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Audubon and His Journals, Volume 1Audubon and His Journals, Volume 1In the brief biography of Audubon which follows, I have given, I believe, the only correct account that has been written, and as such I present it. I am not competent to give an opinion as to the merits...
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A Civic Biology, Presented in ProblemsA Civic Biology, Presented in ProblemsA course in biology given to beginners in the secondary school should have certain aims. These aims must be determined to a degree, first, by the capabilities of the pupils, second, by their native interests, and, third, by the...
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Life History and Ecology of the Five-Lined Skink, Eumeces fasciatusLife History and Ecology of the Five-Lined Skink, Eumeces fasciatusThe common five-lined skink (or common blue-tailed skink) is a small woodland lizard, abundantly and widely distributed over the eastern United States. Many authors have casually discussed this lizard or have treated in detail some...
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The Place of Science in Modern Civilisation, and Other EssaysThe Place of Science in Modern Civilisation, and Other EssaysIt is unlikely that more than a few public libraries possess files so complete as to give access to all of these essays, and even if the magazines were readily obtainable at libraries they would...
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Trees: A Woodland NotebookTrees: A Woodland Notebook - Containing Observations on Certain British and Exotic TreesPRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE & COMPANY LTD. FOR JAMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS, PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW The following chapters, which have their origin in papers originally...
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Man's Place in the UniverseMan's Place in the Universe - A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds, 3rd EditionThis work has been written in consequence of the[ v] great interest excited by my article, under the same title,...
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Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological KnotOmphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot"You have not allowed for the wind, Hubert," said Locksley, in "Ivanhoe;" "or that had been a better shot." I remember, when I was in Newfoundland, some five-and-twenty years ago, the disastrous wreck of the brig Elizabeth,...
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The Life of CrustaceaThe Life of Crustacea[v] This sketch of the Natural History of the Crustacea deals chiefly with their habits and modes of life, and attempts to provide, for readers unfamiliar with the technicalities of Zoology, an account of some of the more important scientific problems...
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The Cambridge Natural History, Vol XMammaliaInasmuch as Sir W. H. Flower and Mr. Lydekker could not profess to treat the Mammalia exhaustively within the limits of nearly 800 pages, in their Introduction to the Study of Mammals, it is obvious that the present volume, which appears ten years later...
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Bird-Lore, March-April 1916Bird-Lore, March-April 1916ird-lore is published on or near the first days of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Failure to secure the copy due you should be reported not later than the 18th of the months above mentioned. We cannot supply missing copies...
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A Study of SplashesA Study of SplashesThis publication is an attempt to present in a form acceptable to the general reader the outcome of an inquiry conducted by the aid of instantaneous photography, which was begun about fourteen years ago. The author, in 1894, had occasion to...
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Einheimische Fische Die Süßwasserfische unsrer HeimatEinheimische Fische; Die Süßwasserfische unsrer HeimatOb Altmeister Goethe, der ja bekanntlich auch einen recht tiefen Einblick in das weite Reich der Natur getan hat, recht hat, wenn er in einem seiner formvollendetsten Gedichte, in dem fast italienischen Wohlklang atmenden Fischer, von dem Wohligsein der...
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The World Before the DelugeThe World Before the Deluge [1] THE World before the Deluge. The observer who glances over a rich and fertile plain, watered by rivers and streams which have, during a long series of ages, pursued the same uniform and tranquil course; the traveller who...
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The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and MethodThe Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method Volume II. Medical Research and Education. By Richard Mills Pearce, William H. Welch, W. H. Howell, Franklin P. Mall, Lewellys F. Barker, Charles S. Minot, W. B. Cannon, W. T....
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The philosophy of mathematicsThe philosophy of mathematicsGENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Although Mathematical Science is the most ancient and the most perfect of all, yet the general idea which we ought to form of it has not yet been clearly determined. Its definition and its principal divisions have remained till...
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Curiosities of HeatCuriosities of HeatThese were the words of Mr. Hume, an infidel, spoken in the village store. It was Monday evening. By some strange freak, or led by a divine impulse, he had determined, the previous Sunday afternoon, to go to church and hear what...
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Einiges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im AlterthumEiniges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im Alterthum - Rede zur Feier des Geburtstags Sr. Maj. des Deutschen Kaisers Königs von Preussen Wilhelm I. gehalten an der Christian-AlbrechtsAuch uns vereinigt heute die sechsundachtzigste Wiederkehr des Geburtstagsfestes unsres erhabenen Kaisers und Knigs, die in wenigen...
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Tentamen Botanicum de Filicum Generibus DorsiferarumTentamen Botanicum de Filicum Generibus Dorsiferarum - Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Turin vol. 5, 401-422[Transcriber's note: Spelling in the original has been preserved without correction, including typographic errors (e.g. Asphenium for Asplenium). Four pages were printed with incorrect page numbers. This...
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Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to HuxleyPioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley - With an Intermediate Chapter on the Causes of Arrest of the MovementThis book needs only brief introduction. It attempts to tell the story of the origin of the Evolution idea in Ionia, and, after long arrest,...
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Popular scientific lecturesPopular scientific lecturesPopular lectures, owing to the knowledge they presuppose, and the time they occupy, can afford only a modicum of instruction. They must select for this purpose easy subjects, and restrict themselves to the exposition of the simplest and the most essential points....
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