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The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers, Series 1The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers, Series 1 Judge not by appearances, my boy; for appearances are very deceptive, as the old lady cholerically remarked when one, who was really a virgin on to forty, blushingly informed her that she was "just twenty-five this month."...
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Final Proof Or, The Value of EvidenceFinal Proof; Or, The Value of EvidenceThe first meeting between Mr. Barnes, the detective, and Robert Leroy Mitchel, the gentleman who imagines himself to be able to outdo detectives in their own line of work, was fully set forth in the narrative entitled An...
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The Five ArrowsThe Five ArrowsThe governor's wife pointed across the bay to a speck in the black sky. Ground lights in Catanzas were focusing their blue shafts on the speck, moving as the plane moved, one light trying to lead the ship. A thin stream of...
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Heriot's Choice: A TaleHeriot's Choice: A Tale CHAPTER I. 'Say Yes, Milly' CHAPTER II. 'If you please, may I bring Rag and Tatters?' CHAPTER III. Vi Tebay CHAPTER IV. Mildred's new Home CHAPTER V. Olive CHAPTER VI. Cain and Abel CHAPTER VII. A Mother in Israel CHAPTER...
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The Great Captain: A Story of the Days of Sir Walter RaleighThe Great Captain: A Story of the Days of Sir Walter RaleighI never knew my father and mother, having been born into a time like that of the great desolation foretold by the Scriptures. They were the days of what I have heard called...
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Feats on the FiordFeats on the Fiord Miss Martineau's Norwegian romance won its way long since into the hearts of children in this country. The unhackneyed setting to the incidents of the tale distinguish it from thousands of more ordinary children's stories; nor is there any other...
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Seed-time and Harvest: A NovelSeed-time and Harvest: A NovelIn the year 1829, on St. John's day, a man sat in the deepest melancholy, under an ash-tree arbor, in a neglected garden. The estate, to which the garden belonged, was a lease-hold estate, and lay on the river Peene,...
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Een Zwerver VerliefdEen Zwerver VerliefdToen Tamalone een knaap was van dertien jaren, bleek en bescheiden, was hij het meest geliefde kind van zijn vader, die hem altoos bij zich verlangde, hem s morgens medenam naar het hof van den baljuw en hem zijn boek liet dragen....
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Det stille Vand: En Fortælling om UngdomDet stille Vand: En Fortælling om Ungdombenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bog, men forfatterens stavning er i vrigt bevaret. Bogen er oprindelig trykt med frakturskrift; i nedenstende tekst er kursiv brugt til at angive antikvaskrift. En ordliste med rettelser er placeret sidst i...
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L'esquisse mystérieuseL'esquisse mystérieuseEn face de la chapelle Saint-Sbalt, Nuremberg, slve une petite auberge, troite et haute, le pignon dentel, les vitres poudreuses, le toit surmont dune Vierge en pltre. Cest l que jai pass les plus tristes jours de ma vie. Jtais all Nuremberg pour...
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Kaukaisesta lännestä: Kolme kertomustaKaukaisesta lännestä: Kolme kertomustaI. Haukansilm: I. Yhtymys metsss. II. Kynti majatalossa. Ers keino. III. Vihollisen jljill. Kahleissa. IV. Tukala tila. Ers seikkailu. V. Ikv yhtymys. Ptetty yhteentulo. VI. Keskustelu. Vankeudesta. VII. Uusia tuumia. Kova onnettomuus. VIII. Kotiin tulo. Ojasta allikkoon. IX. Intialaisleiriss kahleissa. Odottamaton...
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Tales from "Blackwood," Volume 9Tales from "Blackwood," Volume 9In the year 1833 there dwelt in Madrid a certain student, who went by the name of El Rubio, or the Red. Not by his acquaintances and intimates alone was he thus designated, but by all the various classes of...
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"I Conquered""I Conquered" Danny Lenox wanted a drink. The desire came to him suddenly as he stood looking down at the river, burnished by bright young day. It broke in on his lazy contemplation, wiped out the indulgent smile, and made the young face serious,...
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In the Year '13: A Tale of Mecklenburg LifeIn the Year '13: A Tale of Mecklenburg LifeIn presenting to the public this, the first English translation of one of Reuter's works, it may not be superfluous to say a few words concerning their author. Though his name is unknown in England, in...
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An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 3 (of 3)An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 3 (of 3). - (Ut Mine Stromtid)The day after Christmas was passed very busily in Mrs. Behrens' house in Rahnstdt. Louisa was continually to be seen running up and down stairs, for she was finishing the...
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An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 2 (of 3)An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 2 (of 3). - (Ut Mine Stromtid)On the 23rd of June 1843, the eldest son of David Dsel and the youngest daughter of John Degel were seated on a bench in the pleasure-grounds at Pmpelhagen. They...
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Ekkehard: A Tale of the Tenth Century. Vol. 2 (of 2)Ekkehard: A Tale of the Tenth Century. Vol. 2 (of 2)The night, which had appeared long and dreary to those who had been entrusted with the watch on the battle-field, was passing away. The horror of Death lay over the whole valley. "The Lord...
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An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 1 (of 3)An Old Story of My Farming Days Vol. 1 (of 3). - (Ut Mine Stromtid)Well, well, it was not always so.--The father of the man who now rides to town with white reins for his horse, and who drinks his couple of bottles of...
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Ekkehard: A Tale of the Tenth Century. Vol. 1 (of 2)Ekkehard: A Tale of the Tenth Century. Vol. 1 (of 2)This book was written with the firm belief that neither history nor poetry will lose anything, by forming a close alliance, and uniting their strength by working together. For the last thirty years or...
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François de Bienville: Scènes de la Vie Canadienne au XVII siècleFrançois de Bienville: Scènes de la Vie Canadienne au XVII siècleEn publiant une dition dfinitive de mes romans historiques, avec les nombreuses corrections de style qu'une exprience plus grande me permet d'y faire aujourd'hui, je puis enfin raliser un dsir depuis longtemps caress, celui...
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