Business & Economics
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Lean auf gut Deutsch: Band 1 Einführung und BestandsaufnahmeImmer mehr Unternehmen interessieren sich f r Lean Management und wollen es bei sich einf hren. Prinzipien des Lean Managements lassen sich "auf gut Deutsch" wunderbar ausdr cken - nur dass diese M glichkeit viel zu selten genutzt wird. Dabei l sst sich "lean"...
- $72.83 AUD
- $72.83 AUD
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Branchenstrukturanalyse nach Michael E. Porter für deutsche Automobilhersteller auf dem chinesischen MarktBachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note: 2,0, Universit t Duisburg-Essen (Fakult t f r Betriebswirtschaftslehre), Veranstaltung: Wirtschaft Chinas, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Nach langer Abschottung von Handel und Weltmarkt durchlebt die VR China enormes konomisches Wachstum, nicht zuletzt beg nstigt...
- $158.23 AUD
- $158.23 AUD
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Regional Economic Development: Analysis and Planning StrategyThe second edition of this book represents a re-editing and in some cases signi- cant rewriting of the original book published in 2001. Substantial editing occurred and new material has been included in the introductory chapter and in Chap. 10, the concluding chapter. The...
- $388.23 AUD
- $388.23 AUD
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American Patriotism and Corporate Identity in Automobile Advertising: «What's Good for General Motors Is Good for the Country and Vice Versa?»The triumphal march of the automobile and its connection with American culture have often been acknowledged in scholarship. By contrast, the culture-specific, value-oriented advertising strategies of the most important US carmaker General Motors (GM) in its home market have received less attention, especially in...
- $381.37 AUD
- $381.37 AUD
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Smart Retailing: Technologies and StrategiesBy providing a comprehensive theoretical framework, this book aims to map the most relevant technologies that have the potential to reshape the retail industry. The authors demonstrate how technology is pushing innovation, and examine how smart technologies can be fruitfully applied both in-store and...
- $252.34 AUD
- $252.34 AUD
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Your Digital Undertaker: Exploring Death in the Digital Age in CanadaIf you are an adult Canadian who uses e-mail and surfs the internet, this book is for you. In a unique and humorous way, this former military officer and tech executive shares what she's learned about the estate industry and the taboo topic of...
- $65.97 AUD
- $65.97 AUD
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Military to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner's GuideMilitary to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner's Guide is an essential resource for understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in supporting veterans to successfully transition to civilian employment. On average 5,000 highly skilled Canadian Armed Forces personnel will exit the military each year but...
- $73.71 AUD
- $73.71 AUD
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Trendy Bar & Nightclub Business Startup: How to Start, Run and Grow a Successful Bar & Tavern BusinessTrendy Bar & Nightclub Business StartupHow to Start, Run and Grow a Successful Bar & Tavern BusinessAccording to Statista, sales in the drinking sector in the United States have steadily grown since the mid-1990's reaching 23.15 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. The sector includes...
- $48.06 AUD
- $48.06 AUD
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Selling Naked: A Revolutionary Approach to Launching Your Brand Online"A candid, behind-the-scenes look at how successful direct-to-consumer brands such as Hubble are launching their businesses on platforms like Facebook and Google."--Lisa Sherman, president and CEO, the Ad Council LONGLISTED FOR THE PORCHLIGHT BUSINESS BOOK AWARD - "A must-read for anyone interested in starting...
- $87.57 AUD
- $87.57 AUD
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Poultry Farming: How To Market And Sell Poultry Products: Effective Strategies, Invaluable Tips And Tricks For Profitable ReturnsAre you raising, or planning to raise poultry birds such as chickens, quails, turkey, geese, guinea fowl, squabs, pigeon, partridge, emu, the tinamou's, pheasants e.t.c. but struggling with sales and marketing aspects of your operations? You aren't alone It's hurting to see a good...
- $22.60 AUD
- $22.60 AUD
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What I Wish I'd Known About Thin Kerf Sawmilling Seventeen Years And Several Million Board Feet AgoThin kerf sawmilling has become one of the world's most productive creators of environmentally significant small business entrepreneurial enterprises in recent decades; allowing tens of thousands of one and two person businesses to be established and thrive as locally based enterprises serving local, regional,...
- $64.54 AUD
- $64.54 AUD
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Dropshipping: Step-By-Step Guide to $10,000 per Month in 10 Weeks or LessDo you dream about making a name for yourself through the development of a business, but don't know where to start? Do you understand that the internet can be a place where small businesses can thrive, but need to learn more about what type...
- $43.29 AUD
- $43.29 AUD
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Un Trader de la Calle: Estrategias para invertir en Bolsa y Forex online y ganar dineroCuando escribí Un Trader de la Calle, lo hice pensando en personas como tú, que están a punto de transitar el mismo camino que yo recorrí cuando me iniciaba en el mundo de las inversiones. Casi puedo intuir los motivos que te han traído...
- $58.14 AUD
- $58.14 AUD
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The Official US Army Leadership Handbook - Current Edition: Full-Size 8.5" x 11" Format - For Leaders Everywhere: Includes "Counseling" and "TrainingEssential training for leaders EVERYWHERE - supremely relevant not only within the Army but for managers, trainers and entrepreneurs in all organizations' management structures. IMPORTANT - CURRENT EDITION: Unlike other editions available, this is NOT the old, outdated FM 6-22 field manual: these are...
- $37.17 AUD
- $37.17 AUD
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Marketing en Instagram: ¡Una Forma Perfecta de Hacerse Rico! (Libro en Español/Instagram Marketing Book Spanish Version)Crea Incre bles Oportunidades de Negocio y Consigue M s Seguidores Utilizando el Poder del Marketing en Instagram Deseas mejorar tus ventas hoy mismo y con muy poco trabajo? Quieres conseguir m s publicidad y que muchas personas vean lo que tu empresa tiene...
- $36.11 AUD
- $36.11 AUD
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Kid Number One: Alan Hassenfeld and HasbroHaving escaped religious persecution in Eastern Europe in 1903, Alan Hassenfeld's grandfather and great-uncle arrived in America as penniless teenage immigrants - refugees who went from hawking rags on the streets of New York City to building what became the world's largest toy company,...
- $90.60 AUD
- $90.60 AUD
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The Celebrity CEO: How Entrepreneurs Can Thrive by Building a Community and a Strong Personal BrandThe Celebrity CEO is the complete guide to creating a strong personal brand. By developing your personal brand, you will set your business apart from your competitors and become known as the expert in your industry.Written for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want...
- $46.46 AUD
- $46.46 AUD
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Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning: a simple guide for owners"What happens to my bitcoin, ether, or other cryptoassets when I die?" Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning: A Simple Guide for Owners by Pamela Morgan, Esq. is a clear blueprint to inheritance planning for those holding cryptocurrency, tokens, crypto-collectibles, and other cryptoassets. Since 2015, Pamela has...
- $97.03 AUD
- $97.03 AUD
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There's No Such Thing as The Economy: Essays on Capitalist ValueEvery Economics textbook today teaches that questions of values and morality lie outside of, are in fact excluded from, the field of Economics and its proper domain of study, "the economy." Yet the dominant cultural and media narrative in response to major economic crisis...
- $64.71 AUD
- $64.71 AUD
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A Refresher in Financial AccountingThis fresher guide is designed for students who took accounting in their freshman year but struggled with double-entry bookkeeping or have for-gotten it and need a quick revision of key accounting adjustments such as accrued expenses, prepaid expenses, bad debt expense, depreciation techniques, inventory...
- $56.91 AUD
- $56.91 AUD
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