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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 07, August 15, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 07, August 15, 1840To the observing and imaginative traveller, our island must present a great number of peculiarities of aspect which will not fail to excite his notice, and impress themselves indelibly upon his mind. The scantiness...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 06, August 8, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 06, August 8, 1840It is a melancholy truth that this most interesting portion of the human race is rapidly disappearing from the surface of the earth. War, its murderous effects centupled by the destructive weapons acquired from...
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Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Rôle in the Present WarWhy Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Rôle in the Present WarDr. Pasdermadjian, the author of this pamphlet, is a native of Erzeroum, and a member of a family which, both in the past and in the present, has been an object of barbarous persecution...
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Anmärkningar och nödvändiga Upplysningar vid Herr C. J. Holms Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809Anmärkningar och nödvändiga Upplysningar vid Herr C. J. Holms Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 Uti N:o 102 af det fjerde Aftonbladet den 26 Maj 1836, under rubrik: Litteratur, lses en recension af anteckningar fver Flttgen emot Ryssland ren 1808 och...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. IV)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. IV)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809Anteckningar öfver Fälttågen emot Ryssland åren 1808 och 1809 De Anteckningar som hrmed bland Allmnheten utg, rra egentligen Savolaks brigaden, hvilken jag under hela flttget tfljde; men som olika frdelningar af denna brigad, deltogo i de flesta krigshndelser ren 1808 och 1809, har jag...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. I)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. I)It is my intention to record daily all that the Emperor Napoleon did or said while I was about his person; but, before I begin my diary, I hope to be excused...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. III)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. III)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. II)Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. II)Corrections made to the text will appear as correction, which serve as links to the corresponding entry in the end notes. The original text can be viewed when the cursor is placed...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of MilanEverybody has been in Milan, but who knows Milan? The traveller in search of the picturesque and medival sees nothing to arrest himexcept comfortable hotelsin a city which seems to tell only of yesterday. A glance at the Cathedral, at St....
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Sir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanelles, etcSir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanelles, etc.I was serving in the Royal Navy when Lieutenant Lucas, H.M.S. Hecla, earned the first Victoria Cross that was gazetted, for having thrown overboard a live shell. I was in the 21-gun battery before Sevastopol sixty-one years...
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Impressions of England or, Sketches of English Scenery and SocietyImpressions of England; or, Sketches of English Scenery and SocietyThe following sketches pre-suppose, on the part of the reader, a familiarity with English subjects, and with the geography, history and literature of England. The writer has endeavored to avoid the common-places of travel, and...
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A Book of the CevennesA Book of the CevennesTHE Cvennes are a mountain fringe to the uplifted plateau of Central France, and are less visited by English tourists than any other mountainous district in la belle France. They have been most unjustly neglected. The scenery is singularly varied....
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Ein deutsches Kriegsschiff in der SüdseeEin deutsches Kriegsschiff in der Südsee Die nachfolgenden Reisebriefe, welche ich hiermit der Oeffentlichkeit bergebe, wurden ursprnglich nicht zu diesem Zweck geschrieben, sondern sollten nur meinen Angehrigen dasjenige im Bilde vorfhren, was ich selbst gesehen und erlebt hatte. Ich hielt mich weder fr dazu...
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Haw-Ho-Noo Or, Records of a TouristHaw-Ho-Noo; Or, Records of a TouristThe title and table of contents of this volume contain all that I have to say in regard to its character. My only apology for again appearing before the public is to be found in the treatment which I...
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 129, December, 1908The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 129, December, 1908A ladys account of the fearful ordeal she underwent as a young girl on an estate in Natallocked up in a tiny church, whither she had gone to practise a Christmas voluntary, with a huge...
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Disraeli: A Study in Personality and IdeasDisraeli: A Study in Personality and IdeasThe power of imagination is essential to supreme statesmanship. Indeed, no really originative genius in any domain of the mind can succeed without it. In literature it reigns paramount. Of art it is the soul. Without it the...
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Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 2 (of 3), 1642-1660Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 2 (of 3), 1642-1660There was no outbreak in Munster during November, but Lord President St. Leger knew that he had no real means of resisting one. The Lords Justices had drawn off most of the...
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Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der WeiberÜber die bürgerliche Verbesserung der WeiberMan sagt: der strengste Beweis der Wahrheit sei, wenn gewisse Dinge jeder Bemhung sie lcherlich zu machen und zu travestiren, widerstehen, und wenn sie trotz allem Lcherlichen, womit wir sie behngen, doch ehrwrdig bleiben. Wenn die krumme Linie die...
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The Diary of a Girl in France in 1821The Diary of a Girl in France in 1821The child who wrote this quaintly-illustrated diary, eighty-three years ago, was the second daughter of William Browne, Esq., of Tallentire Hall, in the County of Cumberland. She was born there, February 15, 1807. Descended, on her...
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