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America's Munitions 1917-1918America's Munitions 1917-1918As our war against Germany recedes into the past its temporal boundaries become more sharply defined, and it assumes the character of a complete entitya rounded-out period of time in which the United States collected her men and resources, fought, and shared...
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Supplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports: Turkey, HarputSupplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports: Turkey, HarputThe limited trade of the Harput consular district has almost entirely ceased since the outbreak of the European War. Under normal conditions the trade is small and confined to the merest necessaries of life....
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Tales of English Minsters: HerefordTales of English Minsters: Hereford This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged. It is possible that anyone...
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Kansantaruja Laatokan luoteis-rannikolta: kesällä 1879Kansantaruja Laatokan luoteis-rannikolta: kesällä 1879Laatokan rantamailla kerrotaan yleisesti, ett niden seutujen alkuasukkaat olivat olleet tavattoman suuria ihmisi (Metelilisi, Munkkilaisia, y.m.), jotka Lappalaisien ja Suomalaisien tullessa siirtyivt pois maasta. Useassa paikassa kuulin kerrottavan tuon tunnetun tarinan jttilistytst ja kyntjst, kuinka nimittin "metelilis-tytt" lydettyn hevosella kyntvn...
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Johanna d'Arc: Kertomus hänen elämästään ja marttyrikuolemastaanJohanna d'Arc: Kertomus hänen elämästään ja marttyrikuolemastaanSaadaksemme oikean mielipiteen etevst historiallisesta henkilst, tulee hnt arvostella oman aikansa nkkannalta, ei nykyajan. Monen jaloimmankin henkiln luonne nytt vhemmn ansiokkaalta, kun myhempin aikakausien tutkimus esitt hnen tekonsa selvemmss valossa, mutta tuskin on nelj-, viisisataa vuotta sitten ollut...
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Myths and Legends of British North AmericaMyths and Legends of British North AmericaFrom the bleak coasts of Labrador and the icy borders of the Frozen Sea, in the east, through the river-threaded steppes and plains of the interior with all their charming lakes, over the tremendous, gleaming white heights of...
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The Hero of Manila: Dewey on the Mississippi and the PacificThe Hero of Manila: Dewey on the Mississippi and the PacificIf this little book does not show for itself why it was written, how it was written, and for whom it was written, not only a preface but the entire text would be useless....
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Mr. Punch's History of Modern England, Vol. 4 (of 4).—1892-1914Mr. Punch's History of Modern England, Vol. 4 (of 4).—1892-1914Transition and growth, change and decay and reconstruction marked the half-century covered in the previous three volumes. In the twenty-two years that divide the return of the Liberals in 1892 from the "Grand Smash" (as...
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The Kingdom of Georgia: Notes of travel in a land of women, wine, and songThe Kingdom of Georgia: Notes of travel in a land of women, wine, and songThere were four of ustwo Frenchmen, an Italian, and an Englishman. We had ridden from Damascus to Baalbek, and had seen the ruins; after dinner, we were lying on heaps...
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Anecdotes of the Great War, Gathered from European SourcesAnecdotes of the Great War, Gathered from European SourcesHuman nature proves to be much the same in time of stress as under more cheerful circumstances, and the lads at the front, in the trenches, and even in the hospitals, as well as the sad-hearted...
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Social England under the Regency, Vol. 1 (of 2)Social England under the Regency, Vol. 1 (of 2)Certainly, it is not the least part of an Author's reward, for all his pains and trouble, to find that the Public appreciates his efforts, and purchases, and reads his books. This, I am happy to...
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Five Years' Explorations at ThebesFive Years' Explorations at Thebes - A Record of Work Done 1907-1911 by The Earl of Carnarvon and Howard CarterTHE necropolis of Thebesthe great city which for so many centuries had been the capital of Egyptlies on the western side of the Nile valley,...
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Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 11 (of 20)Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 11 (of 20)February 8, 1864, on the day of introducing his Amendment of the Constitution, declaring that all persons are equal before the law, Mr. Sumner asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill...
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Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, Including the Lincoln-Douglas DebateNoted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, Including the Lincoln-Douglas DebateWhen Abraham was seven years old, his father, Thomas Lincoln, moved with his family to Indiana. It was a cold, dreary winter for them in the rude shed which Abraham, knowing well how to handle an...
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The Western FrontThe Western Front - Drawings by Muirhead BoneThe original book did not have a Table of Contents or a List of Illustrations. Those have been added by Transcriber, using the content of the original book, and placed in the Public Domain. The conditions under...
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Samuel Pepys and the Royal NavySamuel Pepys and the Royal NavyIn 1919 the writer was appointed by the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, Lees Knowles Lecturer in Military and Naval History for the academical year 1919-20, and the lectures are now printed almost exactly in the form...
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The religious and loyal subject's duty considered: with regard to the present Government and the RevolutionThe religious and loyal subject's duty considered: with regard to the present Government and the Revolution - A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, on Wednesday, January 30, 1722-3THERE is no need that I should acquaint any who are here present with...
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