Discover the best-selling art books and insightful artist biographies at our online bookstore, featuring a curated selection of must-read books about art and artwork. Explore our collection to find the best books to read, from captivating artist biographies to beautifully illustrated artwork books.
Do You Know Where the English Alphabet Comes From?Have you ever wondered why the English alphabet is shaped the way it looks? Why is the Letter A shaped as a head? This book will show you in words and artwork the short story of the origins behind the English Alphabet. Author: Lina...
- $34.46 AUD
- $34.46 AUD
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Ian Strange: Disturbed HomeThe first comprehensive survey of Ian Strange's architectural interventions exploring dislocation and social catastropheThis is the first comprehensive survey of Ian Strange's (born 1982) architectural interventions, including photographic and filmic interpretations of those works. Highlighting projects from the past 12 years and spanning geographies...
- $168.26 AUD
- $168.26 AUD
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Tania Bruguera: Let Truth Be, Though the World PerishKey performances and new works from the Cuban activist and artist famed for her courageous defiance of governmental oppression Over the past three decades, Cuban performance artist Tania Bruguera (born 1968) has consistently and inventively blurred the line between art and activism. She first...
- $129.43 AUD
- $129.43 AUD
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Ahmed Morsi: A Dialogic ImaginationA comprehensive introduction to the diverse visionary oeuvre of a nomadic polymathA painter, poet, printmaker and critic, New York-based Egyptian artist Ahmed Morsi (born 1930) has created a diverse body of work ranging from paintings and artist's books to prints and photographs. Coming of...
- $152.71 AUD
- $152.71 AUD
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Maria Martins: Tropical FictionsEroticism and Amazonian mythologies in the sculpture of an overlooked Brazilian SurrealistA leading figure in New York's Surrealist circles and in Latin American modernism, the Brazilian artist Maria Martins (1894-1973) was known for her bronze sculptures of hybrid and mythological figures. Through her marriage...
- $155.31 AUD
- $155.31 AUD
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Norman Ackroyd: An Irish NotebookA gorgeous sketchbook of Irish landscapes from the author of A Shetland NotebookNorman Ackroyd (born 1938) has depicted the coastal landscapes of the British Isles for over half a century. Often traveling to remote and weather-beaten outposts, he makes watercolor sketches on various paper...
- $72.34 AUD
- $72.34 AUD
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Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick Kelley: Blood MoonA fascinating insight into two genuinely original American artists, whose combination of painting, photography, performance and poetry effortlessly reimagines the boundaries of contemporary artMary Reid Kelley (born 1979) and Patrick Kelley (born 1969) are celebrated for their visually arresting video works, full of humorous...
- $116.49 AUD
- $116.49 AUD
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Ken MatsubaraOn Matsubara's ephemeral multimedia interrogations of memory and time from the past decadeJapanese artist Ken Matsubara (born 1949) makes multimedia works that incorporate video, photographs and found objects to investigate the memories that reside deep within our consciousness. His flickering video images projected onto...
- $116.49 AUD
- $116.49 AUD
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Evelyn Taocheng Wang: I. M. PersonallyHow Evelyn Taocheng Wang's nomadic life traversing cultures and continents has informed her explorations of identityThis first comprehensive monograph on the work of China-born, Netherlands-based artist Evelyn Taocheng Wang (born 1981) unfolds along the path of her biography--beginning with her early studies in Chengdu,...
- $116.49 AUD
- $116.49 AUD
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LifesAn anthology on the interdisciplinary and the collaborative toward a total work of artThis volume anthologizes the textual contributions from the Hammer exhibition titled Lifes. These texts formed the starting point from which choreographers and composers, theater directors and dramaturgs, and performance, video and...
- $103.54 AUD
- $103.54 AUD
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Robert Houle: Red Is BeautifulHoule's painting blends Western abstraction, postmodernism and conceptualism with First Nations art history and techniques, challenging expectations about Indigenous aestheticsAn extensive survey spanning more than 50 years, Robert Houle: Red Is Beautiful celebrates Houle's ongoing career as an internationally recognized Indigenous artist, curator and...
- $103.40 AUD
- $103.40 AUD
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Placemaking: A New Materialist Theory of PedagogyWhere are you from? This question often refers to someone's birthplace, childhood home or a place that holds significance. The location that is offered in response to this question is more than a means of orientation; it is a lived place that has complex...
- $118.63 AUD
- $118.63 AUD
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In the Mind's Eye / La Mirada de Quien Contempla: Landscapes of Cuba / Paisajes de Cuba (English/Spanish Bilingual Edition)This English/Spanish bilingual volume explores Cuban and U.S. landscape painters largely active from 1850 to 1910 whose portrayals of Cuba reflect political, social, and ideological changes in both countries.In the Mind's Eye tells many stories about Cuba that reflect the island's significance, both as...
- $116.34 AUD
- $116.34 AUD
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Two American Poets: Wallace Stevens and William Carlos WilliamsIlluminating the parallel and overlapping careers and relationships of Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams, this catalogue juxtaposes the two poets with unique material on view for the first time. With essays by biographer Paul Mariani, poets Paul Muldoon and Daniel Halpern, and collector...
- $151.00 AUD
- $151.00 AUD
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French Book Arts: Manuscripts, Books, Bindings, Prints, and Documents, 12th - 21st CenturyCelebrating a thousand years of French Book Arts, this catalogue's 159 entries are scrupulously annotated and contextualized by the award-winning scholar and curator H. George Fletcher. Drawn from the Grolier Club's permanent collections, and representing artifacts from the libraries of such important figures as...
- $291.23 AUD
- $291.23 AUD
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Party of OneFor the past five plus years, Portland-based artist Elizabeth Haidle has attended figure drawing sessions and honed her illustration skills. Party of One gathers together a medley of her most dazzling watercolor creations from this period. Delightful to look at, these lushly painted drawings...
- $75.46 AUD
- $75.46 AUD
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Remembering Enslavement: Reassembling the Southern Plantation MuseumRemembering Enslavement explores plantation museums as sites for contesting and reforming public interpretations of slavery in the American South. Emerging out of a three-year National Science Foundation grant (2014-17), the book turns a critical eye toward the growing inclusion of the formerly enslaved within...
- $147.34 AUD
- $147.34 AUD
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Vedic World and Ancient SciencePradeep Parihar, MD has devoted his medical career to family medicine, with a subspecialty in sports medicine, to help patients at Express Family Clinic in Allen, Texas, lead long and active lives. With a relationship-first approach, Dr. Parihar works with his patients, both young...
- $56.91 AUD
- $56.91 AUD
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A Dry and Thirsty LandA Dry and Thirsty Land is the account of my nearly eleven years of living in Tripoli, Libya, and teaching English at the Oil Companies School. Mr. Robert R. Waldum of Black River Falls, Wisconsin, founded the school in 1958 in a villa in...
- $81.74 AUD
- $81.74 AUD
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The History of Art: A Global View: 1300 to the PresentThe History of Art: A Global View is the first major art history survey textbook -- written by a team of expert authors -- with a global narrative in mind. A chronological organization and "Seeing Connections" features help readers make cross-cultural comparisons, while brief,...
- $238.14 AUD
- $238.14 AUD
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