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The Red RoomThe Red RoomIt was an evening in the beginning of May. The little garden on "Moses Height," on the south side of the town had not yet been thrown open to the public, and the flower-beds were still unturned. The snowdrops had worked through...
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The Coming of the KingThe Coming of the KingThe history which I propose writing will, I believe, be of value for various reasons. It will clear my name from various aspersions, and it will enable me to explain what, to many, seem events of an extraordinary nature. For...
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Stories of the RailroadStories of the RailroadIn the summer, fall, and early winter of 1863, I was tossing chips into an old Hinkley insider up in New England, for an engineer by the name of James Dillon. Dillon was considered as good a man as there was...
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Piet Uijs, of lijden en strijd der voortrekkers in NatalPiet Uijs, of lijden en strijd der voortrekkers in NatalOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling (met/zonder trema, met/zonder afbreekstreepje) zijn behouden....
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With Fire and Sword: An Historical Novel of Poland and RussiaWith Fire and Sword: An Historical Novel of Poland and RussiaThe history of the origin and career of the two Slav States, Poland and Russia, is interesting not merely because it contains a vast number of surprising scenes and marvellous pictures of life, not...
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Carolyn of the CornersCarolyn of the Corners Just as the rays of the afternoon sun hesitated to enter the open door of Joseph Staggs hardware store in Sunrise Cove, and lingered on the sill, so the little girl in the black frock and hat, with twin braids...
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Leo Tolstoin kertomuksiaLeo Tolstoin kertomuksiaAsuipa kerran muuan suutari vaimoineen ja lapsineen hyyrylisen talonpojan talossa. Eip hnell ollut omaa kotoa eik kontua; suutarintylln vaan eltti itsens ja perheens. Leip on kallista, mutta ty halpaa, niin ett sen, mink tylln sai, sen sikin suuhunsa. Hnell vaimoineen oli yhteinen...
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Get-Rich-Quick WallingfordGet-Rich-Quick Wallingford - A Cheerful Account of the Rise and Fall of an American Business BuccaneerThe mud was black and oily where it spread thinly at the edges of the asphalt, and wherever it touched it left a stain; it was upon the leather...
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Fire Cloud Or, The Mysterious Cave. A Story of Indians and PiratesFire Cloud; Or, The Mysterious Cave. A Story of Indians and Pirates. Whether or not, the story which we are about to relate is absolutely true in every particular, we are not prepared to say. All we know about it is, that old Ben...
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Tessa Wadsworth's Discipline: A Story of the Development of a Young Girl's LifeTessa Wadsworth's Discipline: A Story of the Development of a Young Girl's Life She was standing one afternoon on the broad piazza, leaning against the railing, with color enough in her usually colorless cheeks as she watched the tall figure passing through the low...
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Sisaret: RomaaniSisaret: RomaaniKummallisen sattumuksen kautta on Memphiin hvinneest kuninkaallisesta arkistosta silynyt jlkimaailmalle joukko kirjoituksia, jotka sisltvt kreikankielisi papyyrukselle kirjoitettuja anomuskirjoja, Nmt on ers serapeumiin sulkeutunut, makedonialaista syntyper oleva erakko tehnyt kahden kaksoissisaren hyvksi, jotka "juoma-uhrien valelijoina" palvelivat jumalaa. Ensi silmykselt nmt anomuskirjat tuskin nyttvt huomiota...
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The Land of Lure: A Story of the Columbia River BasinThe Land of Lure: A Story of the Columbia River BasinAlthough I was one of those who "Tried, failed and went away to try and forget, if possible," her unfaltering faithfulness, and endurance, made it possible for me to see and feel the things...
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Every Man for HimselfEvery Man for Himself The harbor lights were out; all the world of sea and sky and barren rock was black. It was Saturdaylong after night, the first snow flying in the dark. Half a gale from the north ran whimpering through the rigging,...
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The ghosts of their ancestorsThe ghosts of their ancestorshere was a clanging, brassy melody upon the air. For three-score years since York of the Scarlet Coats died, and the tune "God Save the King" floated for the last time out of tavern door and mansion window, the bells...
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La letra escarlataLa letra escarlata - novela escrita en inglésConfusin.Tal es el ttulo de una preciosa obrita que acabamos de recibir, y que es una joya de la literatura Inglesa. Su autor, el famoso literato Conway, en esta nueva produccin de su fecundo ingenio, ha sido...
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Het voedsel der Goden en hoe het op Aarde kwamHet voedsel der Goden en hoe het op Aarde kwamIn het midden der negentiende eeuw begon in onze vreemde wereld voor het eerst in grooten getale een klasse van menschen op te komen, die voor het meerendeel aanleg hadden om oudachtig te worden, en...
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The Lost HeirThe Lost Heir"They are coming now, I think," one sergeant said to another. "It is a bad business. They say the General is terribly hurt, and it was thought better to bring him and the other fellow who was mixed up in it down...
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Onder de Mooren: Avontuurlijke reizen door alle werelddeelenOnder de Mooren: Avontuurlijke reizen door alle werelddeelenOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling en hoofdlettergebruik zijn behouden: met/zonder afbreekstreepjes, gouverneur/Gouverneur, kad/Kad,...
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The Girl From His TownThe Girl From His Town The fact that much he said, because of his unconscionable slang, was incomprehensible did not take from the charm of his conversation as far as the Duchess of Breakwater was concerned. The brightness of his expression, his quick, clear...
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A Child of the JagoA Child of the JagoI am glad to take this, the first available opportunity, to acknowledge the kindness with which A Child of the Jago has been received: both by the reading public, from which I have received many gratifying assurances that what I...
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