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Charlestown Navy Yard: Boston National Historical Park, MassachusettsCharlestown Navy Yard: Boston National Historical Park, MassachusettsDeep within Boston Harbor, Charlestown Navy Yard was birthplace, repair center, outfitting base, and port of refuge for thousands of U.S. naval vessels. This is the story of the yard, the ships it served, and the people...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 37, March 13, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 37, March 13, 1841We have heard some of our readers express surprise that we should not before this have taken notice, among our topographical collections, of some of the features of the far-famed Lakes of Killarney; but...
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The Young Emperor, William II of GermanyThe Young Emperor, William II of Germany - A Study in Character Development on a Throne In June of 1888, an army of workmen were toiling in the Champ de Mars upon the foundations of a noble Worlds Exhibition, planned to celebrate the centenary...
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A serious proposal to the Ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest (In Two Parts)A serious proposal to the Ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest (In Two Parts)The favourable reception which the graver and wiser part of the World were pleasd tafford to a former Essay towards thimprovement of the Ladies, has encouraged her...
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Tour of the American Lakes, and Among the Indians of the North-West Territory, in 1830, Volume 1 (of 2)Tour of the American Lakes, and Among the Indians of the North-West Territory, in 1830, Volume 1 (of 2) - Disclosing the Character and Prospects of the Indian Race Why should this book be written? To give information. But was it proper to come...
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The Sovereignty of the SeaThe Sovereignty of the Sea - An Historical Account of the Claims of England to the Dominion of the British Seas, and of the Evolution of the Territorial WatersOne of the most prominent and characteristic features in English history relates to the sea and...
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The Desert Mounted CorpsThe Desert Mounted Corps - An Account of the Cavalry Operations in Palestine and Syria 1917-1918It gives me great pleasure to write a few words of introduction to Lieut.-Col. Preston's History of the Desert Mounted Corps, which I had the honour to command. In...
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Anecdotes of the American IndiansAnecdotes of the American Indians - Illustrating their Eccentricities of CharacterThe character of the aboriginal inhabitants of the western continent is in many respects remarkable and striking. It possesses great interest for the student of history as well as the observer of human nature....
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Among the An-ko-me-nums, or Flathead Tribes of Indians of the Pacific CoastAmong the An-ko-me-nums, or Flathead Tribes of Indians of the Pacific CoastI have been requested to write a few words of introduction to this deeply interesting volume, and I gladly comply, although the task may seem to be quite superfluous. Thomas Crosby, or anything...
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The Minority of Henry IIIThe Minority of Henry the ThirdMost pages started with a sidenote showing the year. These were printed in bold and partially underlined. They have been moved to the start of paragraphs, and kept only when they change. For some long paragraphs, which were printed...
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Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Erster Band (von 2)Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Erster Band (von 2) Typografische und Fehler bei der Zeichensetzung sowie einige Seitenangaben im Inhaltsverzeichnis sind stillschweigend bereinigt. (Kurios: die berschrift "IV 8. Schwaben" im Inhaltsverzeichnis fhrt auf S. 392 zu " 8. Alamannien."...
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The History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted Pirates; Their Trials and ExecutionsThe History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted Pirates; Their Trials and Executions - Including a Correct Account of the Late Piracies Committed in the West-Indies, and the Expedition of Commodore Porter; also, Those Committed on the Brig Mexican, Who...
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PoemsPoemsThe poems here collected are in the main reprints of pieces that originally appeared in various newspapers and periodicals, beginning with the Louisville Journal in the late 50s. This newspaper was at that time edited by the brilliant George D. Prentice, my personal friend,...
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The Last Days of Mary Stuart, and the journal of Bourgoyne her physicianThe Last Days of Mary Stuart, and the journal of Bourgoyne her physicianThe Journal of Bourgoyne, which I had meant originally to be the text of this volume, is a work of some importance in helping us to elucidate the life and later days...
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History of Greece, Volume 06 (of 12)History of Greece, Volume 06 (of 12)Personal activity now prevalent among the Athenian citizens empire of Athens again exclusively maritime, after the Thirty years truce. Chios, Samos, and Lesbos, were now the only free allies of Athens, on the same footing as the original...
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Italian BackgroundsItalian BackgroundsTo the mind curious in contrastssurely one of the chief pleasures of travelthere can be no better preparation for a descent into Italy than a sojourn among the upper Swiss valleys. To pass from the region of the obviously picturesquethe country contrived, it...
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España ContemporáneaEspaña Contemporánea - Obras Completas Vol. XIXEl agua glauca del ro se va quedando atrs y el barco entra al agua azul. Me encuentro trayendo a mi memoria reminiscencias de Childe Harold. Siento que estoy en casa propia; voy a Espaa en una nave...
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Christopher Columbus: His Life and His WorkChristopher Columbus: His Life and His WorkIn this little volume I have made an attempt to present in popular form the results of the latest researches in regard to the life and work of Columbus. While constant use has been made of the original...
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Kiannan rannoilta Kaspian poikki: Päiväkirjani kotimaassa ja Venäjällä v. 1902Kiannan rannoilta Kaspian poikki: Päiväkirjani kotimaassa ja Venäjällä v. 1902Rakas koti! Sydntni repii sinusta taas erota. Mieltynyt olen thn luontoon niin syvsti, ymmrrn tmn ermaan hengen niin hyvsti, arasta paikasta olen siihen kiinnikasvanut Jumala minua auttakoon. Jumala armahtakoon meit kaikkia, jotka srkynein sydmmin orpoina...
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