Public Domain
Shepherd Singing Ragtime, and Other PoemsShepherd Singing Ragtime, and Other Poems Numbers Ploughman at the Plough Creed The Starry Lady When the Great Arm of a Tree Bends Stooping The Moon-Clock Unnamed Fruit Portrait of an Artist Shepherd Singing Ragtime Skylark Noon The Singer of High State Bird, Bird,...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.11 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Kate Meredith, FinancierKate Meredith, Financier I. A West Coast Welcome II. Introduces Miss Laura Slade III. The King who Stopped the Roads IV. The Beach by Moonlight V. Events at Malla-Nulla VI. The Coming of the Okky-Men VII. The Invisible Fire VIII. Presents the Head of...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Millionaire MysteryThe Millionaire MysterySteering his course by a tapering spire notched in the eye of the sunset, a tramp slouched along the Heathton Road. From the western sky a flood of crimson light poured over the dusty white highway, which led straightly across the moor....
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Lady from Nowhere: A Detective StoryThe Lady from Nowhere: A Detective StoryOn the night of July 24th, in the year 1896, between the hours of eleven and twelve, Grangebury, a little-known suburb of London, was wrapped in slumber, as became a respectable neighbourhood whose inhabitants retired regularly shortly after...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Coming of the White Men: Stories of How Our Country Was DiscoveredThe Coming of the White Men: Stories of How Our Country Was DiscoveredThe true American is happy in the thought that his country is a great and glorious one. He can say with his heart as well as his lips, "This is the land...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Holy LandThe Holy LandThe secrets of satisfactory travel are mainly twoto have certain questions ready to ask; and to detach oneself from preconceptions, so as to find not what one expects, or desires to find, but what is there. These rules I endeavoured to follow...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Study of Army Camp Life during American RevolutionA Study of Army Camp Life during American RevolutionThe object of this study is to produce a picture of the private soldier of the American Revolution as he lived, ate, was punished, played, and worshiped in the army camp. Drawing that picture not only...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Lost Parchment: A Detective StoryThe Lost Parchment: A Detective Story"So this is your kingdom, Hendle?" said the visitor, looking round the garden which glowed with rainbow tints in the hot July sunshine; "and a very jolly kingdom it is. When did you enter into it?" "When I was...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Ports of Entry: Missionary HeraldPorts of Entry: Missionary HeraldScarcely any other three words form a phrase freighted with meaning so vital to our national life. Here is the convergence of streams of humanity flowing from the ends of the world. Through these gateways more than 33,000,000 aliens have...
- $8.63 SGD
$348.33 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Stranga heredaĵo: Romano originale verkitaStranga heredaĵo: Romano originale verkitaBelega, paca vidao etendiis anta la okuloj de maljuna sinjorino, kuanta sur malsanula puveturilo en la ombro de granda ulmo. irka i regis dola trankvilo; kaj iaj sentoj, la ia pozo kaj la serena esprimo de la pala vizao, estis...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 2 (of 2)Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 2 (of 2) - Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a Narrative of the Campaign of...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.11 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 1 (of 2)Memoirs of the Late War, Vol 1 (of 2) - Comprising the Personal Narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the History of the Campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a Narrative of the Campaign of...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.11 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Wise Saws and Modern Instances, Volume 1 (of 2)Wise Saws and Modern Instances, Volume 1 (of 2)Designed to elucidate the philosophy of fiction as well as to afford specimens of those marvels which have entered into popular belief, and taken a permanent place in literature. The classical inventions of the Greeks, the...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.11 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Madcap CruiseA Madcap Cruise"It strikes me," said Jerrold Taberman, "that we are booked for everlasting fame, win or lose. We'll either sail down the ages as a brace of heroes, or as the most egregious pair of donkeys that ever botched a job." It was...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Woman of the Ice AgeA Woman of the Ice AgeThe existence of Man in the geological period that preceded the one we live in, in his full anthropoid reality, possessing a mind, self conscious, radiant with powers of creation, of language, of inquisition, has been established. Man, vested...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Abysmal BruteThe Abysmal BruteSam Stubener ran through his mail carelessly and rapidly. As became a manager of prize-fighters, he was accustomed to a various and bizarre correspondence. Every crank, sport, near sport, and reformer seemed to have ideas to impart to him. From dire threats...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Dean Dunham Or, the Waterford MysteryDean Dunham; Or, the Waterford Mystery"Well, you see it's located near the lake, and though it's barren enough it's well situated, and there's five acres of it, plenty of room for all the buildin's required. They offered me first seven hundred, then eight hundred,...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 16, January, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 16, January, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyNow that the British are agitating for a change in the American history text books, which, they charge, inculcates our future generations with prejudice against the original...
- $8.63 SGD
$557.37 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Exiles: A Play in Three ActsExiles: A Play in Three ActsThe drawingroom in Richard Rowans house at Merrion, a suburb of Dublin. On the right, forward, a fireplace, before which stands a low screen. Over the mantelpiece a giltframed glass. Further back in the right wall, folding doors leading...
- $8.63 SGD
$211.11 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Kiljusen herrasväen uudet seikkailutKiljusen herrasväen uudet seikkailutKankkusen suuri elokuvayhti tahtoi ottaa Kiljusista elokuvia nytellkseen sitten niit ympri maata. Knnyttiin suorastaan herrasven puoleen ja pyydettiin heit esiintymn. Arvaahan sen, ett nm ilahtuivat aivan tavattomasti tllaisesta huomaavaisuudesta. He vakuuttivat, ett kyll he tekevt kaiken, mit ksketn ja lupaavat olla...
- $8.63 SGD
$127.94 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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