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813813A zealous reader, collating the translation of this book with the original, would hit upon certain differences. These are due to alterations made, in most case, by the author himself, and, in all cases, with his full approval. "It contains nothing else, because I...
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Mashi, and Other StoriesMashi, and Other StoriesHearing that Mani had wept at the mere thought of going to her father's house, Jotin was so excited that he sat up in bed. Pulling his pillow towards him, he leaned back, and said: Mashi, open this window a little,...
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The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers, Series 2The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers, Series 2When in the course of human events, my boy, it becomes necessary for a chap of respectable parentage to write a full and graphic account of a great battle, without exasperating the press-censor by naming the locality of...
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Problematic Characters: A NovelProblematic Characters: A Novel"Such a novel as no English author with whom we are acquainted could have written, and no American author except Hawthorne. What separates it from the multitude of American and English novels is the perfection of its plot, and it's author's...
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KirkkotieKirkkotieKookas, voimakas, nuori mies astui vakavin askelin pitkin pient polkua, joka kierrellen halkaisi viljavainioita. Hnen pukunsa oli maalainen, mutta kuitenkin kaunis, kasvonsa vilpittmt, niiss kuvautui ly ja hyvsydmmisyytt ja ryhtins ilmaisi pontevuutta ja vireytt. Aika ajoin pyshtyi hn katsellen ymprilleen. "Tmhn on jotensakin kaunista",...
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The Ivory Gate, a new editionThe Ivory Gate, a new editionAfter this novel was commenced in Chambers's Journal it was discovered that the title had already been used by the late Mr. Mortimer Collins, for a novel published in the year 1865. The Author communicated with Mr. Collins's representatives,...
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Naapurimme Margreta: Kaksi kertomustaNaapurimme; Margreta: Kaksi kertomustaIs, jolla oli yht rajaton kuin ansaitsematon luottamus kelvollisuuteeni, jtti kaikki minun toimitettavakseni, ja siin sitte seisoin ern aamuna eptietoisena ja avuttomana suuressa asunnossa keskell mattoja, heinsiteit ja puoleksi peitteistn esiin otettuja huonekaluja. Huoneet olivat suuret ja kokonaan uudistetut; ljyvrin, liisterin...
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Max CarradosMax CarradosIt was eight oclock at night and raining, scarcely a time when a business so limited in its clientele as that of a coin dealer could hope to attract any customer, but a light was still showing in the small shop that bore...
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The Hidden Force: A Story of Modern JavaThe Hidden Force: A Story of Modern JavaThe Hidden Force gives a picture of life in the Dutch East Indies in the last year of the nineteenth and the first year of the twentieth century. Conditions have altered slightly since thenDutch ladies no longer...
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Verwirrungen des Zöglings TörlessDie Verwirrungen des Zöglings TörleßHinter dem niederen, lgestrichenen Stationsgebude fhrte eine breite, ausgefahrene Strae zur Bahnhofsrampe herauf. Ihre Rnder verloren sich in dem ringsum zertretenen Boden und waren nur an zwei Reihen Akazienbumen kenntlich, die traurig mit verdursteten, von Staub und Ru erdrosselten Blttern...
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Noites de CintraNoites de CintraParecer menos inverosimil este pretexto, quando se disser que todos, ento reunidos em Lisboa, haviamos nascido na provincia, onde as volatas dos rouxinoes dulcificaram as nossas primeiras noites de amor, e que o mais velho de ns tinha trinta e sete annos...
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The Man with the Double HeartThe Man with the Double Heart The fog, pouring down from Regent's Park above, was wedged tight in Harley Street like a wad of dirty wool, but in the open space fronting Harcourt House it found room to expand and took on spectral shape;...
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One of My SonsOne of My Sons was walking at a rapid pace up the avenue one raw, fall evening, when somewhere near the corner of FiftyStreet I was brought to a sudden stand-still by the sound of a child's voice accosting me from the stoop of...
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God's Green Country: A Novel of Canadian Rural LifeGod's Green Country: A Novel of Canadian Rural Life To The Memory of a Friend whose Vision Saw an Arcadia for Every Field of the Green Country and whose Brief Years of Sympathy and Service were Given to Make it Real for One Spot...
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The Lost WagonThe Lost Wagon CHAPTER ONE - Pondering CHAPTER TWO - The Discussion CHAPTER THREE - The Destroyers CHAPTER FOUR - Mountain Man CHAPTER FIVE - The Start CHAPTER SIX - The Party CHAPTER SEVEN - Independence CHAPTER EIGHT - The River CHAPTER NINE -...
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Kylään tullessaKylään tullessaKerran kun matkustin oli minulla ers neljtoista vuotias, utelias poika toverina. Se on kyll paha, kun melkein kaikkien kertomusten pit alkaa noilla sanoilla, mutta mitp sit ihminen paljon nkee oman huoneensa seinien sisll. Tosin lytyy siellkin paljon vaariin ottamista perheellisen elmn piiriss, mutta...
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Kaukasische vertellingenKaukasische vertellingen - Eene overvalling; Een houtkapping in het bosch; Een ontmoeting te velde met een moskousch kameraadOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties...
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The Frontier Angel: A Romance of Kentucky Rangers' LifeThe Frontier Angel: A Romance of Kentucky Rangers' LifeIn the western part of Pennsylvania, near the commencement of the Ohio river, stands a small town, which, at the close of the last century, numbered about thirty dwellings. Although properly a border settlement at the...
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Footsteps of FateFootsteps of FateIn the intellectual history of all countries we find the same phenomenon incessantly recurring. New writers, new artists, new composers arise in revolt against what has delighted their grandfathers and satisfied their fathers. These young men, pressed together at first, by external...
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The Baron's Sons: A Romance of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848The Baron's Sons: A Romance of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848[Pg vii]No page of history is more crowded with thrilling interest than that which records the uprising of the Hungarians, in 1848-49, in a gallant attempt to recover their constitutional rights. The events of...
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