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History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 5History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 5 - The Reformation in EnglandIn the four previous volumes the author has described the origin and essential development of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century on the Continent; he has now to relate the...
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Christmas Evans, the Preacher of Wild WalesChristmas Evans, the Preacher of Wild Wales - His country, his times, and his contemporariesMy Dear Friend,I believe there is no man living to whom I could so appropriately inscribe an attempt to give some appreciation of the life and labours of Christmas Evans...
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Memory: How to Develop, Train, and Use ItMemory: How to Develop, Train, and Use ItIn the past few years a widespread mental and spiritual awakening has taken place among the people of this country. And this new awakening has been very aptly called THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY MOVEMENT, because it has to...
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History of the Reformation in the 16th Century, Volume 2History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 2Luther's DangersGod saves LutherThe Pope sends a ChamberlainThe ChamberlainLegate's JourneyBriefs of RomeCircumstances favourable to the ReformationMiltitz with SpalatinTezel's TerrorCaresses of MiltitzA Recantation demandedLuther refuses, but offers to be silentAgreement between Luther and the NuncioThe Legate's...
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The Project Gutenberg Collection of Works by FreethinkersThe Project Gutenberg Collection of Works by Freethinkers - With Linked On-line and Off-line Indexes to 157 Volumes by 90 Authors; Plus Indexes to 15 other Author's Multi-Volume Sets. DETAILED CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. THE GODS HUMBOLDT. THOMAS PAINE INDIVIDUALITY. HERETICS AND...
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The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 3The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India, Volume 3The plural of caste names and a few common Hindustni words is formed by adding s in the English manner according to ordinary usage, though this is not, of course, the Hindustni plural....
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The Protestants Plea for a SocinianThe Protestants Plea for a Socinian - Justifying His Doctrine from Being Opposite to Scripture or Church Authority; and Him from Being Guilty of Heresie, or SchismMarginal notes indicating the start of individual sections have been converted into section headings. Other notes have been...
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A History of Philosophy in EpitomeA History of Philosophy in EpitomeSchweglers History of Philosophy originally appeared in the Neue Encyklopdie fr Wissenschaften und Knste. Its great value soon awakened a call for its separate issue, in which form it has attained a very wide circulation in Germany. It is...
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Human Nature and Conduct: An introduction to social psychologyHuman Nature and Conduct: An introduction to social psychology"Give a dog a bad name and hang him." Human nature has been the dog of professional moralists, and consequences accord with the proverb. Man's nature has been regarded with suspicion, with fear, with sour looks,...
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Bible EmblemsBible EmblemsEntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by the American Tract Society,in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Southern District of the State of New York. Every soul has within it the secret consciousness of imperfection, and...
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The Gospel of St. John: A Series of DiscoursesThe Gospel of St. John: A Series of Discourses. - New EditionI made many attempts to write a commentary on the Gospel of St. John. All of them proved abortive; though each of them made me more alive to the duty of endeavouring to...
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The Elementary Forms of the Religious LifeThe Elementary Forms of the Religious LifeIn this book we propose to study the most primitive and simple religion which is actually known, to make an analysis of it, and to attempt an explanation of it. A religious system may be said to be...
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Practical Mind-ReadingPractical Mind-Reading - A Course of Lessons on Thought-Transference, Telepathy, Mental-Currents, Mental Rapport, &c.Only a few years ago the general public was in almost total ignorance of the great truth of Thought Transference, Thought Projection, Telepathy, or Mind Reading. It is true that here...
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The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (Vol. 2 of 2)The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (Vol. 2 of 2)[Transcriber's Note: The above cover image was produced by the submitter at Distributed Proofreaders, and is being placed into the public domain.] In some of the examples cited above to establish the meaning...
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De la cruauté religieuseDe la cruauté religieuseJe vais examiner dans cet essai les diffrentes espces de cruauts religieuses. Je comprends galement sous ce nom, soit les opinions religieuses qui procdent de la cruaut ou qui la font natre, soit les actes de barbarie qu'impose la religion mme,...
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The Inner Consciousness: How to Awaken and Direct ItThe Inner Consciousness: How to Awaken and Direct ItThe Vedanta Society of San Francisco is an institution based on broad and universal teachings. It aims at explaining the philosophy of life in a simple, rational and practical way. It has an uplifting and vital...
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Christianity and Modern ThoughtChristianity and Modern ThoughtThe following discourses were delivered in Boston, at Hollis-Street Church, on successive Sunday evenings, and repeated at King's Chapel on Monday afternoons, during the winter of 1871-72, in response to an invitation of the Executive Committee of the American Unitarian Association,...
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Memoirs of the Life and Labours of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, of Paramatta, Senior Chaplain of New South Wales and of His Early Connexion with the Missions to New Zealand and TahitiMemoirs of the Life and Labours of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, of Paramatta, Senior Chaplain of New South Wales; and of His Early Connexion with the Missions to New Zealand and TahitiThe Editor would make his kind acknowledgments to the Church Missionary and London...
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History of the Reformation of the 16th Century, Volume 3History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Volume 3A spirit of examination and inquiry is in our days continually urging the literary men of France, Switzerland, Germany, and England to search after the original documents which form the basis of Modern History. I...
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Totem and TabooTotem and Taboo - Resemblances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and NeuroticsWHEN one reviews the history of psychoanalysis[2] one finds that it had its inception in the study of morbid mental states. Beginning with the observation of hysteria and the other neuroses[3] Professor...
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