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My Three Years in a German PrisonMy Three Years in a German PrisonIt was the 26th of July, 1914. My wife and I were walking leisurely in the park of a village in the Pyrenees, the sun shedding its warm, quickening rays in the Valley of the Gave when, suddenly,...
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The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, Vol. 1 (of 2)The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, Vol. 1 (of 2) - or, Illustrations, by Pen And Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence As my journey was among scenes and things hallowed to the feelings of every...
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Catlin's Historic Origin of the Playing CardsCatlin's Historic Origin of the Playing Cards - Their original design and subsequent useAt the expense of time and study, of labor and cost, covering a period over-reaching two full years, the author, who is a retired accountant, book-keeper and cashier, of forty years...
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Captivity and EscapeCaptivity and EscapeTHE following is an extract from the Authors Introduction to the French edition of this book: With but few exceptions the incidents and scenes described in this book were actually witnessed by the author, although he was not always one of the...
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A History of Sumer and AkkadA History of Sumer and Akkad - An account of the early races of Babylonia from prehistoric times to the foundation of the Babylonian monarchyThe excavations carried out in Babylonia and Assyria during the last few years have added immensely to our knowledge of...
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The Queen's Favourite: A Story of the RestorationThe Queen's Favourite: A Story of the RestorationIn a large, sombre apartment, in the palace of the Louvre, there was unusual commotion. The Queen Dowager, Henrietta Maria, was seated in a crimson gilt fauteuil, wearing her widow's black robes, for she had never cast...
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Old Court Life in Spain, vol. 1/2Old Court Life in Spain, vol. 1/2OW great is Spain! How mighty! From the rugged mountains of the Asturias, their base washed by stormy waves, and the giddy heights of the Pyrenean precipicesan eternal barrier between rival peoplesto the balmy plains of the South,...
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Storia degli Italiani, vol. 01 (di 15)Storia degli Italiani, vol. 01 (di 15)Nella prima edizione del 1854 dicevamo che buon augurio sarebbe alla nostra Unione il cominciar dal nome dItalia; e che il frastuono dinteressi tuttaltro che letterarj, e le assordanti attualit della politica, del teatro, dei giornali non impedirebbero...
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70 Years Among SavagesSeventy Years Among SavagesTHE tales of travellers, from Herodotus to Marco Polo, and from Marco Polo to the modern globe-trotter, have in all ages been subject, justly or unjustly, to a good deal of suspicion, on the ground that those who go in quest...
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Young IndiaYoung India - An interpretation and a history of the nationalist movement from withinDURING my travels in the world, the one point that has struck me most forcibly and most painfully, is the lack of true knowledge about the affairs of India among the...
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The Osage tribe, two versions of the child-naming riteThe Osage tribe, two versions of the child-naming rite - (1928 N 43 / 1925-1926 (pages 23-164))The two versions of the Osage Child-naming Rite recorded in this volume were obtained with considerable difficulty, owing to the reluctance of the people to speak of the...
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The Belgian Front and Its Notable FeaturesThe Belgian Front and Its Notable FeaturesEveryone knows how severely the Belgian Army was tested in the initial stages of the campaign. Caught unawares by the war while in the midst of re-organisation, it had to struggle alone, for long weeks on end, against...
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The Skirts of the Great CityThe Skirts of the Great City In his remarkable work Les Rcits de l'Infini, the famous French astronomer, Camille Flammarion, hit upon a somewhat original device to bring vividly before his readers the fact that the heavenly bodies are seen by the dwellers upon...
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"Great-Heart": The Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt"Great-Heart": The Life Story of Theodore RooseveltThe purpose of the writer has been to show why Rudyard Kipling thought Theodore Roosevelt the incarnation of Bunyans character Great-Heart, and to reflect the romance and inspiration contained in Roosevelts life. The work has been approached from...
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Deutsch-Ostafrika: Geographie und Geschichte der ColonieDeutsch-Ostafrika: Geographie und Geschichte der ColonieDie Erkenntni der Productions- und Consumtionsfhigkeit eines fremden Lndergebietes liefert die Handelsstatistik und die Geographie. Die Handelsstatistik gewhrt einen Ueberblick ber die zur Zeit vorhandenen natrlichen und industriellen Erzeugnisse und ber die von den Eingeborenen zur Zeit begehrten Tauschwaaren....
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The Grey ManThe Grey ManWell do I mind the first time that ever I was in the heartsome town of Ballantrae. My father seldom went thither, because it was a hold of the Bargany folk, and it argued therefore sounder sense to give it the go-by....
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After TapsAfter TapsScene.Handsome apartment in the house of Colonel Graham in Baltimore. Door opening into hall, centre. Wide window, R.C. Mantel with fireplace L. in flat. Glass over mantel. Door R. in flat. Table L.C. Lamp on table, books. Chair beside table L. Arm-chair near...
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The Year Nine: A Tale of the TyrolThe Year Nine: A Tale of the TyrolIT was dusk; and the mountains were reverberating with loud thunder-claps, while the rain helped to swell a turbid river that swept through the valley, and past the door of a small wirth-haus or inn, known less...
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A Maid of Brittany: A RomanceA Maid of Brittany: A Romance[Transcriber's note: Chapters 22, 23, and 24 are somewhat confusing. In 22, Guillaume de Coray is thrown from his horse and injured, but in 23 he's OK, then in 24 he's dying. I don't have access to another edition...
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Edgar the Ready: A Tale of the Third Edward's ReignEdgar the Ready: A Tale of the Third Edward's Reign"Now, lad, I will tell thee how it cometh that Sir John Chartris hath sent me down into Devon to seek thee and to bring thee back to his castle of Wolsingham. The road seemeth...
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