Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
The Inevitable Crimes of CelibacyThe Inevitable Crimes of Celibacy - The Vices of Convents and Monasteries, Priests and NunsThere are immense Arabian plains where nomad robbers have practised their profession, from a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary; yet those plains and the...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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The Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesThe Power of Truth: Individual Problems and PossibilitiesCopyright, 1902, by Brentano's Published August, 1902 Second Edition, April, 1904 Third Edition, February, 1908 Fourth Edition, November, 1908 Fifth Edition, August, 1911 Sixth Edition, February, 1913 Seventh Edition, February, 1916 The University Press, Cambridge, Mass., U....
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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A Class-Book of Biblical History and GeographyA Class-Book of Biblical History and Geography - with numerous maps This work is a Class-Book of the Old and the New Testaments treated as consecutive history. It includes the Jewish history of the centuries between the close of the Old Testament and the...
- $8.55 SGD
$46.58 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Peradventure or, The Silence of GodPeradventure; or, The Silence of God Recently a very eminent Anglican divine gave us a book which he said embodied "forty years of profound thought." In it he deals to no small extent with the subject of this novel, a novel which, though hiddenly,...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Natural History of EnthusiasmNatural History of EnthusiasmThere are minor differences between the titles of sections and those given in the Table of Contents. A reference to two notes, at the end of the book, has been inserted in the table. The belief that a bright era of...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Post-Mediæval PreachersPost-Mediæval Preachers - Some Account of the Most Celebrated Preachers of the 15th, 16th, & 17th Centuries; with outlines of their sermons, and specimens of their styleThe history of preaching begins with the first sermon ever delivered, the first and the best, that of...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Shinto: The ancient religion of JapanShinto: The ancient religion of JapanOrigins.The Japanese are in the main a continental race. Their language and physical characteristics show conclusively that they come from Northern Asia, and geographical considerations indicate that Korea must have been their point of embarkation. Indeed a desultory emigration...
- $8.55 SGD
$74.52 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Ports of Entry: Missionary HeraldPorts of Entry: Missionary HeraldScarcely any other three words form a phrase freighted with meaning so vital to our national life. Here is the convergence of streams of humanity flowing from the ends of the world. Through these gateways more than 33,000,000 aliens have...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Theosophy and Life's Deeper ProblemsTheosophy and Life's Deeper Problems - Being the Four Convention Lectures Delivered in Bombay at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December, 1915Being the four Convention Lectures delivered in Bombay at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December, 1915. BY ANNIE BESANT...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Kant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der UrtheilskraftKant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der Urtheilskraft.Zeilennummern der vorliegenden Ausgabe sind mit einem grauen Kasten gekennzeichnet, Seitennummern der 1. Auflage sind fett gedruckt. Inkonsistenzen in der Rechtschreibung sind nicht korrigiert, lediglich ein paar offensichtliche Schreibfehler, die nicht in dem Nachwort des Herausgebers aufgefhrt...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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SolitudeSolitude - With the Life of the Author. In Two PartsWeak and delicate minds may, perhaps, be alarmed by the title of this work. The word solitude, may possibly engender melancholy ideas; but they have only to read a few pages to be undeceived....
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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La psychologie comme science naturelle, son présent et son avenirLa psychologie comme science naturelle, son présent et son avenir - Application de la méthode expérimentale aux phénomènes de l'âmeConnais-toi toi-mme avait dit le plus sage des oracles au plus sage des hommes. En donnant Socrate ce prcepte, Apollon n'avait fait que traduire en...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 1 van 2Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 1 van 2Het landzijn bodem, geleding en kustontwikkelingis n factor. Betrekkelijk onvruchtbaar, noopte het zijn bewoners tot inspanning, en al spoedig gingen deze, mede aangelokt door de op vele plaatsen het land binnendringende zee, varen, wat...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Letters That Have Helped MeLetters That Have Helped Me"Seeking for freedom I go to that God who is the light of his own thoughts. A man who knows him truly passes over death; there is no other path to go"Upanishads. In the Path for May, 1887, we find...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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The Story of Lutheran MissionsThe Story of Lutheran MissionsThe author acknowledges her indebtedness to the many persons who have furnished data for The Story of Lutheran Missions, and to those who have read the manuscript. The authorities consulted have been chiefly The History of Protestant Missions by Gustav...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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The Complete Testimony of the Fathers of the First Three Centuries Concerning the Sabbath and First DayThe Complete Testimony of the Fathers of the First Three Centuries Concerning the Sabbath and First DayThe testimony for first-day sacredness is very meager in the Scriptures, as even its own advocates must admit. But they have been wont to supply the deficiency by...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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The Philosophy of Spiritual ActivityThe Philosophy of Spiritual Activity - A Modern Philosophy of Life Developed by Scientific MethodsThe aim of the following discussions is to reduce the act of cognition, by analysis, to its ultimate elements and thus to discover a correct formulation of the problem of...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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How to Succeed in the Christian LifeHow to Succeed in the Christian LifeI have for years felt the need of a book to put in the hands of those beginning the Christian life that would tell them just how to make a complete success of this new life upon which...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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Under Many FlagsUnder Many FlagsIn olden days kings and emperors sent their armies to conquer weaker nations. As soon as the victory was won, the flag of the vanquished was torn down, and the flag of the victor was raised. Two thousand years ago a new...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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The Surgery of Ritual CircumcisionThe Surgery of Ritual CircumcisionThe object of the following few pages is to provide a basis of instruction in the surgical aspect of the Jewish rite of circumcision. The performance of this simple operation is not limited to medical men. It is therefore essential...
- $8.55 SGD
$28.23 SGD- $8.55 SGD
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