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Lehrbuch der Physik zum SchulgebraucheLehrbuch der Physik zum Schulgebrauche.Die Entwicklung der bayerischen Realschulen, wie sie sich auf der sprachlich-historischen und mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlage vollzogen hat, legte mir den Entschlu nahe, fr den Unterricht in der Physik ein Lehrbuch zusammenzustellen, welches gerade fr solche realistische Mittelschulen geeignet wre. Sowohl die...
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Symmes's Theory of Concentric SpheresSymmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres - Demonstrating that the Earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the polesThe author of the following pages does not write because he is a learned man; he is conscious of the reverse; and that his merits...
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Marks' first lessons in geometryMarks' first lessons in geometry - In two parts. Objectively presented, and designed for the use of primary classes in grammar schools, academies, etc.How it ever came to pass that Arithmetic should be taught to the extent attained in the grammar schools of the...
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Physiology and histology of the CubomedusæPhysiology and histology of the Cubomedusæ - including Dr. F.S. Conant's notes on the physiologyThis paper may be regarded as a continuation of the Cubomedusan studies pursued by Dr. F. S. Conant while in Jamaica, in 1896 and 1897, with the Johns Hopkins Marine...
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The CubomedusæThe CubomedusæJelly-fish offer to the lover of natural history an inexhaustible store of beauty and attractiveness. One who has studied them finds within him a ready echo to Haeckels statement that when first he visited the seacoast and was introduced to the enchanted world...
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Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 3, Volume 4 (Zoology)Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 3, Volume 4 (Zoology)The first contribution to the herpetology of the islands of the Pacific Coast of North America of which I have knowledge was, curiously enough, a description of the lizard of Socorro, an island...
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De afstamming van den menschDe afstamming van den mensch - Naar voordrachten in populair-wetenschappelijken vorm bewerktDit boekje vindt zijn oorsprong in een reeks van voordrachten over het afstammingsvraagstuk, in den winter 191213 in Ons Huis in Rotterdam gehouden. Op verzoek van den uitgever heb ik ze iets omgewerkt...
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Induction Coils, How to Make, Use, and Repair ThemInduction Coils, How to Make, Use, and Repair Them. - Including Ruhmkorff, Tesla, and Medical Coils, Roentgen Radiography, Etc. Etc.The great favor with which the first edition of this little work has been received and the steadily growing interest in its subject, together with...
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$17.20 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Standard Measures of United States, Great Britain and FranceStandard Measures of United States, Great Britain and France - History and actual comparisons. With appendix on introduction of the mètreDuring the preparation of this investigation of Standard Measures a large number of authorities were examined, including the following: Kellys Universal Cambist, Maunders Weights...
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A History of North American Birds Land Birds Vol. 3 of 3A History of North American Birds; Land Birds; Vol. 3 of 3The group of birds usually known as the Raptores, or Rapacious Birds, embraces three well-marked divisions, namely, the Owls, the Hawks, and the Vultures. In former classifications they headed the Class of Birds,...
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Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, II. BandDie Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, II. Band - Von Galilei bis zur Mitte des XVIII. JahrhundertsDer zweite Band befat sich in der Hauptsache mit den im 17. Jahrhundert entstandenen Grundlagen der neueren Naturwissenschaft. Es sind die Schpfungen eines Galilei, Newton,...
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Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 3 of 3Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 3 of 3 - Library Edition (1891), Containing Seven Essays not before Republished, and Various other Additions.Whoever has studied the physiognomy of political meetings, cannot fail to have remarked a connexion between democratic opinions and peculiarities of costume....
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$17.20 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Max Butziwackel der Ameisenkaiser: Ein Buch für Kinder und grosse LeuteMax Butziwackel der Ameisenkaiser: Ein Buch für Kinder und große LeuteBertellis Bchlein, das in der vorliegenden bertragung dem deutschen Leserkreis zugnglich gemacht werden soll, ragt weit ber den Durchschnitt der Jugendschriften empor. Der italienische Verfasser verbindet mit einer grndlichen Kenntnis der Insektenwelt eine sdlndisch...
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$17.20 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Short-Title Catalog of Publications and Importations of Scientific and Engineering BooksShort-Title Catalog of Publications and Importations of Scientific and Engineering Books - (August 1910) Title: Short-Title Catalog of Publications and Importations of Scientific and Engineering Books Subtitle: (August 1910) Author: D. Van Nostrand Company Release Date: January 7, 2017 [EBook #53911] Language: English Credits:...
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First Lessons in Natural Philosophy for BeginnersFirst Lessons in Natural Philosophy for BeginnersIn preparing this little work, our desire has been to afford both pleasure and profit to those who may read or study its pages. The most interesting, as well as the most useful things to us, are those...
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$17.20 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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The Tower MenagerieThe Tower Menagerie - Comprising the natural history of the animals contained in that establishment; with anecdotes of their characters and history.The origin of Menageries dates from the most remote antiquity. Their existence may be traced even in the obscure traditions of the fabulous...
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Secrets of Earth and SeaSecrets of Earth and SeaTHE present volume is, like its predecessors, "Science from an Easy Chair" (Series I and Series II) and "Diversions of a Naturalist"mainly a revision and reprintwith considerable additionsof articles published in daily or weekly journals. The first chapter appeared originally...
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The TelescopeThe TelescopeThis book is written for the many observers, who use telescopes for study or pleasure and desire more information about their construction and properties. Not being a handbook in two or more thick quartos, it attempts neither exhaustive technicalities nor popular descriptions of...
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$17.20 SGD- $8.60 SGD
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Texas Flowers in Natural ColorsTexas Flowers in Natural ColorsFor more than a century the wild flowers of Texas have been a source of study and pleasure to scientists and flower lovers. The state can boast of a varied and interesting flora which has attracted numerous plant collectors since...
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