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Calvinin aikoinaCalvinin aikoinaI. St. Clairen nunnat. II. Ami Berthelierin historia. III. Suuri valkea valtaistuin. IV. Ranskan pakolaiset ja Geneven libertinit. V. Caulaincourtin kaksi ystv. VI. Muuan Norbert de Caulaincourtin ystv. VII. Sisar Claudine. VIII. Uusi Geneve. IX. Onnettomuus ja vetoomus. X. Valon vlkhdys. XI. Onko...
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Burgo's RomanceBurgo's RomanceA dark handsome face bent close to a fair and glowing one, a trembling white hand clasped in a sinewy brown one, two black eyes aflame with the light of love, two blue eyes cast down in a sweet confusion and shaded by...
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Uuteen maailmaanUuteen maailmaan - Romaani Pennsylvanian ensimmäisistä uutisasukkaistaUuden ja Vanhan Maailman vlill. Uusi maa. Uuden Ruotsin siirtokunta. Pietari Rambo. "Charitas" tuo ylltyksen. Oman kodin raivaus ky mahdolliseksi. Erkki ja Stina. Suomi-siirtola pannaan alulle. "Marjetan krki". Ridder luopuu. Kuvernri Printz saapuu. Uusi vauhti siirtokunnan kehityksess. Tervehdykset...
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Heidi osaa käyttää oppiansa: Kertomus AlpeiltaHeidi osaa käyttää oppiansa: Kertomus Alpeilta 1. Matkapuuhia. 2. Muudan vieras tunturilla. 3. Ers Palkinto. 4. Talven viettminen "Kylss". 5. Talvea kest viel. 6. Ystvt Frankfurtissa tekevt lht. 7. Miten tunturilla edelleen eletn. 8. Tapahtuu ers seikka, jota ei kukaan ole aavistanut. 9. Jtetn...
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True Tales of the Great ValleyThe Man with the Iron HandLet us picture in imagination the history of the Great Valley of the Mississippi as a splendid drama enacted upon a giant stage which reaches from the Alleghanies to the Rockies and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf...
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Marion: The Story of an Artist's ModelMarion: The Story of an Artist's ModelCONTENTS: Chapter I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI,...
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Julia France and Her Times: A NovelJulia France and Her Times: A NovelThe entrance of a British cruiser into the harbor of St. Kitts was always followed by a ball at Government House in the little capital of Basse Terre. To-night there was a squadron of three at anchor; therefore...
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The Doom of LondonThe Doom of LondonThe editor of The Daily Chat wondered a little vaguely why he had come down to the office at all. Here was the thermometer down to 11 with every prospect of touching zero before daybreak, and you can't fill a morning...
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Os Trabalhadores do MarOs Trabalhadores do MarDedico este livro ao rochedo de hospitalidade e de liberdade, a este canto da velha terra normanda onde vive o nobre e pequeno povo do mar, ilha de Guernesey, severa e branda, meu actual asylo, meu provavel tumulo. A religio, a...
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The Tickencote TreasureThe Tickencote TreasureCertain persons, having heard rumours of the strange adventures that once happened to me, have asked me to write them down in detail, so that they may be printed and given to the world in their proper sequence. Therefore, in obedience, and...
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The Little Moment of HappinessThe Little Moment of HappinessThey had not lifted into view suddenly, but had rather emerged from the east, solidifying slowly out of a slate-colored blur which to the eyes of unaccustomed voyagers might or might not have been land. There was no ebullition of...
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Harrington: A Story of True LoveHarrington: A Story of True LoveHerein may be seen noble chivalrye, curtosye, humanyte, friendlyenesse, hardyenesse, love, friendshype, cowardyse, murder, hate, vertue and synne. Doo after the good, and leve the evyl, and it shall brynge you to good fame and renomme.Sir Thomas Malory: Preface...
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Anne Hereford: A NovelAnne Hereford: A Novel An express train was dashing along a line of rails in the heart of England. On one of the first-class carriages there had been a board, bearing the intimation 'For Ladies Only,' but the guard took it off when the...
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Robin LinnetRobin LinnetDAMON and Pythias, collegiately and colloquially known as Day and Pie, were seated in Damons room in the great quadrangle, on two chairs, side by side, with a candle on the table that guttered in the draught, and a copy of Socratess Apology...
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Tiikerikissa: Seikkailuja kaukaisessa LännessäTiikerikissa: Seikkailuja kaukaisessa LännessäI. Mieltymyst. II. Aarniomets. III. Don Torribio Quiroga. IV. Illanvietto. V. Vijytys. VI. San Lucar. VII. Hykkys presidiota vastaan. VIII. Konnamaisuutta. IX. Vankina. X. Punanahkojen leiri. XI. Luopio. XII. Naisen tahto. XIII. Valkoiset punaisia vastaan. XIV. Knne. XV. Kuukautta myhemmin. XVI....
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Jinny the CarrierJinny the CarrierYou and Audrey have so often proclaimed the needin our world of sorrow and careof a bland novel, defining it as one to be read when in bed with a sore throat, that as an adventurer in letters I have frequently felt...
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VathekVathekLa traduction, comme on sait, a paru avant l'original; il est fort ais de croire que ce n'tait pas mon intention; des circonstances, peu intressantes pour le public, en ont t la cause. Vathek, neuvime Calife1 de la race des Abbassides, tait fils de...
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The Common LotThe Common Lot From time to time the door opened to admit some tardy person. Then the May sunlight without flooded the dim, long hall with a sudden radiance, even to the arched recess in the rear, where the coffin was placed. The late-comers...
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The Rāmāyana, Volume 2. Āranya, Kishkindhā, and Sundara KāndamThe Rāmāyana, Volume 2. Āranya, Kishkindhā, and Sundara KāndamThis book was transcribed from scans of several different copies of the original found at the Internet Archive. The typesetters of the original book represented the letter (with a macron above) as (with circumflex above) when...
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