Discover top self-help books focused on self-growth, improvement, and betterment. Find the best self-help books and recommended reads for personal development at our online bookstore.
Unlocking Creative Identity - Carving Your Angel In the Rock"I saw the Angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free."Michelangelo God is looking for the artist who is willing to carve pathways that lead others to His heart. He is looking for those who want to impact the earth...
- $25.14 SGD
- $25.14 SGD
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Resonate: Zen and the Way of Making a DifferenceIn a world of great noise, disruption, and dysfunction, it's hard to be heard or know how to make a difference. But master the principal underlying change, and you can live your most significant, joyful and resilient life. That principle is resonance, and Resonate...
- $39.10 SGD
- $39.10 SGD
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Live Long And . . .Star Trek legend and veteran author William Shatner discusses the meaning of life, finding value in work, and living well whatever your age. I have always felt, William Shatner says early in his newest memoir, that like the great comedian George Burns, who lived...
- $42.53 SGD
- $42.53 SGD
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Communication in Marriage Workbook: Exercises to Resolve Conflict and Improve Your RelationshipStrengthen communication skills and gain a deeper connection-a marriage workbook for couples Communication is the key to any successful relationship. But sometimes, creating an open line can be challenging. Communication in Marriage Workbook gives you the tools you need to build more effective communication...
- $34.80 SGD
- $34.80 SGD
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30 Days of Journaling: Combining journaling and vision boarding to set big life goalsVision Board + JournalingAnyone who loves journaling but also loves art projects, this book is for you A vision board is a collage of images and words representing your wishes or goals. It serves as inspiration or motivation to achieve those goals. This book...
- $19.33 SGD
- $19.33 SGD
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El libro de HenochLibro prof tico, cosmog nico y escatol gico, El libro de Henoch es uno de los ap crifos m s apasionantes que nos ha legado la antig edad. Se trata de uno de esos textos de los que todo el mundo habla, pero que...
- $27.06 SGD
- $27.06 SGD
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Autoestima Hasta el Cielo: El punto de Partida Para Adolescentes y Adultos Lleva tu Autoestima a Nuevas AlturasLa forma en que te ves, es el factor m s importante de cu nto logras en tu vida, se requiere una alta autoestima para mejorar las relaciones, la administraci n del dinero y el respeto propio.Dentro de este libro, encontrar s...- Identificando d...
- $37.49 SGD
- $37.49 SGD
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Eres Una Flor Completa: Puedes Reparar Tu VidaSi alguna vez te has preguntado si será posible reparar tu vida luego de un pasado complicado, este libro te convencerá para que lo intentes. La autora compara a las Mujeres sin Marido (MSM) a las resistentes orquídeas y las guía en la aplicación...
- $23.19 SGD
- $23.19 SGD
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From Thug to Scholar: An Odyssey to Unmask My True PotentialThis is an odyssey about failure, rejection, redemption, and triumph where I had to rise above religion and embrace God's true gift, a relationship. My path might be different than yours, but our barriers are all the same. I chased successes that were based...
- $25.14 SGD
- $25.14 SGD
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Chronic Junkie: A Story of Addiction, Despair, Unconditional Love, Hope, and TriumphTimothy Ryan had an ideal upbringing. He was born into a loving family, had many friends, grew up in a nice neighborhood, and received a good education. Still, none of that was enough to prevent him from falling into the clutches of addiction. What...
- $48.85 SGD
- $48.85 SGD
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Stress-Free Sailing: Single and Short-Handed TechniquesNow in its second edition, this indispensable guide takes the stress out of sailing with step by step photographic instructions on how to perform essential sailing techniques, regardless of how much help you have to hand. Here you will find clever, highly effective and...
- $56.44 SGD
- $56.44 SGD
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Your Faith is Your Fortune & That Which Already Has Been: Two Neville Classics Reminding that Imagination is More Important Than KnowledgeNeville Goddard (1905-1972) was one of the most influential teachers of the practical application of creative Imagination: "With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in...
- $21.63 SGD
- $21.63 SGD
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Self-Confidence Strategies for Women: Essential Tools to Increase Self-Esteem and Achieve Your True PotentialProven strategies to boost your self confidence and help you find inner strength With so much uncertainty in the world, learning to love yourself and march out of your comfort zone can feel daunting. This book of self confidence strategies for women offers simple...
- $29.00 SGD
- $29.00 SGD
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Cómo analizar a las personas: Descubra los diferentes tipos de personalidad, el lenguaje corporal, la psicología del comportamiento humano, la intelSi quiere descubrir c mo analizar a las personas, siga leyendo ...En este libro, se le revelar n las formas de retirar las m scaras de las personas y observar de manera interrogativa a los individuos que se esconden debajo de ellas.A menudo nos...
- $21.22 SGD
- $21.22 SGD
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Estar En Paz a Propósito: El Poder de Permanecer Tranquilo, Firme Y Seguro En Cualquier CircunstanciaViva desde un lugar de paz abundante en medio de las preocupaciones y el estr s cotidiano de la vida con el autor n mero uno del New York Times y pastor de la Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen. Lo opuesto a la paz es...
- $33.82 SGD
- $33.82 SGD
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Dark Psychology: Master Persuasion, Negotiation, and NLP and Unlock the Power of Understanding Manipulation, Deception, and Human BehavIf you have always wanted to learn more about the "Dark Triad" and how to safeguard yourself from manipulation, then keep reading...Are you unable to safeguard yourself from manipulation?Have you tried different solutions but none of them has proven to be effective?Do you want...
- $58.02 SGD
- $58.02 SGD
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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Discover the Proven Power of DBT For Emotion Regulation, Panic & Worry, Anxiety, and Cognitive Dissonance: With MattheDiscover The Proven Powers of Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Emotion Regulation and A Return To Happiness Today Do you struggle with feelings and thoughts that life is not really worth living sometimes? Are you struggling with overwhelming feelings of fears and worries on a...
- $38.67 SGD
- $38.67 SGD
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Polymath: Master Multiple Disciplines, Learn New Skills, Think Flexibly, and Become an Extraordinary AutodidactExpertise pays; polymathy pays exponentially. Build a world-class skillset that will make you unique and irreplaceable.Polymath: a person of wide knowledge and learning. The art of becoming a polymath is really about maximizing your opportunities in life. Don't be the person with the hammer...
- $48.34 SGD
- $48.34 SGD
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The Little Book of Yoga: An Inspiring Introduction to Everything You Need to Enhance Your Life Using YogaThe Little Book of Yoga is an inspiring introduction to everything you need to enhance your life using Yoga. Whether you're new to the practice or have been mastering flows for longer, this portable guide reinforces the tenants of the physical, mental and spiritual...
- $17.32 SGD
- $17.32 SGD
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Deathly Hallows Notebook: Things We Lose Luna Lovegood Quote Journal To Write In Notes, Tasks, To Do Lists, Stories & Poems, Goals & PrioritiesAre You A Deathly Hallows Supporter or Witch?If so you certainly do know all the answers to the following questions, right?Who has the Deathly Hallows? What was the point of the Deathly Hallows? Did Harry have the deathly hallows? Which is the best Deathly...
- $24.41 SGD
- $24.41 SGD
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