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A Rivermouth RomanceA Rivermouth Romance At five o'clock on the morning of the tenth of July, 1860, the front door of a certain house on Anchor Street, in the ancient seaport town of Rivermouth, might have been observed to open with great caution. This door, as...
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A Struggle For LifeA Struggle For Life One morning as I was passing through Boston Common, which lies between my home and my office, I met a gentleman lounging along The Mall. I am generally preoccupied when walking, and often thread my way through crowded streets without...
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The Magic FishboneThe Magic Fishbone - A Holiday Romance from the Pen of Miss Alice Rainbird, Aged 7The story contained herein was written by Charles Dickens in 1867. It is the second of four stories entitled Holiday Romance and was published originally in a childrens magazine...
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Sisar RosaSisar Rosa"Hyvin kiitollinen, kunnioitettava vanha ystvni, niin hauskasta ja odottamattomasta vastauksesta minun kysymykseeni. Siihen katsoen ett min olen herra Danville'n palvelija, hnen, joka nyttelee tuota trket sulhasen osaa siin pikku hkomediassa, jota tarkoitatte, luulen voivani vakuuttaa teille, ilman loukkaamatta, ett uutisenne on, mikli se...
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IndirectionIndirectionElwar Forell leaned back in his chair, looking about the small dining salon. The usual couples were there, he noticed. Of course, the faces were different from those of last evening, but the poses were similar. And the people were there for the same...
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One Day At ArleOne Day At Arle One day at Arlea tiny scattered fishing hamlet on the northwestern English coastthere stood at the door of one of the cottages near the shore a woman leaning against the lintel-post and looking out: a woman who would have been...
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"Le Monsieur de la Petite Dame""Le Monsieur de la Petite Dame" It was Madame who first entered the box, and Madame was bright with youthful bloom, bright with jewels, and, moreover, a beauty. She was a little creature, with childishly large eyes, a low, white forehead, reddish-brown hair, and...
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EsmeraldaEsmeralda To begin, I am a Frenchman, a teacher of languages, and a poor man,necessarily a poor man, as the great world would say, or I should not be a teacher of languages, and my wife a copyist of great pictures, selling her copies...
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LoduskyLodusky They were rather an incongruous element amid the festivities, but they bore themselves very well, notwithstanding, and seemed to be sufficiently interested. The elder of the twoa tall, slender, middle-aged woman, with a somewhat severe, though delicate facesat quietly apart, looking on at...
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"Surly Tim": A Lancashire Story"Surly Tim": A Lancashire Story Sorry to hear my fellow-workmen speak so disparagin' o' me? Well, Mester, that's as it may be yo' know. Happen my fellow-workmen ha' made a bit o' a mistakehappen what seems loike crustiness to them beant so much crustiness...
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Tonio KrögerTonio KrögerDie Wintersonne stand nur als armer Schein, milchig und matt hinter Wolkenschichten ber der engen Stadt. Na und zugig war's in den giebeligen Gassen, und manchmal fiel eine Art von weichem Hagel, nicht Eis, nicht Schnee. Die Schule war aus. ber den gepflasterten...
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The White Feather HexThe White Feather HexA strong, wiry man he washis arms were knotted sections of solid hickory forming themselves into gnarled hands and twisted stubs of fingers. His furrowed brow, dried by the sun and cracked in a million places by the wind was well...
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The Lady DocThe Lady Doc"A fellow must have something against himselfhe certainly mustto live down here year in and year out and never do a lick of work on a trail like this, that he's usin' constant. Gettin' off half a dozen times to lift the...
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Each Man KillsEach Man KillsNow that it's all over, it seems like a bad dream. But when I look at Maria's picture on my desk, I realize it couldn't have been a dream. Actually, it was only six months ago that I sat at this same...
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StradellaStradellaThe Senator Michele Pignaver, being a childless widower of several years' standing and a personage of wealth and worth in Venice, made up his mind one day that he would marry his niece Ortensia, as soon as her education was completed. For he was...
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Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the PriestLavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the PriestLavengro made its first appearance more than one and twenty years ago. It was treated in anything but a courteous manner. Indeed, abuse ran riot, and many said that the book was killed. If by killed was meant...
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The Youth of JeffersonThe Youth of Jefferson - Or, a Chronicle of College Scrapes at Williamsburg, in Virginia, A.D. 1764This little tale is scarcely worth a preface, and it is only necessary to say, that it was written as a relaxation after exhausting toil. If its grotesque...
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The Rover Boys Under Canvas Or, The Mystery of the Wrecked SubmarineThe Rover Boys Under Canvas; Or, The Mystery of the Wrecked SubmarineMy Dear Boys: This book is a complete story in itself, but forms the third volume in a line issued under the general title, The Second Rover Boys Series for Young Americans. As...
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The White Rose of LangleyThe White Rose of Langley - A Story of the Olden TimeThe woman addressed languidly roused herself from the half-sheltered nook of the forest in which she and her child had taken refuge. She was leaning with her back supported by a giant oak,...
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Feats on the FiordFeats on the Fiord - The third book in "The Playfellow"Every one who has looked at the map of Norway must have been struck with the singular character of its coast. On the map it looks so jagged, such a strange mixture of land...
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