Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
The Expositor's Bible: The Book of EzekielThe Expositor's Bible: The Book of EzekielIn this volume I have endeavoured to present the substance of Ezekiel's prophecies in a form intelligible to students of the English Bible. I have tried to make the exposition a fairly adequate guide to the sense of...
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Rays of Living Light on the One Way of SalvationRays of Living Light on the One Way of Salvation There are so many different religious systems in the world, each claiming not only to be right but to be divine, that a rational mind, unwarped by sect or creed, is likely to become...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Best Stories from the Best Book: An Illustrated Bible Companion for the HomeBest Stories from the Best Book: An Illustrated Bible Companion for the HomeThe Second Department is for the entertainment of children both young and old. Its lessons are taken from God's Word. While the children are learning to read from the "Easy Lesson" department,...
- $8.53 SGD
$28.15 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Astrology: How to Make and Read Your Own HoroscopeAstrology: How to Make and Read Your Own HoroscopeFrom the earliest ages of the worlds history the subject of Astrology has excited the interest of, and exercised a great influence over, the minds of a certain order of thinking men. The science has never...
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The Lives of the Saints, Volume 01 (of 16): JanuaryThe Lives of the Saints, Volume 01 (of 16): Januarymartyrology means, properly, a list of witnesses. The martyrologies are catalogues in which are to be found the names of the Saints, with the days and places of their deaths, and generally with the distinctive...
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Giordano BrunoGiordano BrunoThis volume attempts to do justice to a philosopher who has hardly received in England the consideration he deserves. Apart from the Life of Giordano Bruno, by I. Frith (Mrs. Oppenheim), in the English and Foreign Philosophical Library, 1887, there has been no...
- $8.53 SGD
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Early Scenes in Church HistoryEarly Scenes in Church History - Eighth Book of the Faith-Promoting SeriesMany deaths have occurred within the last few years among the veteran members of our Church. Numbers of persons have recently passed away who were connected with the Church during the early years...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus FearthoughtHappiness as Found in Forethought Minus FearthoughtHow to be happy is the one desire common to all humanity. How to be happier is a better statement, for there is no one so miserable but has some degree of happiness at timesenjoys some moments when...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Philosophic Nights in ParisPhilosophic Nights in Paris - Being selections from Promenades Philosophiques Helvtius and the Philosophy of Happiness The Player's Illusion The Beyond The Question of Free Will The Insurrection of the Vertebrates The Pessimism of Leopardi The Colors of Life The Art of Seeing The...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Strength of the "Mormon" PositionThe Strength of the "Mormon" PositionUpon the pinnacle of the Temple in Salt Lake City, there stands the gilded statue of an Angel, in the act of sounding a trumpet, symbolizing the restoration and proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel, in fulfillment of the Scripture...
- $8.53 SGD
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The Methods of EthicsThe Methods of EthicsThe revision of The Methods of Ethics for this edition was begun by Professor Sidgwick and carried through by him up to p. 276, on which the last of his corrections on the copy were made. The latter portion of his...
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$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Bible: I. Authenticity II. Credibility III. MoralityThe Bible: I. Authenticity II. Credibility III. MoralityIn January, 1901, the following announcement appeared in The Truth Seeker, of New York: To the Readers of The Truth Seeker: Two years ago that able and sagacious Liberal leader, L. K. Washburn, wrote: The next great...
- $8.53 SGD
$28.15 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Il ConcilioIl ConcilioIl principe di Hohenlohe stato il primo a ben considerare questo argomento ed a richiamarvi l'attenzione degli altri Governi. L'Italia s' tosto allarmata; e la scossa si comunicata alla Francia, al Belgio, al Portogallo, all'Austria e persino alla Prussia. La sola Inghilterra ha...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Scraps of BiographyScraps of Biography - Tenth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsThere is a gradually increasing interest among the young of this people for reading and study. It is now the ambition of nearly every son...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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A String of PearlsA String of Pearls - Second Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsIn publishing this, the second edition of the STRING OF PEARLS, it is only necessary to add that the first edition of 5,000 copies...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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An Introduction to PsychologyAn Introduction to Psychology - Translated from the Second German Edition It is not the intention of this introduction to psychology to discuss the scientific or philosophical conceptions of psychology, or even to make a survey of the investigations and their results. What this...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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True Tales of the Weird: a record of personal experiences of the supernaturalTrue Tales of the Weird: a record of personal experiences of the supernaturalThese stories are not "founded upon fact"; they are fact. If I may claim any merit for them it is thisthey are absolutely and literally true. They seem to me to be...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Gospel PhilosophyGospel Philosophy - Showing the Absurdities of Infidelity, and the Harmony of the Gospel with Science and HistorySectarians generally dread meeting a "Mormon" Elder in discussion, for they well know the humiliating defeat which has been the result to their compeers in hundreds of...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Supernatural in the New Testament, Possible, Credible, and HistoricalThe Supernatural in the New Testament, Possible, Credible, and Historical - Or, An Examination of the Validity of Some Recent Objections Against Christianity as a Divine RevelationAlthough every portion of the Bible is vehemently assailed by the various forms of modern Scepticism, it is...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Plan of SalvationThe Plan of SalvationIn the midst of the Christian world there are very many conflicting theories, in relation to man's existence here and hereafter; also as to the duties he owes to himself, his fellow-man and to his Creator. It is an undisputed question...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.06 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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