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Psychologische TypenPsychologische TypenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1921 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird....
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Jumaluskon alkuperäJumaluskon alkuperäTri Erkki Kailan Otavan kustannuksella viime vuonna ilmestynyt teos "Yleisen uskonnonhistorian ppiirteet" tutustuttaa suomalaista lukijaa uskonnon eri muotoihin. Senvuoksi en ole tss esityksessni pitnyt tarpeellisena lhemmin selostaa kaikkia uskonnonhistoriallisia perusksitteit, vaan on tarkoitukseni ollut lyhyesti esitt ainoastaan niit uskonnollisia ksityksi, joista kuvastuu eri...
- $8.52 SGD
$202.29 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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A Dictionary of IslamA Dictionary of Islam - Being a cyclopedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion.The increased interest manifested in relation to all matters affecting the East, and the great attention now given to...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Suomen suvun pakanallinen jumalanpalvelusSuomen suvun pakanallinen jumalanpalvelus - Neljä lukua Suomen suvun pakanallista jumaluus-oppiaKevtlukukaudella 1887 piti isvainajani, Julius Krohn, Suomen suvun pakanallisesta jumaluus-opista eli mythologiasta yliopistollisia luentoja, joita varten oli valmiiksi kirjoittanut nyt ilmestyvt nelj ensimmist lukua. Alkuansa oli aikomukseni julkaista nmt semmoisenaan, ainoasti vhisill lisyksill ja...
- $8.52 SGD
$202.29 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Colored Man in the Methodist Episcopal ChurchThe Colored Man in the Methodist Episcopal ChurchIt is a difficult matter to write of a battle while it is still raging. The combatants are not usually the best judges of the merits of their cases. Prejudice, education, preconceived notions of the right or...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Singing Church: The Hymns It Wrote and SangThe Singing Church: The Hymns It Wrote and SangThe Church of God has been and is a singing church. This was true in the antediluvian centuries, which was its seminal period, for some of its canticles have survived. In its pupal stage, the Old...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Life Incidents, in Connection with the Great Advent Movement, as Illustrated by the Three Angels of Revelation XIV (Volume 1)Life Incidents, in Connection with the Great Advent Movement, as Illustrated by the Three Angels of Revelation XIV (Volume 1)As early as 1844, sister Preston, a Seventh-day Baptist, who was a believer in the soon coming of Christ, introduced the Sabbath to the Adventists...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Case Against Spirit PhotographsThe Case Against Spirit PhotographsSPIRIT photographs have long been a source of controversy and discussion, and signs are not lacking that public interest in them is at least as keen as ever. A Society for the Study of Supernormal Pictures has, for example, been...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Measure Your Mind: The Mentimeter and How to Use ItMeasure Your Mind: The Mentimeter and How to Use ItThe publishers offer this book primarily as a popular treatise on the measurement of intelligence by scientific methods. Every effort has been made to conform to the soundest scientific principles, both in the preparation of...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Le diable peint par lui-mêmeLe diable peint par lui-mêmeLe Diable se prsenta un jour saint Antoine dans son dsert. Il avait la figure triste et allonge. L'homme de Dieu lui demanda o il portait ses chagrins?Je n'en sais vraiment rien, rpondit le Diable. Je deviens de jour en...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Lappalaisten uskontoLappalaisten uskontoPohjan perill, miss talvi kauan viihtyy jineen ja lumineen, valjuine kuutamoineen ja roihuavine revontulineen, mutta kes valoisine ineen on vain lyhytaikainen vieras, on lappalaisten laaja kotimaa. Heidn harvaanasuttu asuma-alueensa ulottuu suurena kaarena Trondhjemin seuduilta lnness itn Vienanmerelle asti, jakaantuen Norjan, Ruotsin, Suomen ja...
- $8.52 SGD
$202.29 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 5 (of 8)History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 5 (of 8)This is the tenth volume of the History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, and the fifth of the Second Series. The first series described the history of that...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Journeys to the Planet Mars or, Our Mission to EntoJourneys to the Planet Mars; or, Our Mission to EntoIn the Ento language, the accented A has the sound of ah. The horizontal line over E, gives it the long sound of a. The circumflex over and , closes them, and in certain words...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Dæmonologia Sacra; or, A Treatise of Satan's TemptationsDæmonologia Sacra; or, A Treatise of Satan's Temptations - In Three Partsit was only my design to endeavour a more full discovery, though every way short of the thing itself, of Satans Craft, because ye knowledge of this is so necessary, & withall others...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Pentateuch, in Its Progressive Revelations of God to MenThe Pentateuch, in Its Progressive Revelations of God to Men IT is supposable that God might have made his entire written revelation of himself to men at once, through one inspired prophet and one only; in one definite locality (Eden or Jerusalem), and all...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Religions of Primitive PeoplesReligions of Primitive PeoplesOn the 24th of December, 1891, fifteen persons interested in promoting the historical study of religions united in issuing a circular-letter, inviting a conference in the Council Chambers of the Historical Society of Philadelphia, on the 30th of the same month,...
- $8.52 SGD
$202.29 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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All That Earthly RemainsAll That Earthly RemainsBreathing a little heavily in the Andean air, and still dazed at the urgency with which he had been whisked southward (via jet bomber), Dr. Luis Craig walked across packed earth toward a powerful-looking helicopter which, he had just been told,...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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An Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian ChurchAn Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian ChurchThe following work was written several years since, simply as an historical study, and with little expectation of its publication. Recent movements in several portions of the great Christian Church seem to indicate, however, that...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Pastor: His Qualifications and DutiesThe Pastor: His Qualifications and DutiesThe nature and duties of the pastoral office form a subject of great practical moment. The thoughts suggested in this volume are largely results of the writers personal experience in the ministry and of his observation of pastoral work...
- $8.52 SGD
$76.62 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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Permalaisten uskontoPermalaisten uskontoPohjois-Venjll asuvan sukumme maine levisi ensi kerran sivistyneen maailman kuuluviin retkien kautta, joita norjalaiset, Alfred Suuren aikalaisen Otherin esimerkki seuraten, Jmeren rantoja purjehtien tekivt Vienanmeren pohjukoihin. Tll sijaitsi tarinain ihannoima valtakunta, n.s. bjarmien maa, jossa asui varakas ja monilukuinen kansa. Sen kanssa olivat...
- $8.52 SGD
$202.29 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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