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WhitewashWhitewashLady Selina laid down her pena quillsmiling pensively. Early in life she had been taught to smile by a mother with half a dozen attractive but dowerless daughters, who had smiled themselves obediently into wives and matrons. Critics admitted that the smile had quality....
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Pakkasen lapsiaPakkasen lapsiaVanha Koskoosh kuunteli ahneesti. Vaikka hn jo aikoja sitten oli menettnyt nkns, kuuli hn hyvin, ja heikkokin ni tunki viel hnen ymmrrykseens, joka kuitenkaan ei jaksanut en hnen ryppyisen otsansa takaa seurata maailman menoa. Aha! Sit-cum-to-ka siell kiroaa kimakasti koiria, piiskatessaan niit valjaisiin....
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More Stories of Married LifeMore Stories of Married LifeAnita Gibbons has been waiting outside at the station on the bench nearest the field since twenty minutes of six, and it was now nearly seven as she rose to go. The bright pleasure with which she had started out...
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The Downfall (La Débâcle): A Story of the Horrors of WarThe Downfall (La Débâcle): A Story of the Horrors of WarBefore the present translation of M. Zola's novel, 'La Dbcle,' appeared in 'The Weekly Times and Echo,' in which it was originally issued, the author was interviewed for that journal by Mr. Robert H....
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Onnen suosikki: RomaaniOnnen suosikki: RomaaniOli hiljainen y Tivolissa. Tarjoilupytn, joka ulottui avaran, veistmttmist hirsist salvetun tuvan poikki, nojaili puolisen tusinaa miest, joista kaksi keskusteli kuusenhavuteen ja kalkkijuoman suhteellisista eduista keripukin parannuskeinoina. He pohtivat asiaa alakuloisen nkisin ja vaipuivat vhvli synkkn nettmyyteen. Toiset tuskin kuuntelivat heit. Vastakkaisella...
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Punainen ruttoPunainen ruttoPolku kulki pitkin harjannetta, joka kerran oli ollut ratapenger. Mutta moneen vuoteen ei yksikn juna ollut liikkunut sill. Kummallakin puolella kasvava mets oli vallannut ratavieren ja kohosi nyt sen ylitse vihren puu- ja pensaskatoksena. Polku oli ainoastaan miehen levyinen ja olikin vain villien...
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The Hemlock Avenue MysteryThe Hemlock Avenue MysteryYoung Lyon, lounging in the Court House to make up his daily tale of items for the Waynscott News, was perhaps the only man who knew exactly how the quarrel between Lawrence and Fullerton began, though, when later events had made...
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Im Hause des KommerzienratesIm Hause des Kommerzienrates.Die Dezembersonne huschte noch einmal scheu durch die groe Schlomhlenstube, dann nahm sie das letzte laue Strahlenfnkchen von den seltsamen Gegenstnden, die auf dem tiefen Steinsimse des Eckfensters ausgebreitet lagen, und verschwand in dem Schneewolkenbette, das sich trge, aber beharrlich am...
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De drie steden: LourdesDe drie steden: LourdesDe heer J. M. Meulenhoff verzoekt mij een kort woord ter inleiding te schrijven voor Zolas bekende serie: Lourdes, Rome, Parijs. Ik kan in deze beknopte inleiding over de literaire en dramatisch-psychologische waarde van zijn drie romans, als nawerk op de...
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Tarry thou till I come or, Salathiel, the wandering JewTarry thou till I come; or, Salathiel, the wandering Jew.There has appeared from time to time in Europe, during the past thousand years, a mysterious individuala sojourner in all lands, yet a citizen of none; professing the profoundest secrets of opulence, yet generally living...
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Satanella: A Story of PunchestownSatanella: A Story of PunchestownThe speaker was a rough-looking man in a frieze coat, with wide mouth, short nose, and grey, honest Irish eyes, that twinkled with humour on occasion, though clouded for the present by disappointment, not to say disgust, and with some...
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Little Stories of Married LifeLittle Stories of Married LifeOh, Henry! Pretty Mrs. Waring looked tragically across the breakfast-table at her husband, or rather at the newspaper that screened him completely from her view. Do put down that paper for a moment. I never get a chance to speak...
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Esau e JacobEsau e JacobQuando o conselheiro Ayres falleceu, acharam-se lhe na secretaria sete cadernos manuscriptos, rijamente encapados em papelo. Cada um dos primeiros seis tinha o seu numero de ordem, por algarismos romanos, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, escriptos a tinta encarnada. O setimo...
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Members of the FamilyMembers of the FamilyWhen this October comes, twenty years will be sped since the author of these Western tales sat down one evening to begin his first tale of the West, andwill you forgive him a preamble of gossip, of retrospection? Time steps in...
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Bertrand of BrittanyBertrand of BrittanyNow Dame Jeanne was a handsome, black-browed woman with a resolute mouth and a full, white chin. The Norman apple-trees had lost their bloom, so sang the romancers, when Gleaquim by the sea had stolen her as the sunlight from Duke Rollos...
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