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Understanding the atomThe Genetic Effects of RadiationISAAC ASIMOV received his academic degrees from Columbia University and is Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Boston University School of Medicine. He is a prolific author who has written over 65 books in the past 15 years, including about...
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Wilderness BabiesWilderness BabiesThis book tells the stories of some of the baby mammals of the wilderness,how they grow and learn day by day to take care of themselves. In hollow trees or down under water among the lily leaves, in the cool sea or on...
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$27.56 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Nouvel atlas de poche des champignons Comestibles et Vénéneux les plus répandus. Série II (Première édition)Nouvel atlas de poche des champignons Comestibles et Vénéneux les plus répandus. Série II (Première édition)Laccueil bienveillant qui a t fait par les mycologues notre nouvel Atlas de Champignons nous engage prsenter aujourdhui un second volume conu sur le mme plan, et auquel nous...
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Pioneer Saturn EncounterPioneer Saturn EncounterWe have entered into a new era of space exploration. Missions undertaken during the lunar exploration of the 1960s typically lasted a matter of days with commands issued and carried out in near real time. Now, a decade later, planetary voyages may...
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Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 1 (of 6)Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 1 (of 6)THE Natural History of Animals has always been a most interesting and instructive subject, and its popularity increases year after year. It is a branch of knowledge which is entertaining at every age, and it is a favourite...
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$27.56 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Atlas de poche des mammifères de la France, de la Suisse romane et de la BelgiqueAtlas de poche des mammifères de la France, de la Suisse romane et de la Belgique - avec leur description, moeurs et organisation de la France, de la Suisse romane et de la Belgique AVEC LEUR DESCRIPTION, MURS ET ORGANISATION SUIVI DUNE tude densemble...
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$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2) - From the earliest time to the middle of the nineteenth centuryA History of the Sciences has been planned to present for the information of the general public a historic record of the great divisions of science....
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History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2)History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2) - From 1850 to 1910A History of the Sciences has been planned to present for the information of the general public a historic record of the great divisions of science. Each volume is the work of a...
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Science in Short ChaptersScience in Short ChaptersI am not aware that this reprint of some of my scattered notes and essays demands any apology. The practice of making such collections and selections by the author himself has now become very general, and is much better done thus...
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The Life Story of a Black BearThe Life Story of a Black BearIllustrations have been moved near to the text they illustrate and linked to the List of Illustrations. Chapters have been linked to the Table of Contents. Select Enlarge to access a larger version of the image. There is...
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Von Wundern und Tieren: Neue naturwissenschaftliche PlaudereienVon Wundern und Tieren: Neue naturwissenschaftliche PlaudereienEs ist ber hundert Jahre her, da kam Alexander von Humboldt von seinen Orinoko- und Kordillerenfahrten zurck, aller Wunder der Tropenlandschaft voll und wie verklrt von der ungeheuren Schau auf die Herrlichkeiten der Natur an einer ihrer irdisch...
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$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und PathologieDie organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und PathologieDr. der Medizin und Philosophie, Professor der Chemie an der Ludwigs-Universitt zu Gieen, Ritter des Groherzogl. Hessischen Ludwigsordens und des Kaiserl. Russischen St. Annenordens 3ter Klasse, auswrtiges Mitglied der Knigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Stockholm,...
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$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Ameboid movementAmeboid movementThe manner of movement common to amebas has attracted the attention of biologists ever since the discovery of ameba by Rsel v. Rosenhof in 1755. In his description of Der kleine Proteus he records the observation that the various form changes which the...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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One Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a GlobeOne Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a GlobeParallax, the Founder of the Zetetic Philosophy, is dead; and it now becomes the duty of those, especially, who knew him personally and who labored with him in the cause of Truth against Error, to...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Field Book of Common Rocks and MineralsField Book of Common Rocks and Minerals - For identifying the Rocks and Minerals of the United States and interpreting their Origins and MeaningsWhy should one be interested in rocks and minerals? Because the whole world is made of rocks and minerals. They are...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Wild Flowers of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks National MonumentWild Flowers of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks National MonumentIn these areas of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks National Monument, four life zones are found extending from low elevations of near 3,600 feet to extremes of...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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United States. National Park Service. Natural History Handbook Series #1Olympic National Park, WashingtonThis publication is one of a series of handbooks explaining the natural history of scenic and scientific areas in the National Park System. It is printed by the Government Printing Office and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington,...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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An Enquiry into the Life and Legend of Michael ScotAn Enquiry into the Life and Legend of Michael ScotAfter some considerable time spent in making collections for the work which is now submitted to the public, I became aware that a biography of Michael Scot was in existence which had been composed as...
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$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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On Growth and FormOn Growth and FormThe reasonings about the wonderful and intricate operations of nature are so full of uncertainty, that, as the Wise-man truly observes, hardly do we guess aright at the things that are upon earth, and with labour do we find the things...
- $8.61 SGD
$17.23 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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Anecdotes of Big Cats and Other BeastsAnecdotes of Big Cats and Other BeastsThe ideal hunter, like the ideal soldier or mountaineer, seaman or worker of any kind, leaves nothing to chance; yet in anticipating events he realises the limits of human foresight and remains continually wide-awake. Wellington has quoted Marshal...
- $8.61 SGD
$27.56 SGD- $8.61 SGD
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