im OrientDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gesetzt; diese wird hier in Normalschrift dargestellt. Antiquaschrift wird in der vorliegenden Ausgabe kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Las transformaciones de la sociedad argentina y sus consecuencias institucionales (1853 à 1910)Las transformaciones de la sociedad argentina y sus consecuencias institucionales (1853 à 1910)1. Correspondencia entre las instituciones y la sociedad que las adopta.2. Las transformaciones de la sociedad argentina, reveladas por la historia, la sociologa y la geografa, y su correspondencia con las instituciones.3....
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Marjorie in CommandMarjorie in CommandMrs. Maynards health was not quite up to its usual standard, and her husband had decided to take her for a short Southern trip. They would be absent from home about six weeks, and Miss Larkin, a friend of Mrs. Maynards, was...
- $8.62 SGD
$127.88 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Mirèio, a Provençal PoemMirèio, a Provençal PoemTHIRTY odd years have come and gone since the curious litterateurs of Paris were excited and charmed by the apparition of Frdric Mistrals Mirio. A pastoral poem in twelve cantos, composed in the dialect of the Bouches du Rhne, and first...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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The Sagamore of SacoThe Sagamore of Saco Chapter I. Standing Alone. Chapter II. The Fatal Omen. Chapter III. Sorrowful Misgivings. Chapter IV. The Net-weaver. Chapter V. The Elect. Chapter VI. Apollo and Diana. Chapter VII. A Family Conclave. Chapter VIII. The Spiders Webs. Chapter IX. The Fatal...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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1000 Ways to Make MoneyOne Thousand Ways to Make MoneyNew articles in all lines of trade are constantly appearing. Inventors of mechanical appliances, authors of books, proprietors of patent medicines, introducers of something novel in groceries, and promoters of new departures in dry and fancy goods, are all...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Marsena, and Other Stories of the WartimeMarsena, and Other Stories of the WartimeIt was not alone his flowing black hair, and his broad shirt-collars turned down after the ascertained manner of the British poets, which stamped him in our humble minds as a living brother to "The Corsair," "The Last...
- $8.62 SGD
$211.00 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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Fossil ButterfliesFossil Butterflies - Memoirs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, I.Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of New York City, to-day elected a member, sympathizing with the purposes of our Association in the advancement of science, and seeing the new crop of young and...
- $8.62 SGD
$77.50 SGD- $8.62 SGD
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