Public Domain
Revue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de MontpellierRevue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de MontpellierLorsque vous me demandtes dernirement ce que je pensais de la licorne, vous voultes bien me laisser le loisir de faire quelques recherches ce sujet, pour appuyer une ngation, qui parut vous surprendre d'abord:...
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$27.69 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Frammenti letterari e filosoficiFrammenti letterari e filosofici La biografia di Leonardo, nelle sue linee essenziali, la storia del nascere, dellaccrescere, dellingigantirsi e dellespandersi di un amore intellettuale verso la natura, intento a riprodurne le forme e a conoscerne le leggi. Questo amore, nato in unumile casa di...
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La Fin de ChériLa Fin de Chéri Chri referma derrire lui la grille du petit jardin et huma l'air nocturne: Ah! il fait bon... Il se reprit aussitt: Non, il ne fait pas bon. Les marronniers presss pesaient sur la chaleur prisonnire. Au-dessus du bec de gaz...
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The Bridal WreathThe Bridal WreathWHEN the lands and goods of Ivar Gjesling the younger, of Sundbu, were divided after his death in 1306, his lands in Sil of Gudbrandsdal fell to his daughter Ragnfrid and her husband Lavrans Bjrgulfsn. Up to then they had lived on...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The cruise of the "Dunottar Castle"The Cruise of the Royal Mail Steamer Dunottar Castle Round Scotland on Her Trial TripThe first suggestion of this Record of a very charming trip came from Sir Donald Currie, the genial and courteous Host of our palatial House Boat. Others pressed the task...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Le Cœur chemineLe Cœur cheminetait-ce la surprise? ou la confusion de ne savoir comment appeler celui qui venait de surgir devant elle? ou la joie? ou le brusque afflux des souvenirs? Que naurait-on pu lire, dans la visible motion, sur ce charmant visage de femme? Leur...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2 [of 2]The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2 [of 2]The dialogue entitled The Banquet, was selected by the translator as the most beautiful and perfect among all the works of Plato.[8] He despairs of having communicated to the English language any portion of...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 1 [of 2]The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 1 [of 2]These two volumes contain a complete collection of Shelleys Prose Writings; the two youthful prose romances of Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne; the Dublin and Marlow pamphlets; the long-lost and lately-found Refutation of Deism; the...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Les Gueules NoiresLes Gueules NoiresDs le XVIIIe sicle, nos encyclopdistes surent prparer la force dapostolat qui devait dabord, par les armes de la Rvolution et de lEmpire, ensuite, par laction de leurs disciples parlementaires, imposer lEurope monarchiste de 1848, aprs treize sicles doppression fodale, la suprmatie...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Venus EquilateralLost ArtSargon of Akkad was holding court in all of his splendor in the Mesopotamia area, which he thought to be the center of the Universe. The stars to him were but holes in a black bowl which he called the sky. They were...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Cottages or, Hints on Economical BuildingCottages; or, Hints on Economical BuildingThe aim of this little book is simply to offer a few hints and suggestions to those about to build, or those interested in building, and to present a series of designs of low-cost cottages. These designs were made,...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Poseidon’s Paradise: The Romance of AtlantisPoseidon’s Paradise: The Romance of AtlantisTime dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts. No anchor, no cable, no fences avail to keep a fact a fact. Babylon, and Troy, and Tyre, and even early Rome are passing into fiction. The Garden of...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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A Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic AcidA Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic AcidThe sulphobenzoic acids have been the subject of investigation in this laboratory for a number of years past. Among the many interesting facts that have been brought to light in the course of this study,...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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3 addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United StatesThree addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United StatesFellow-Citizens: Charged with the responsibility and duty of doing what we may to advance the interest and promote the general welfare of a people lately enslaved, and who, though...
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The Little Pilgrim SeriesLittle Pilgrim at Aunt Lou'sThey were going into the country[Pg 6] to Aunt Lous, to stay for a great many weeksmamma and Aunt Lillie and Bessie; and papa was going to take them there and stay one night, and then go home again, because...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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La vuelta al mundo de un novelista vol. 3/3La vuelta al mundo de un novelista; vol. 3/3Servidumbre de los hoteles de Calcuta.Cuervos y chacales.El Agujero Negro.Las vacas sagradas.El toro, igual al hombre.Casamientos infantiles.Devotos de Siva y sacrificio sangriento Kali la Negra.El rbol-bosque.La fiesta anual de las serpientes.Los sapwallas de Calcuta.El faquir color...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Uhkea markiisiUhkea markiisiI. Vedonlynti II. Kuninkaan toivomukset III. Ren de Lespiron IV. Tytt kuutamossa V. Varakreivi de Lavdan VI. Toipuvana VII. Eustachen vihamielisyys VIII. Valokuva IX. inen hlytys X. Kuolleistanoussut XI. Kuninkaan kskynhaltija XII. Toulousen tuomioistuin XIII. Yhdennelltoista hetkell XIV. Salaa kuuntelemassa XV. Herra de...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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SunSun The ship sailed at midnight. And for two hours her husband stayed with her, while the child was put to bed, and the passengers came on board. It was a black night, the Hudson swayed with heavy blackness, shaken over with spilled dribbles...
- $8.65 SGD
$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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Gerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real LifeGerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real LifeIt was a day in September 186-. It was between five and six oclock in the afternoon. The railway station of St. Anselms seemed to be asleep save for the movement of four people, or, more strictly,...
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$17.31 SGD- $8.65 SGD
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My Northern Exposure: The Kawa at the PoleMy Northern Exposure: The Kawa at the PoleFor hundreds of years men have struggled amid snow and ice to reach one or the other of the earth's poles. Why? What has attracted them? What has been the lure which has led them from warm...
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