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The story of HungaryThe story of HungaryIn complying with the request of the publishers of the Nations Series to write the Story of Hungary, I undertook a task which was out of the range of my previous literary undertakings, which had for the most part been devoted...
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"My country, 'tis of thee!""My country, 'tis of thee!" - Or, the United States of America; past, present and future. A philosophic view of American history and of our present status, to be seen in the Columbian exhibition.OR, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Past, Present and Future. A...
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"Morgan's Men," a Narrative of Personal Experiences"Morgan's Men," a Narrative of Personal ExperiencesThis narrative is printed in pamphlet form to comply with the request of numerous friends and to meet the suggestion contained in the editorial notice of the Louisville Evening Post in its issue of May 29, 1919, as...
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Haifa or, Life in modern PalestineHaifa; or, Life in modern Palestine The chapters which compose this volume originally formed a series of letters, all of which passed through my hands. I prepared them for their first appearance in print, and corrected the proofs afterwards. Finally, it was at my...
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The Right Way the Safe WayThe Right Way the Safe Way - Proved by Emancipation in the British West Indies, and Elsewhere"The world is beginning to understand, that injuring one class, for the immediate benefit of another, is ultimately injurious to that other; and that to secure prosperity to...
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Mestari Olavin häätMestari Olavin häät - Romanttinen kertomus Kustaa Vaasan ensimäisiltä hallitusvuosiltaKesll 1524 vallitsi suuri levottomuus ja suuri hlin Ruotsin pkaupungissa, joka tuskin oli ehtinyt toipua niist hirveist koettelemuksista, jotka se oli kestnyt piiritysvuosina 1522 ja 1523. Kun Kustaa Erikinpoika Vaasa juhannusiltana viimeksi mainittuna vuonna marssi...
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Shakespeare and the Emblem WritersShakespeare and the Emblem Writers - an exposition of their similarities of throught and expression, preceded by a view of emblem-literature down to A.D. 1616Minor errors in punctuation and formatting have been silently corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this...
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The KachárisThe KachárisIt is with some diffidence that I comply with Colonel Gurdons request that I should add a few words of preface and explanation to the last literary work of an old friend and pastor, whose loss will long be lamented in the Assam...
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The Hand-Made Gentleman: A Tale of the Battles of PeaceThe Hand-Made Gentleman: A Tale of the Battles of Peace THIS is a tale of youthof its loves and dreams and hazards, and of the incredible riches of purity which often belong to it. Many of the adventures which led to the Hand-Made Gentleman...
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What Happened to MeWhat Happened to MeIn my garden a lily grew, blossoming in snowy purity, fragrant sweetness and stately grace. It held the summer in its golden heart and the love of the angels crowned its radiant petals. It bade me "good-morning" and the dawn was...
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Women in English Life from Mediaeval to Modern Times, Vol. IWomen in English Life from Mediæval to Modern Times, Vol. IThe object aimed at in the following pages is to show the place that women have held in our national life, from the days when what we call the Saxon race was dominant in...
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The First Book of EskimosThe First Book of EskimosThe author and artist are indebted to a great many scientists and other careful observers who have lived among the Eskimos. The whole record of our sources is too long to give, but here are some we have found particularly...
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Forest Days: A Romance of Old TimesForest Days: A Romance of Old TimesIn offering you a book, which I fear is little worthy of your acceptance, and a compliment which has become valueless, I cannot help expressing my regret at having no other means of testifying my esteem and respect...
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Kolme matkaa AfrikassaKolme matkaa Afrikassa - Henry M. Stanleyn nuoruus ja ensimmäiset tutkimusmatkat Afrikan sisämaissa1. Stanleyn nuoruus. Englantilainen sotaretki Abyssiniaan. Kapina Espanjassa. 2. Stanley lhtee etsimn Livingstonea. Varustus matkalle. 3. Matkan alku rantamaalta Ugogoon. 4. Matka Ugogosta Unianjembehen. 5. Matka Unianjembest Ujijiin. 6. Stanleyn matkustukset yhdess...
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Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New MexicoCarlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico - The Story of its Early Explorations, as told by Jim WhiteBats!... millions of black little mammals drifting along the horizon and seeming to fuse into the hazy clouds of a New Mexico sunset! That was the spectacle...
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Prisons Over SeasPrisons Over Seas - Deportation and Colonization; British and American Prisons of To-dayIt will hardly be denied after an impartial consideration of all the facts I shall herein set forth, that the British prison system can challenge comparison with any in the world. It...
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Spain, v. 1 (of 2)Spain, v. 1 (of 2)IT was a rainy morning in February, and lacked an hour of sunrise. My mother accompanied me to the hall, anxiously repeating all the counsels she had been giving me for a month: then she threw her arms about my...
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John Smith's Funny Adventures on a CrutchJohn Smith's Funny Adventures on a Crutch - Or The Remarkable Peregrinations of a One-legged Soldier after the WarIt is verily more difficult to write a good preface for a book than to write the book itself. We dont mind telling the reader, very...
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Irish Historical Allusions, Curious Customs and Superstitions, County of Kerry, CorkaguinyIrish Historical Allusions, Curious Customs and Superstitions, County of Kerry, CorkaguinyThis little hand book deals with the curious customs and traditions, chiefly in West Kerry, in common with other parts of Ireland. It is the fourth book issued by the author on Corkaguiny, of...
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The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-7-8The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-7-8In committing to print the subjoined record of the Cretan revolt of 1866-7-8, I am fulfilling a duty in regard to a series of events quque ipse vidi et quorum pars magna fui, and which, if not in themselves of...
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