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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 4, April, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 4, April, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of ReligionsThe Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origins of Religions TWO main schools of religious thinking exist in our midst at the present day: the school of humanists and the school of animists. This work is to some extent an...
- $8.56 SGD
$203.04 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Studies in the Evolutionary Psychology of FeelingStudies in the Evolutionary Psychology of FeelingThis work does not profess to be a treatise on the subject of feeling, but merely a series of studies, and rather tentative ones at that. I have attempted to deduce from the standpoint of biologic evolution the...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Die PharisäerDie Pharisäer - Ein Beitrag zum leichern Verstehen der Evangelien und zur SelbstprüfungDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1824 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht; ungewhliche und altertmliche Wortformen wurden unverndert bernommen, sofern...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Plutarch's Romane QuestionsPlutarch's Romane Questions - With dissertations on Italian cults, myths, taboos, man-worship, aryan marriage, sympathetic magic and the eating of beansPlutarch's Romane Questions. Translated A.D. 1603 by Philemon Holland, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Now again edited by Frank Byron Jebons, M.A., Classical...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 3, March, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 3, March, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 2, February, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 2, February, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 1, January, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 1, January, 1882We welcome the advent of the new year with praise and thanksgiving. The toils and burdens of 1881 are past. The husbandman has garnered his sheaves. The sower has cast in his seed, and awaits...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Book of Friendship: A Little Manual of ComradeshipThe Book of Friendship: A Little Manual of ComradeshipWhen I have attempted to join myself to others by services, it proved an intellectual trick,no more. They eat your service like apples, and leave you out. But love them, and they feel you, and delight...
- $8.56 SGD
$123.05 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Sermons by the late Rev. Richard de CourcySermons by the late Rev. Richard de CourcyThe following discourses, which were found among the manuscripts of the Author after his decease, will, no doubt, be extremely acceptable to those, who have been accustomed to hear the word of truth from his lips, and...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Eastern Stories and LegendsEastern Stories and LegendsTo this new and enlarged edition of Eastern Stories and Legends, Miss Shedlock has brought years of dramatic experience in the telling of stories to children and grown people in England and America, and united with it a discriminating selection from...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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All Things are PossibleAll Things are PossibleLeo Shestov is one of the living Russians. He is about fifty years old. He was born at Kiev, and studied at the university there. His first book appeared in 1898, since which year he has gradually gained an assured position...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Logic of Chance, 3rd editionThe Logic of Chance, 3rd edition - An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of Probability, With Especial Reference to Its Logical Bearings and Its Application to Moral and Social Science and to Statistics The present edition has been revised throughout,...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Lives and Opinions of Eminent PhilosophersThe Lives and Opinions of Eminent PhilosophersDiogenes, the author of the following work, was a native (as is generally believed) of Larte, in Cilicia, from which circumstance he derived the cognomen of Lartius. Little is known of him personally, nor is even the age...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Opening HeavensThe Opening Heavens - or a Connected View of the Testimony of the Prophets and Apostles, Concerning the Opening Heavens, Compared With Astronomical Observations, and of the Present and Future Location of the New Jerusalem, the Paradise of GodIn presenting the following subject to...
- $8.56 SGD
$126.89 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Way-Marks or, Directions to Persons Commencing a Religious LifeWay-Marks; or, Directions to Persons Commencing a Religious LifeThe great variety of useful little books lately published, under such titles as Daily Food, Daily Crumbs, Devout Exercises, &c. and the favour with which these have been met, suggested to the compiler, the utility of...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Scriptures Able to Make Us Wise Unto SalvationThe Scriptures Able to Make Us Wise Unto Salvation - Or the Bible a Sufficient CreedThere is no work, of human production, that contains such a variety of principles, which, when viewed as a whole, make such a complete system as the Bible. It...
- $8.56 SGD
$126.89 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 12, December, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 12, December, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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Echoes From The Orient: A Broad Outline of Theosophical DoctrinesEchoes From The Orient: A Broad Outline of Theosophical DoctrinesEchoes from the Orient was written by Mr. Judge sixteen years ago (1890) as a series of papers for a well known periodical. The author wrote under the name of "Occultus," as it was intended...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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The Depths of the Soul: Psycho-Analytical StudiesThe Depths of the Soul: Psycho-Analytical StudiesAn old proverb says that every parent loves the ugly duckling most. My book, The Depths of the Soul, was, from its beginning, my favourite. It was written in the beautiful years in which the first rays of...
- $8.56 SGD
$76.90 SGD- $8.56 SGD
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