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The Laugh MakerThe Laugh MakerYou can laugh too much. You can be too cheerful. You can look too much on the sunny side of life. You wont believe this and neither did Bobby McTabb. But McTabb proved it out. It took the girl to help himKitty...
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The Man Who Saved the EarthThe Man Who Saved the EarthWe read of the days when the powers of radium were yet unknown. It is told us that burns were produced by incautiously carrying a tube of radium salts in the pocket. And here in this story we are...
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"Bobbie", a Story of the Confederacy"Bobbie", a Story of the ConfederacyHe always said he never knew which was worse, his name or his nose; but as he could get rid of neither, he accepted both in his own bright, happy way, and that ended the matter with him. Peter...
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The King Who Went on StrikeThe King Who Went on Strike Is it not strange so few Kings abdicate; and none yet heard of has been known to commit suicide? Fritz the First, of Prussia, alone tried it, and they cut the rope." he King leant against the stone...
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Old 99's CaveOld Ninety-Nine's CaveTourists in the Shawangunk region are unanimous in pronouncing it one of the most beautiful spots east of the Mississippi, and in some respects unique on this continent. Mokonk and Minnewaska need no eulogy from any pen, Sams Point tells its own...
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Fantasy: A NovelFantasy: A NovelThe most prominent imaginative writer of the latest generation in Italy is a woman. What little is known of the private life of Matilde Serao adds, as forcibly as what may be divined from the tenour and material of her books, to...
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Légy jó mindhaláligLégy jó mindhaláligA kollgium nagy, komor, ngyszg plet. Voltakpen csak az els rsze komor, a Nagytemplom felli si plet, a htuls hrom szakasz, amely gy van ptve, hogy az egsz egy ngyszg udvart zr be, inkbb sivr. De a kisdiknak ell-htul, mindenfell rendkvl imponl...
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The Sun Also RisesThe Sun Also RisesThis ebook is made available at no cost and with very few restrictions. These restrictions apply only if (1) you make a change in the ebook (other than alteration for different display devices), or (2) you are making commercial use of...
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Shepherds for ScienceShepherds for ScienceMe and Dirty Shirt Jones prods our three burros across the border of Yaller Rock County, points north through the country where God dumped the leavings after He made the Bad Lands, and has visions of the old home town. He looks...
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A Woman Ventures: A NovelA Woman Ventures: A NovelFor twenty-one years he had been an assistant secretary in the Department of State at Washingtona rather conspicuous position, with a salary of four thousand a year. Influential relatives representing Massachusetts in the House or in the Senate, and often...
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In the Year 10000In the Year Ten ThousandA. D. 10,000. An old man, more than six hundred years of age, was walking with a boy through a great museum. The people who were moving around them had beautiful forms, and faces which were indescribably refined and spiritual....
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ShowboatShow BoatShow Boat is neither history nor biography, but fiction. This statement is made in the hope that it will forestall such protest as may be registered by demon statisticians against certain liberties taken with characters, places, and events. In the Chicago portion of...
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Playing Safe in PiperockPlaying Safe in PiperockYouve got to admit that she rhymes, says Magpie Simpkins, spitting out a mouthful of dust and lifting his canteen to his lips. I done figured em all out of my own head, Ike. You better leave off taking things out...
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Polaris and the Goddess GlorianPolaris and the Goddess GlorianIn the antarctic wilds far below Ross Sea, Polaris Janess (Polarisof the Snows), was born, of a mother he never knew, and grew to manhood's years knowing one human face only, that of his father. When that father died, the...
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Their ChildTheir ChildMR. ROBERT HERRICK, the author of The Gospel of Freedom, The Web of Life, and The Real World, was born in Cambridge, Mass., April 26, 1868. His father was a lawyer, practising in Boston. His people on both sides were of New England...
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The Sacred Tree: Being the Second Part of 'The Tale of Genji'The Sacred Tree: Being the Second Part of 'The Tale of Genji'THE Tale of Genji was probably written about 10011015 a.d. We know the titles of a good many earlier stories and romances. About a dozen are mentioned in the Tale itself. But only...
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Ariane, jeune fille russeAriane, jeune fille russeUn ciel dune limpidit presque orientale, un beau ciel clair, lumineux, bleu comme une turquoise de Nichapour, stendait au-dessus des maisons et des jardins de la ville encore endormie. Dans laube et le silence on entendait seulement les cris des moineaux...
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Le scarabée d'orLe scarabée d'or Il y a quelques annes, je me liai intimement avec un M. William Legrand. Il tait d'une ancienne famille protestante, et jadis il avait t riche; mais une srie de malheurs l'avait rduit la misre. Pour viter l'humiliation de ses dsastres,...
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The Master Rogue: The Confessions of a CroesusThe Master Rogue: The Confessions of a CroesusI cannot remember the time when I was not absolutely certain that I would be a millionaire. And I had not been a week in the big wholesale dry-goods house in Worth Street in which I made...
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