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Assyria: Its Princes, Priests and PeopleAssyria: Its Princes, Priests and People - By-Paths of Bible Knowledge VIIAmong the many wonderful achievements of the present century there is none more wonderful than the recovery and decipherment of the monuments of ancient Nineveh. For generations the great oppressing city had slept...
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En Rusujo per EsperantoEn Rusujo per EsperantoPer tiu i rakonto, mi certe ne pretendas malkovri anta la tutmonda esperantistaro la misterojn de nekonata lando. Se ne ofte, is nun, la turistoj vizitas la moskovan imperion, tamen la revolucio, anta ne longe okazinta, altiris sur in la atenton...
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Europe in the Sixteenth Century, 1494-1598, Fifth EditionEurope in the Sixteenth Century, 1494-1598, Fifth Edition - Period 4 (of 8), Periods of European HistoryThe division of history into periods may be very misleading if its true purport be not understood. One age can no more be isolated from the universal course...
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Histoire de France - Moyen Âge (Vol. 4 / 10)Histoire de France - Moyen Âge; (Vol. 4 / 10)Si le grave abb Suger et son dvot roi Louis VII s'taient veills, du fond de leurs caveaux, au bruit des tranges ftes que Charles VI donna dans l'abbaye de Saint-Denis, s'ils taient revenus un...
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Pabo, the Priest: A NovelPabo, the Priest: A NovelBy his hand, on the table, stood a ewer and a basin, and ever and anon Henry poured water out of the ewer into the basin, and then with a huge wooden spoon ladled the liquid back into the receiver....
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Sir Christopher Wren: His Family and His TimesSir Christopher Wren: His Family and His Times - With Original Letters and a Discourse on Architecture Hitherto Unpublished. 1585-1723.The materials necessary for writing a life of Sir Christopher Wren are so difficult of access as possibly to explain the unsatisfactory character of such...
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Pottery of the ancient Pueblos. (1886 N 04 / 1882-1883 (pages 257-360))Pottery of the ancient Pueblos. (1886 N 04 / 1882-1883 (pages 257-360))A study of the pottery of the ancient Pueblo peoples is here commenced in accordance with plans formed years ago by the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology. His aim was to present...
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The Scout and RangerThe Scout and Ranger - Being the Personal Adventures of Corporal Pike of the Fourth Ohio cavalryWhatever aids in illustrating the spirit of the late great struggle, through which the nation has so successfully passed, must be of interest to the American reader. The...
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Histoire de France - Moyen Âge (Vol. 3 / 10)Histoire de France - Moyen Âge; (Vol. 3 / 10)Le fils de saint Louis, Philippe-le-Hardi, revenant de cette triste croisade de Tunis, dposa cinq cercueils aux caveaux de Saint-Denis. Faible et mourant lui-mme, il se trouvait hritier de presque toute sa famille. Sans parler...
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Let us follow HimLet us follow HimAlthough the story "Let Us Follow Him" is included in the new volume by Sienkiewicz entitled "Hania," just issued in uniform style with Mr. Curtin's translations of the author's other works, its publication in a separate volume has been deemed advisable...
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Le Rhin, Tome ILe Rhin, Tome INote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve, y compris celle de certains noms propres ou communs en allemand, et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont...
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Our Little Irish CousinOur Little Irish CousinYou have often heard people speak of the Emerald Isle. When you have asked where it is and why it is so called, you have been told it is only another name for that small island to the northwest of the...
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Our Little Hindu CousinOur Little Hindu CousinOur little cousins of Hindustan are charming little people, even though their manners and customs and their religion are so very different from our own. India is a big country, and there are many different races of people living within its...
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A History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County, Volume IA History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County, Volume I.At the time of his death, in 1885, Mr. Ostrander had completed considerable MS. for a history of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County; had prepared many chronological notes with a view...
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Mpuke, Our Little African CousinMpuke, Our Little African CousinFar away, toward the other side of the round earth, far to the east and south of America, lies the great continent of Africa. There live many people strange to us, with their black skins, kinky, woolly hair, flat noses,...
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Les Merveilles de la LocomotionLes Merveilles de la LocomotionTout est mouvement dans la nature. Que nos yeux se dirigent sur la terre ou s'lvent vers le ciel, ils ne voient que mouvement et progrs. Ici, des transformations gologiques, des les qui s'abment et des volcans qui jaillissent, une...
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Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 5/8)Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 5/8)Ce quartier est born l'Orient par les extrmits des faubourgs Saint-Victor et Saint-Marcel jusqu'aux barrires; au Septentrion, par les quais de la Tournelle et de Saint-Bernard inclusivement; l'Occident, par la rue...
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Histoire de France 1364-1415 (Volume 5/19)Histoire de France 1364-1415 (Volume 5/19)Ce volume et le suivant ont pour sujet commun la grande crise du xve sicle, les deux phases de cette crise o la France sembla s'abmer. Celui-ci racontera la mort, le suivant la rsurrection. Notre faible unit nationale du...
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Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 05 / 20)Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 05 / 20) - faisant suite à l'Histoire de la Révolution FrançaiseEffet produit en Europe par la mort du duc d'Enghien. La Prusse, prte former une alliance avec la France, se rejette vers la Russie, et se...
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Travels in ArabiaTravels in ArabiaThe continuance of Bayard Taylors Library of Travel in the popular favor is one of the accepted facts of the literary world. So much so, indeed, that a revision of his works on the part of another is to be permitted only...
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